
Pocket Hunting Dimension: The Ghoul!

Damian Skywalk passed away. He met Lazy Goddess. He got 6 wishes. He reincarnated as Lu Ze. He determined to make the women who were attracted to Lu Ze fall into his arms. He want to conquer Nangong Jing. He want to become a young Duke. He want to adventure throughout the universe and become the strongest with his infinite tail. His story will be long and so long that i don't want to write it. Cover: Sasaki Haise FanArt!

ForcedToWrite · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

Lu Ze looked at the giant white rabbit who was peacefully eating grass. He had already thought about the cooking method. Should he steam or roast it?

After making a difficult decision, Lu Ze finally chose to roast it. However, he later realized that he lacked the ingredients and that it would even be difficult to start a fire. Wherever he looked, all he saw was boundless grassy plains. Even if he was going to light a fire with wood, he would need wood first.

At this moment, the big rabbit seemed to have noticed something. His long ears lifted in alarm as he suddenly looked around.

He had blood red eyes and even though he looked up, he chewed with his mouth.

Human and rabbit stare at each other for a long time. They seemed to have noticed some similarities in each other's eyes. They are both delicious foodies. But Lu Ze felt the rabbit's desire for grass and not him.

However, when he saw the cute little mouth open and reveal rows of glowing white teeth, Lu Ze realized he was wrong.

It sure isn't an ordinary rabbit!

These rabbits are so cute, so why are their teeth so sharp?!

When Lu Ze sensed the white rabbit's evil intent, he subconsciously used his God Art which caused his back to draw four tails.

Even though he comes from a motherland who loves peace. Lu Ze often lived in the wild and didn't hesitate if he had to kill wild animals so he could survive. When he sensed the fierce chi emanating from the great white rabbit, he became excited.

You are cute and adorable, but in my eyes you are just food.

As for the previous owner of this body, Damian could tell from memory that his talent in martial arts wasn't that great. Basic boxing arts, movement techniques, and sword arts were simply satisfying. He also had no real battle experience.

Lu Ze grinned and glared viciously at the huge rabbit. 'It's been a long time since I ate rabbit meat. *gulp* this is bad.. my saliva can't be stopped.'

The man and the rabbit glared at each other. The big rabbit Chi is fierce, but very careful and doesn't attack right away. Meanwhile, saliva started to wet Lu Ze's mouth. He began to imagine the soft and chewy rabbit meat he had eaten in his previous life.

Lu Ze ignored the immense mental pressure from being stared into the rabbit's blood red eyes. As soon as he returned from his imagined world, Lu Ze started getting ready to kill the giant rabbit.

At this time, the enormous rabbit's feet leaped onto the ground, only letting out a small thud. The mixture of blades of grass and earth was thrown into the sky as the giant rabbit turned into a white light and quickly approached Lu Ze.

The gap between them closed tens of meters in just a few seconds. The giant rabbit approached Lu Ze. His real soft and cute claws became a death scythe that sliced ​​through Lu Ze's chest with a cold gleam.


But the result was different from what the giant rabbit had imagined. The claws are sharp and can split the moon apparently stopped by a long, flexible object that was blood red in color.

The rabbit's eyes were filled with surprise and in an instant he sensed danger from his right side. He wanted to escape. but it was moving too fast and in the end he could only surrender to his fate.

At this time, the rabbit's body suddenly turned to dust, leaving 5kg of meat, two red cherry-sized balls and one ball that had the title: Martial Arts. The orbs emitted a weak light, making them stand out from the ashes.

Martial arts are divided into nine levels of refinement. A person eats the flesh of a beast and uses chi to purify the energy and spread it throughout their body, aka skin, tendons, bone marrow, organs, the 12 core meridians and the Ren and Du meridians. This is all so that one can use the spirit of chi to cultivate in the future.

Lu Ze is not a child prodigy but he is above average. His family also never lacked the flesh of a beast, therefore, he possessed the strength of a level four martial artist. He had started repairing the bones in his body at that stage.

When the giant rabbit attacked him, Lu Ze was very calm. His eyes turned cold and his grin made his handsome face look like an Incubus who could make millions of women fall into his arms.

Taking his Loot, Lu Ze sneered, "Hmph, rabbits are rabbits. No matter how big they are, they are still weak and pitiful."

Even though he didn't get God Arts and Divine Arts, Lu Ze still felt happy because he got a ball called Martial arts. The ball was white like a book sheet and had the title: Rabbit Footwork.

He went up and grabbed the light bulb with his hand. They are weightless but provide a warm sensation in the hand.

Before Lu Ze could even take a proper look at the two orbs, they suddenly disappeared right before his eyes.

"This shit still same like the original!" Lu Ze sneered.

Feeling cheated by Lazy Goddess, Lu Ze couldn't help but resume his hunting time.