
A DxD wish fulfillment story idea.

Now we all know how these stories go, some random mob gets reincarnated or transmigrated for some random reason by a random omnipotent being. This is the situation I find myself in, I would tell you how it came about but we all know you don't really care, so let's just skip to the good bit.

R.O.B "I'm sorry to say you have died and suffered more than you ever should have. Now since I'm bored... e-hem, I mean since I feel sorry that you had to go through that I'll grant a new life in a new world since you can't go back. Now before you ask, I will say you get to keep your memories, not much point if you don't. You can within reason state the world you wish to go to and since your body is no more, you can request for a new appearance if you so wish. Once that's done, you get 3 wishes, try to be detailed so it matches your desires. There are limits, you can't be a God, well you could be you need to reach that level yourself. You can wish for power or ability but be warned you will need to raise them up yourself. Now state your requests..."

Mob "Thanks for being detailed, if possible I'd like to go to the world of DxD, I'm fine with an average family, I don't need to be rich or whatever, sure it would be nice but gives me something to work towards. So a middle-class family is fine. Love develops with time I'm sure I can grow to love them. Let's see, I'd like to be the same age as Rias and grow up in Kuoh. As for appearance, since I was a Westerner, I'd like to stick with that, so let's have it that my Family moved to Kuoh due to work and decided to settle down there after I was born. How about Chris Evans, the guy who played Captain America in the Marvel movies. Of course, I'd need to put the effort in to grow as built but it would be a nice base. Manly but still good looking. Are these requests alright so far."

R.O.B "Yes, they are fine. Your lucky in picking DxD, the passion people in your world have for it led to it become real. It won't be 100% the same as you remember, the people are real, so certain stupid actions may not happen just for the plot to advance as it did. The rest is fine, I'll add some protection to your family, so long as your own actions don't bring attention to them, they will remain safe until the start of Canon. I assume you want to take part in it since you asked to be the same age as Rias."

Mob "Thank you, and yes I plan to get involved. I liked a lot of the characters but I wasn't exactly happy about how they went about things nor what many of them suffered through. So even though I'm being selfish and doing it for my own reasons, I still want to help them avoid as much as I can."

R.O.B "Your welcome, and I expect no less, humans have always been selfish, it is a blessing and a curse. Well enough about that, so tell me what do you wish for?"

Mob "I would like two abilities and one item. On their own none will make me invincible, though they can pave the way. My first wish is for Zhao Hai's Farm from Bringing the Farm to another world."

R.O.B " Well you sure don't wish small. I'll grant it, as it starts off pretty weak, and does not make you strong on its own. It will take time and effort to grow it, though I will warn you now since the world is completely different, it will not develop the same way as it did in the original story."

Mob "Again thank you, I always did like the expression go big or go home, I think when you lack things you want that expression becomes something you wish to be able to live up to and I did expect that. After all, things that don't exist in DxD won't be used to grow the Farm. I'm a little sad I won't have Cai'er but I can accept the reasons behind her not being there. I think I'll request the item first, I believe it was a pendant in Ancient Strengthening Technique that gave the MC access to the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. Though I can up with a few issues with this since I'll be living with my birth parents. It is basically how would I get it and how would I be able to always carry it. So if possible I like it to be a family heirloom so that covers how I got it, and for keeping it on me I'd like to either be able to turn it Invisible once bound to me or turn it into a Yin Yang tattoo on my chest."

R.O.B "You really do like to follow that expression huh. Well sure why not, again since it is a different world not everything will unlock the same nor will all the treasure and items be the same when you do so. Their overall effects will be the same but will be more fitting for that world. Now then I'm fine with making it an Heirloom but why do you need to change its appearance?"

Mob "Well the rules in a modern world especially as schools tend to not allow such items to be worn at all times makes it far too easy for it to be taken or misplaced. So I'd like to limit such risks at least. It would be even better if it acted as something like a Sacred Gear and was bound within my body but that feels like an entirely different wish. Heck, even something akin to a 'Notice me not' charm from Harry Potter would be good enough. Then normal people at least would ignore it and I'd be able to go about my day with little to no restriction on keeping it with me."

