
Pocket Monsters Passio Masters

Ash and the rest of the Cerise house hold go to the Passio region to continue their research, there Ash discovers this new region is home to the Grand masters tournament and competes in it, here he meets friends new and old each with their own goals in mind

Ibrex2000 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Alola to your friends and family

After catching up with Red, leaf and Gary, Chloe had given Ash a suggestion.

"The beach?" Ash asked puzzled.

"Yep let's go to the beach, from what I've read it's a total hotspot for humans and Pokemon" Chloe said pointing a finger to the brochure in her hand.

"Wow really, we could see so many exotic Pokemon there! Let's go Ash!" Goh added.

"I kinda wanted to see more of red and the other...." Ash said before...

"It....... alright....go" Red said as he put a hand on Ash's shoulder.

"Yah we'll have time to catch up more later!" Leaf said energetically

"Besides we still need to help Gramps with his research" Gary said with his hands folded.

Professor looked towards Ash's party and said

"You kids go have fun, in the evening will discuss more about the sync moves and other things" he turned back to professor Oak.

"Well I guess we're going to the beach!" Ash said as he raised his hand up.

"Yah!!!" Chloe and Goh shouted too.

Panchino beach

It was a large area of sand bathed with smooth wave of the Passio sea, people and Pokemon

"Wohoo" Ash and Goh shouted as they jumped into the river, 'splashhhh!' Ash wore blue swim trunks while Goh wore a red one.

Koharu was sun bathing with a pink bikini bearing flower patterns.

In the warm water Ash and Goh saw many aquatic Pokemon around, from staryus swift swimming around to pyukumus on sea floor, the duo surfaced to take a breath and then...

"Watch out!" A feminine voice cried out from behind a Goh.

It was a girl riding a shark Pokemon, the shark stopped at the sight of Goh and the girl was thrown off the shark.

"Wooooow!" The girl shouted as she landed on the person next to Goh, Ash.

'Whammmm!' bodies collided on the surface of the water as both parties began to sink.

Ash quickly recovered and swam to the surface and so did the girl.

"Sorry about that" the girl said.

"You should be more careful next time" Ash rubbed his head.

"Ash?" The girl then said surprised.

Ash took a closer look at the her and saw she had orange hair tied into one ponytail "Misty?!"

Pikachu who was on his back also happily shouted "Pikakapi!"

The two old friends smiled and laughed at each other.

"What are doing here?" Ash asked

"Just on vacation with a friend" Misty answered.

"A friend?" Ash asked until he felt a dark Aura coming from behind him.

He turned around and saw a petite girl with short blue hair and freckles wearing a one piece swimsuit.

"Lana!!!!" Ash shouted happily.

"Wow Ash you know the cerulean gym leader and an alolan trial captain" Goh said in admiration, Ash rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment until he felt a pinch on his back "ouch" .

"Mmmmm" Lana pouted.

"What's wrong Lana?" Ash asked

"She's just grumpy because you didn't pay her much attention" Misty added with a smug grin.

"That's not it at all Misty!" Lana shouted with her face dyed red.

"Well it wouldn't kill him to pay a little more attention to his ex classmate" Lana said as she looked down

"Sorry, sorry I just didn't expect this much surprises in one" he said patting her back

"Well you're about to get even more surprises" Lana smiled as Ash looked even more confused.

The group of Lana, Ash, Misty, Goh and Chloe headed to a big restaurant near the beach.

Lana was telling Goh and Chloe one of her sea tales

"And then Kyogre flew past the mountains and destroyed an entire landscape!" Lana said lifting both her hands

"No way!" Goh shouted

"Unbelievable" Chloe added

"I wish I could've been there" Ash sulked

"Pikaaaaaaa?" Pikachu said feeling uneasy

"Just kidding" Lana said as she stuck out her tongue.

The three trainers fell on their faces because of Lana's weird joke, and Misty just laughed.

The group stopped at the door of the restaurant and Lana opened it.

"Alol... Hehe I keep forgetting we're not in alola anymore"Lana laughed

"Alola! It's alright, as long as it's a greeting I'll accept it" a green haired dark skinned girl said smiling.

