
Pocket Monsters Passio Masters

Ash and the rest of the Cerise house hold go to the Passio region to continue their research, there Ash discovers this new region is home to the Grand masters tournament and competes in it, here he meets friends new and old each with their own goals in mind

Ibrex2000 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

chapter 3 raid battles and mind games

Ather apartments

Lillie after regaining her composure,

Confronted an uninvited Ash.

"So you came to this region and didn't even tell?!" Lillie said pouting.

"I didn't know you were on the region, it's a surprise to me too, what are you doing here anyway?" Ash asked rubbing the back of his head.

"Remember mother,big brother and I were looking for father when we set out to sea. Magerna's tracker keeps flashing on and off in this region, meaning his here somewhere" Lillie explained.

"Wow, I hope you find him soon, if you need any help, just ask me okay" Ash said smiling.

"Oh you..." Lillie blushed a bit from Ash's considerate attitude towards her.

At that moment Misty, Lana and Mallow busted through the apartment door.

"Ash! We've got trouble!" Mallow shouted.

"Huh what is it?" Ash asked curiously.

Panchino beach

"Run away!", "It's huge!", "Where did it come from!" All these were cries from the people from running away from a giant Pokemon on the beach.

It looked like a rusted anchor with a wooden steering wheel on top of it with one big eye ball on the right side, it also had seaweed tentacles it used to attack people with.

"Dhelllllllll!!!!" The anchor shouted as it chased the people until...

"Pyro ball!" Going shouted as he ran in the opposite direction of the crowd, a huge humanoid rabbit on two feet raced passed him.

"Cinderrrrrrr!" The rabbit yelled as it kicked a stone at the anchor, 'shrowwwww' the stone was engulfed in flames and hit the anchor right in the face.

"Dellllllll!" It cried as it's eye was hit by the flaming ball.

"Pokeball go!!!" Going shouted as he flung a white and red ball at the anchor but....

'swat!' the anchor swatted the ball away like it was nothing.

"Oh no!" The dark skinned boy shouted as he held his head.

"No way you'd catch it that easily" Chloe said cross-legged on a bench.

"How about helping me huh?!" Going shouted at the pink haired girl.

'Cinnn cinn cinder!" The humanoid rabbit returned to Gou, it had red, white, yellow and black fur mixed up to look like an outfit for footballers.

"Thanks Cinderace, but we'll need more than just your fire power" gou said to his partner.

"How about this fire power!" Ash screamed as he jumped on the beach sand, behind him Misty, Lana, Mallow and Lillie jumped as well.

"Ash!" Gou shouted with joy as his friend had come to save the day.

"And his harem..." Chloe said under her breath.

"Wow that thing is huge!" Misty shouted.

"It's a Dhelmise, it's a grass and ghost type, they normally stay on abandoned pirate ships, but this one is different" Lana explained

"Could it be a totem Pokemon?" Mallow asked.

"It's possible, but for it to appear somewhere other than alola?" Lillie puzzled.

"Whatever it is, we'll deal with it in a raid battle!" Ash shouted.

"Yah" all of the shouted as they readied their partner Pokemon.

"Pikachu thunderbolt!" Ash commanded

"Primarina icy wind!" Lana ordered

"Gyarados ice beam!" Misty went next.

"Tsereena magical leaf!" Mallow shouted.

"Snowy, ice shard" Lillie finished.

All these attacks landed and hit Dhelmise head on ..

"Dhelllllllll!" It shouted in pain as it fell to the ground.

"Now's my chance! go pokeball!" Mallow bellowed as she threw a nestball at Dhelmise catching it easily.

"Nice catch Mallow!" Ash complimented the dark skinned girl as the other girls looked on in envy.

As Gou and Chloe approached them, Ash started to wiggle from side to side.

"Hey Ash are you okay?" Gou asked worried.

"I just felt something.... An intense Aura, no 2 waves of Aura coming from somewhere on the island..." Ash said weakly as he placed a hand on his forehead.

"Pikapi?" Pikachu looked worried for his partner as Ash continue to display a weird condition.

On the other side of the island

Aether foundation building Passio branch

Lusamine sat on her sit while a young girl and boy bearing a strange resemblance to her released a wave of green aura to intimidate her, which it did.

"What makes you think am your mother?" Lusamine kept her cool somehow with her son Gladion looking nervously at the twins.

"14 years ago the Aether foundation in alola was attacked by ultra beast" the boy spoke up.

"That was the same time your husband Mohn went missing right?" The girl added.

This vexed lusamine and made her lose her calm composure "What are you getting at!" She shouted.

"Mohn wasn't the only one that went missing, I got information from Faba in the alola branch, that you had an assistant scientist by the name Eric" the girl continued.

"Somehow this Eric person was obsessed with cloning and Gene splicing, he wanted to prefect a human that had the strange abilities of a Pokemon... And apparently he succeeded" the boy said sadly.

"Do you mean you two are the by product of that man's experiment?" Gladion questioned.

"Yes but that's not all the man couldn't use only his DNA to created us so he borrowed some from your mom over there" the girl said.

"Mom?" Gladion wondered.

"So you've finally found the truth huh? What do you want from me then?" Lusamine asked.

"Eric disappeared the same time Mohn did supposedly after saving the two of us from the ultra beast" the boy said.

"And sine you and your family are here looking for Mohn there's a possibility our Dad Eric is here too, so I expect us to bond with you and our step siblings" the girl smiled menacingly.

"And if I refuse?" Lusamine asked.

" The public won't take likely to knowing a trusted company was involved in human experimentation would they" the girl smiled as she looked at lusamine.

Lusamine was legitimately scared, this girl was like a younger version of her, she had no choice but to allow it.

"I'll agree as long as you don't tell my daughter about this" lusamine compromised.

"Sure it's the least we can do" the boy said as he walked away.

"Later mom....or should I say aunt lusamine hahaha" the girl laughed as she walked behind her brother.

Gladion sank to the ground after the left dreached in sweat "Mom this is a problem"

"I know, I hope we find Mohn soon so we can leave this crisis behind us" Lusamine said as she covered her eyes.

On the way to the beach

"So where to now sis?" The boy asked

"Off to meet our dear half sister Lillie and her friends" the girl said.

"I sensed someone with a similar Aura to our own next to her somewhere around here" the boy gave noticed.

"Yep I sensed it too. I wondered what would happen if the 2 of us battled him seriously?" The girl smiled.

"Well am always up for a serious battle so let's find out" the boy said rubbing his knuckles together.

The twins unleashed another wave of green and blue aura into the air as they approached Ash and his friends ready for a one heck of a battle.

Lusamine just got owned. Ash and the others are in trouble.