R.O.B "Well I guess that makes sense. I'll do something about it but I'll leave it as a surprise for when you get there."

Mob "That's fine thanks for being so accommodating to my selfishness. The last ability even I think I'm pushing it quite a bit but oh well here it goes. I'd like the ability of the MC in Pocket Hunting Dimension. So I would like that once I go to sleep each night that my consciousness is taken to another world where I can fight and train and the abilities and improvements I gain there I keep in my real body that is asleep back in the DxD world. Now here is the part where I'm really going to push it since it will link up with the previous two wishes. I want to change the world I'll be transported to."

R.O.B "Hmm I think it should be okay but at the very least I'm going to put your image next to the definition of 'shameless'. Go on do tell which world you want to be linked to..."

Mob "Guess I deserve that, huh. It is a worthwhile sacrifice for the wish so no complaints. As for the world, I'd pick Against the Gods. Again there are so many things I'd like to change and it has I way for anyone to gain strength, though their luck and fate will play a big role in that."

R.O.B "I should have known, well I could have but where is the fun in that. I do agree though that it will let you maximise the benefits you get from your other two wishes by picking a cultivation world, though I do think there are a few better ones with more benefits but your life, your loss. Well, I guess we a need to give you a new background here as well, since going in looking like Chris Evens will cause you all sorts of troubles. So what will it be and no you can't replace anyone."

Mob "I agree there might be better worlds in terms of benefits and the level you can reach, but my knowledge of it is pretty good at least for the early events and compared to some others the risks are more reasonable. I'd like to be born as the older brother to Yun Che though I guess more accurately I'd be the brother of Xiao Che just 2 or 3 years older. His father was stated to be rather talented considering they grew up with limited resources so that's nice plus Grandfather would be the strongest expert in the city, my background could be much worse. As for looks, let's assume he was rather handsome and I inherit those good looks as well, not exactly having everyone falling over me at first sight, but between my looks, personality and eventual strength gaining a wife or two won't be an issue. Aside from my birth, the assumption is that most of the events take place as expected. It kind of sucks but having parents in my past life and new life in DxD is enough. Plus it would make it much harder to leave and do what needs to be done if they were alive in the Clan since I'd basically have to abandon them. Past life its already too late for and DxD even if I leave home I'd be able to visit and communicate pretty much whenever I wanted. ATG would need to leave them for many many years and have little to no way to get in touch during that time. It is a little easier if I didn't have much time to get attached before they were gone"

R.O.B "I'd say that's pretty cold but it would be near impossible to have them survive whilst your still a child without being hunted down. So I can see the logic and I can understand your wish. You would be the one engaged to Xia Qingxue and you would also be old enough to have set an initial relationship with her even before her mother leaves. Then as for Yun Che, you would have the opportunity to protect him growing up as even with him not being engaged being crippled would still make him a target to be bullied. I guess we can go with him taking the poison that was meant for you, so he would still experience what he needs to and awaken when he needs to, that would keep the initial plot going."

Mob "Guess my intentions where pretty transparent but yeah your right. Honestly, it would go one of two ways. Either we continued as close brothers and he would help me get started and we would travel together. So he would share his knowledge and abilities with me. So regardless of my initial talent him opening my veins would improve it and his knowledge of cultivation and medicine would push me forward quicker. If we didn't remain close, I'd probably take a risk and try to kill him off. Since my abilities would be with me regardless of which world I'm in, once he is dead, I can only hope I could take possession of the Sky Poison Pearl, and gain Jasmine's help. I think the Farm could help with that and maybe even turn him into an undead so I could gain his knowledge even after he was killed. I honestly don't really like the guy that he became in the original story, so my hope is that by me being there I can change him for the better. If not the reveal of us not being blood-related along with my dislike would be enough to justify and force my hand. Unlike others, I do accept I've picked rather violent worlds and would likely have to kill sooner or later. I don't want to ever enjoy killing but I do want to be able to do it if needed. The risks of not being able to kill are just not worth it."