She turned around to see Ash and the others beside Lana.

"No way!" The green haired shouted.

"Mallow! It's me" Ash shouted in response.

Mallow jumped over the cabinet and rushed over to him and held both his hands.

She had changed since the last time he saw her, her new hairstyle was a long ponytail that reached her back instead or the previous 2 she had, she looked taller and her face was a little bit more mature.

"Pikaaa!" Pikachu also greeted Mallow.

"It's great to see you two again, I really missed you guys" she said smiling.

"Yah it's been a while, are you here with your dad or just running the restaurant alone?" Ash asked

"Hehehe, my dad now trusts me enough to do a Solo restaurant of the Aina branch in passio" Mallow said pumping out her chest.

"That's great! I know where am eating from now on" Ash said as he pointed at Mallow.

She smiled deeply.

"So can I take your order?..." Mallow said but was cut off.

"Sorry but Ash has other surprises to look forward to, you guys can have your food reunion later" Lana said as pushed Ash up the stairs of the restaurant.

Misty followed and just smiled at Mallow, Chloe smiled too while dragging Goh who was muttering something about more trial captains.

"Well am coming too!" Mallow shouted as she pouted.


A couple and their baby were enjoying the passio view until the man wore a lab coat with no shirt and beach shorts with a white cap, his wife had white hair tied into a strange ponytail at the back, she wore an orange sun dress.

"Hey professor Kukui! Ash is back!" Lana and Mallow shouted together.

The man looked away from his wife and child to see his ex pupil.

"Ash?" Kukui asked.

"Yep it's me professor, didn't expect to see you here" Ash giggled.

"Hahaha it's good to see you haven't changed a bit, hey Burnet it's..." Kukui was interrupted as Burnet quickly gave the baby to him and rushed to hug Ash.

"Oh my boy is back! Mama's missed you" Burnet hugged him tightly and he hugged back.

"I've missed you too, professor Burnet" Ash said with Joy.

"Why is that woman acting like Ash's mom?" Chloe asked

"Well that's because this is the family Ash stayed with in his year in alola, so in a way they're his alolan family"

Misty answered.

"That sounds legit" Goh added.

After settling down Ash got the opportunity to see Kukui and Burnet's son.

Ash held the baby correctly in his arms and swayed back and forth.

"He looks just like you professor Kukui" Ash said.

"Except for the beard" Mallow joked, and everyone laughed.

"Well his got his mother's eyes" Lana added

"That's true, but am sure when Col grows up his going to be a trainer like his alolan elder brother" Burnet smiled at Ash.

"Is that right? You're going to be a trainer one day?" Ash said happily holding Col to his face, Col laughed at the antic, Pikachu felt jealous that Ash was giving so much attention to Col and was staying on Goh's shoulder.

"Ash is surprisingly good with kids" Lana said.

"I wonder if he'll be this good with his own?" Misty laughed a bit.

"Right?..." Mallow smiled.

The three girls then gave each other quick glares, Chloe got sight of one and quickly diverted her eyes

(Who knew Ash was this popular with the girls!) Chloe shouted in her mind.

"That dummy mom, sending me to out of the conference room, I don't get her at all" a fair girl with blonde hair wearing a white dress with a Sunday bonnet was approaching the Aina restaurant.

Ash realizing who's voice this was quickly ran to the edge of the roof and shouted...

"Lillie am back"

Lillie froze at the sight of Ash from the rooftop, her last memories of him flashed before her eyes, she then fainted at the spot her face red a tomato sauce. Everyone rushed down to help the poor girl.

Ather foundation passio branch.

Conference room

A woman with blonde her attire was a plain white suit, she sat at the top desk with a boy also bearing blonde hair but was wearing a black suit instead of white he had a name tag on which said Gladion.

On the other side of the room were two blonde kids, twins infact, a boy and a girl.

The boy was holding two eggs in his hands while the girl was folding her hands. The boy wore a red shirt and blue pants while the girls wore a red red short sleeved jacket on top of a white shirt with a blue tie her skirt was pitch black.

The girl stepped forward and asked

"You're our mom, aren't you?"

That's it this suddenly development might change the course of the whole story.