
Pocket Hunting Dimension: The Ghoul!

Damian Skywalk passed away. He met Lazy Goddess. He got 6 wishes. He reincarnated as Lu Ze. He determined to make the women who were attracted to Lu Ze fall into his arms. He want to conquer Nangong Jing. He want to become a young Duke. He want to adventure throughout the universe and become the strongest with his infinite tail. His story will be long and so long that i don't want to write it. Cover: Sasaki Haise FanArt!

ForcedToWrite · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

"Dimension!!" Instantly the time around Lu Ze slows down by 30% and Lu Ze gets a 50% buff speed force.

Lu Ze forgot that he would be killed by the Wind Wolf when he was not aware of his surroundings.

Luckily Lu Ze quickly used the [Dimension] skill when he detected something bad within 10 meters of him.

Lu Ze then ran away. he felt that at this time he still couldn't kill the Wind Wolf and decided to hide in the Giant Rabbit's lair.

Three seconds was enough for Lu Ze to keep his distance from Wind Wolf A. Right now he was already 300 meters away from Wind Wolf A. Lu Ze didn't stop and continued to use his [Dimension] skill repeatedly.

After ten times, Lu Ze finally ran out of his Chi and the distance he was from Wind Wolf A was already more than 30 kilometers away.

Every time Lu Ze used his skill, he would kill the Giant Rabbit he encountered. Lu Ze also didn't forget to keep looking up at the sky. the reason was because he was worried that the higher beings in his Pocket Hunting Dimension would suddenly appear and bully him.

Lu Z— Damian won't repeat the mistakes that Lu Ze from Ancient Earth made. Thanks to his habit of living in the wild, Damian managed to take his instincts to a higher level and it would even be difficult for him to be injured from a sudden attack.

Overall, Damian is superior to Lu Ze (Ancient Earth). whether from experience to sensitivity.

But unfortunately... Lu Ze (Ancient Earth) was superior in appearance to Damian who had a mediocre appearance.

Well, Damian doesn't care. Right now he has become Lu Ze (Future Earth) and the appearance he has is even higher in quality than Plastic-Guy (🙏).


Currently, Lu Ze has killed about 40 or more Giant Rabbits he encountered. In fact... Lu Ze has killed over hundreds. but because he encountered the Flame Lion harem horde, Lu Ze decided not to take his loot and run as fast as he could.

Lu Ze's luck tonight was pretty bad. Out of 40 loots, he received 10 martial arts balls: Rabbit series, 80 red chi ball, 20 purple chi ball and 200kg Rabbit Meat.

Lu Ze's liver was bleeding and his heart was crushed.

"Aiyoo.. even though I've changed the script from the original, why am I still unlucky." Lu Ze cried silently. a few moments later he continued on his journey to the Giant Rabbit's lair.


Since his Chi had run out, Lu Ze had to be extra careful. it was because he didn't know what and who would kill him in an instant.

Lu Ze is not afraid of the Flame Lion King, Wind Wolf King, Unicorn, Big Lizard etc. Lu Ze was only afraid of the Snow White Horned Rabbit who had the mental strength that could render a Beast rank King helpless before her.

Even though it does not have a large body size and is only the size of a rabbit in general, the Snow White Horned Rabbit is one of Lu Ze's (original) nightmares.

It was because Lu Ze (original) didn't know what and who could kill him in an instant and when he returned to the outside world, he felt a tremendous headache.

Therefore, Lu Ze (Original) decided to add Snow White Horned Rabbit to his "Must Run" List.

Lu Ze always thought and remind himself: "White as white as snow, with elegant purple horns that defy the heaven. She's so cute. She looked so helpless and beautiful. However… don't stare at her for more than five seconds. because after that time, you will wake up and feel an intense headache." (AN: These words are not in the original work, this is just the opinion of this fanfic author.)

Because of her, Lu Ze became traumatized.


Lu Ze had been walking for several hours and on his way, he killed 20 giant rabbits. he still had neither God Arts nor Divine Arts. Lu Ze couldn't help but force himself to target Lone Wind Wolf.

At least he would just die and then come back another day.

Besides, the Time when he lived here only a few hours.

So Lu Ze decided to challenge himself and with his experience of living in the wild, Lu Ze was sure that he could definitely kill one Lone Wind Wolf that was separated from his group.

Lu Ze could only pray that he didn't meet the Lone Wind Wolf King.

If he meets him. Lu Ze would automatically return to the outside world and receive the feeling of how his body was split into many small pieces.

"I want to wash my hands so that my luck increases dramatically." those were his last words before he lost consciousness and returned to the outside world.


Since I am working, I will most likely only be updating one chapter per day.

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