R.O.B "Well as a 'god' I certainly understand killing is a necessity, not just humans but almost all beings kill to survive. It can be for food, resources, or just to keep their own life. So yeah kill if you need to but don't get lost in it. I see you have a rough idea of what you plan to do and anything else depending on which way things go. Now a few warnings before you are reborn. First I'll be kind and you will only gain your memories and wishes at 3 years old. By that point, you should be able to start moving and communicating as you need to. Now as for languages, since you will be born there you will learn the language as you go. How well you master it depends on your own efforts. You will be able to naturally speak as well a native in time, so you will know English, Japanese and a rather old form of Chinese in the end. Now as for your Pocket Hunting Dimension ability since it is active while you sleep you will experience a great many days at once each night. Even if it is a dream the speed your thoughts occur at is much faster, hence the time difference. Now only the abilities you gain and the things you learn will be gained during that time. Or at least it would have but since both the Farm and Jade Immortal Realm allow you to store items within them, you will be able to bring them with you. The same applies to Sacred Gears, they will naturally follow you to ATG world, as would any treasure that was bound to you that you gain in ATG like if you have the Sky Poison Pearl that would also follow you to DxD. The only thing that doesn't follow you is your physical growth and age since I don't think you want to go to sleep at 3years old and then awaken as an adult the next morning."

R.O.B "Now like in DxD, unless you do something to cause it, you family in ATG will be protected from any events they weren't already destined to experience if you weren't there. This will last until Yun Che awakens after his poisoning. Now any poisoning, disability or injury you experience in one world will NOT carry over to your physical body in the other. The only thing that would carry over is death, regardless of how you died in one world it would carry over to the other, in the form of a heart attack. So you won't randomly explode or be decapitated for seemingly no reason. Now in terms of life span and immortality, they will carry over to an extent. So let's say you can live 100 thousand years in ATG that will carry over to DxD. If you can gain immortality as in you stop ageing, again that will carry over, same with physical aspects as well. So what limits are implied is due to your dreams happening so much faster, meaning that 100 thousand years would be over in ATG before you would have experienced even a fraction of that in DxD. So unless you reach Immortality in one world or the other you will lose the Pocket Hunting Dimension just before your natural death due to reaching the end of your life span in ATG first. You will then live out the remainder of your life span in DxD and unless killed will die once you reach the limit and then both lives will end. If by some miracle you gained Immortality in DxD during that time, you would be rejuvenated in ATG."

R.O.B "Now lastly your Farm. In the original story, the MC could take people with him when he ascended, you will also be able to do so, but only within that universe. No-one from DxD would be able to go to ATG aside from you, not your wives, friends, family, or even kids. Well, actually there are a couple of exceptions. Ophis and Great Red, being Dragon Gods of Dreams and Infinity could go with you. They are ageless, and their aspects would protect them, but death in one, would be death in the other the same as you. They would also be tied to you, so could only travel to ATG when you do. A couple of Sacred Gears possess souls and would also travel freely with you if you had them. Same applies to ATG anyone can enter the Farm space but aside from maybe a few True Gods or higher, none could travel to DxD world, and would only be able to travel with you. This also means if the Pocket Hunting Dimension was sealed due to you reaching the end of your life span, those Gods could no longer cross worlds either. Items you gain can be taken out freely regardless of the world of origin, this also means the item from Jade Immortal Realm, would be more or less the same as the original now since you would have access to a cultivation world."

R.O.B "Now any more questions before I send you on your way?"

Mob "Just one really. With the Farm, the MC gained cultivation backgrounds, which allowed him and his people to cultivate quicker and with more resources. Assuming this can still happen, would be people I allow access be able to cultivate regardless of the world they were from and if so upon reaching True God level would they be able to also experience both worlds?"

R.O.B "I was hoping you forgot about that. Well in truth assuming you got the backgrounds and the Farm to a high enough level it is possible. However in DxD most people wouldn't be able to cultivate naturally, you being the exception due to having two bodies and sharing all skills and abilities between them including any energy system you may have access to. So you would have to replicate something akin to the Evil God's blood, that once ingested regrows the meridians and veins you need to cultivate. Without this, anyone else in DxD world would be unable to cultivate even Ophis and Great Red wouldn't be able to, even though they could travel to ATG. Of course with their power, they would be able to find ways around it, or by meeting other dragons consume them and learn how they did it."

Mob "Well good to know. Not something I could even attempt until much later on but at least the possibility exists. Well thanks, after all this I'm almost glad I lived the life I did previously. Like it makes it feel like the suffering wasn't pointless. Guess this is it so thanks again"

R.O.B "Oh it was actually fairly pointless, mortal life usually is. Just chance and fate that this time it wasn't. Anyway off with you, and I've left a little surprise in that Farm of yours."

Mob "A surprise... I wonder w"

R.O.B "And with that, he is gone. Kind of funny how history repeats itself. Sure those wishes might not be exactly the same but with luck who knows next time, it might him doing this. Well enough of that, hopefully, he will cure my boredom somewhat. Immortality is great and all, but sometimes you just get bored."

Now three years have passed in DxD since Mob was reborn. We join him just after regaining his memories and looking to check he got all his wishes granted.

Mob "Well everything seems to have held up to what was promised. I have a bit of time before I have to get up might as well check on the Farm, and then the Jade Immortal Realm."

As such Mob wills himself to enter the Farm. Upon looking around finds it looks like he remembers it being described the first time Zhao Hai entered. He sees a small building and decided to enter it and see what the big surprise is.

Mob "Pretty plain and boring in here, will definitely have to fix that and level the farm soon. Oh, I don't remember there being a package awaiting Zhao Hai in here. Let's see 'To Mob, from R.O.B' guess this must be it."

Mob proceeds to open the package, inside he finds a book and a letter. Deciding the letter might explain things he beings reading it.

Mob "Let's see 'I take it you have regained your memories successfully thank god, oh wait that's me. Anyway, even though this was my first time doing this it seems like it must have gone okay. Well, regardless there are no returns or refunds on reincarnation or wishes. So whatever happens your stuck with the results. Now remember me saying your picture should be in the dictionary next to shameless, well congratulations now it is and by the power of me, it will be in every dictionary in every world you have access to, even the ones you create using the Farm. Though don't worry I'm not evil I've used your previous name and appearance. No-one but you and me will know the truth!' that son of a bitch"

Mob then attempts to destroy the letter in his fit of rage. Strangely even being a weak 3year old he should have enough strength to rip it to pieces and yet no damage. As Mob is getting increasingly angry trying to tear it apart it suddenly shines brightly taking his attention and causing him to look at the hateful letter again.

Mob "Huh strange suddenly it has more to say 'I've thought you may want to immortalise this letter that represents the only thing in existence that proves you met me. So as to protect that bond for eternity I've made this letter into an indestructible artefact that is linked to your soul so you can never lose it, accidentally, of course, we all make mistakes even as gods. Well, this is a final farewell, I hope you enjoy your new life to the maximum and entertain me just as much. Cya R.O.B' That hateful bastard, almost funny he seemed so nice initially. Guess you never can tell, huh."

Mob "After that, I don't really feel like spending any more time here right now. Guess I'll return and check on the Yin Yang Pendant. Oh god, he said it would be a surprise for how to hide it from others. Crap now I don't really want to look at it, though its probably best to get it over with. Sooner it's done, the sooner I can get on with my new life."

Mob returns back to his home from the Farms space. Jogging his memories to find the pendant he remembers it being given to him by his father after showing a lot of interest in it even before he got his memories back. Though ironically even though he has it is still too big for him to wear currently so he keeps it in a draw at the side of his bed. So he takes it from his draw and upon remembering he needs to bleed on it looks for something to use. Inside the same draw, he finds a badge, apparently a membership badge. Now, what could a 3year old possibly be a member of, well, of course, he is a member of a Fanclub to a certain popular kids show, though just as many adult men watch it as kids since a certain female devil stars as the main heroine. By now any DxD fan should know what is going on, yes turns out he was a fan of Serafall and her TV show Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven. It seems even without his memories he was still a man of culture.

Well continuing on, Mob uses the pin on the badge to cut his finger so he can bind and awaken the Yin Yang Pendant. With only a small cut it is successfully bound to him. He instantly enters and sees a very small space with a small pond that is pretty much only a slight upgrade on a puddle. But with time and effort, he will surely be able to grow it from here. With nothing to do here, he returns once again back to his room. With the time dilation, it pretty much made it so no time at all had passed. Yet when he gets back he finds, not only is the pendant no longer in his hand but he is also no longer alone in the room.

Standing there live and in all her glory is Mahou Shoujo Levi-tan... or not, no it might not be wrong to say so, but for those with a little more knowledge, it is actually Serafall Sitri one of the kings of the Underworld, in the position of Leviathan. To say Mob is shocked is an understatement, at least this proves both that he is in DxD world and that it is an anime world. Ignoring her near-impossible beauty and cuteness all in one package, the fact his jaw is practically touching the ground explains anime physics are real!

Serafall "Tadada, Mahou Shoujo Levi-tan, here to save the day!"

Naturally, Mob is shocked senseless by the scene in front of him. After her introduction, he barely manages to fumble out a reply, good job he is still a 3year old kid in appearance, at least his stupid look and reaction can be considered normal in this abnormal event.

Mob "Levi-tannnn isss realll!"

After shouting that proceeds to jump on her, and bury his head within her breasts. I mean why not, as both a young child meeting his hero and a man of culture meeting his goddess, what else could he do!

Serafall "Soooo Cuuute! Buuuut Levi-tan is here because she sensed her fan was in pain! So Levi-tan came flying to the rescue! So tell Levi-tan what hurt her cute little fan, okay!"

Serafall states all this while proceeding to hug the life out of Mob, further burying his head into her breasts. Mob trying to regain his senses after her question manages to force his head out of heaven and looks up to Serafall while tilting his head cutely, looking utterly confused if not happy to why she is here.

Serafall seeing that adorable look squeals and hugs him tighter returning his head back to heaven. She then proceeds to give Mob a bit more info on why she turned up.

Serafall "Levi-tan, you see, used magic on her special limited edition Fanclub badges. When suddenly Levi-tan felt her magic react to your badge. It felt like you were bleeding and so Levi-tan rushed to save her fan! But they suddenly Levi-tan felt her badge and magic disappear very quickly, then reappear very quickly. So fast that by the time Levi-tan used magic to teleport to save her fan, it was already back. So when Levi-tan got here she found her fan safe and sound buuutt! Levi-tan used magic to create a barrier to protect her fan! So now that Levi-tan is here, your 110% safe because Levi-tan will save you! So tell Levi-tan what happened, okay!"

Mob now understanding a bit about how things got to this point panics slightly and just looks nervous.

Serafall sensing his panic tries to calm him down. Slowly it works and Mob having had a little time to think decides to mix truth and lie because he doesn't think Serafall would hurt him and at worst that he could escape.

Mob "Ummm Levi-tan. Magic is real! Levi-tan can do magic, and so can I. As for blood I accidentally cut my finger on the pin of the badge, please don't be angry Levi-tan!"

After saying this Mob tries to look scared with teary eyes. Though not perfect it still scores a critical hit on Serafall who is weak to cute things. So after checking his finger that he showed her, proceeds to give it a little kiss and then continues talking to Mob.

Serafall "Wow, Levi-tan is amazed that you can also do magic, just like Levi-tan. Now Levi-tan just used a super special magic on your finger!. It will make it all better quickly! because it's magic! So now your all better, how about you show Levi-tan your magic as well!"

Mob while mentally complaining about being treated as both an idiot and a little kid, goes on to answer her.

Mob "Hmm well since its Levi-tan, I guess it's okay. Levi-tan just put me down then hold my hand and I'll show Levi-tan my magic!"

Serafall quickly but gently puts him down, how she managed that while bouncing with excitement will remain a mystery. Mob trying to calm himself down while also being somewhat thankful right now to be only 3years old. The treat for his eyes he just witnessed would have surely got a reaction out of him had he been older. Now the only difficultly is removing his eyes that just got mesmerised, lucky Serafall was in her own world and didn't notice.

So Mob grabs her hand while inwardly thinking how soft it is, and how lewd his thoughts have become from the most lewd action of hand-holding. So he then nods to Serafall who is also blushing now from holding hands.

Suddenly they disappear only to reappear once again in the farm space. Maybe holding hands is actually amazing because once he gets there Mob suddenly hears a rather robotic voice sounding a little like Alexa from his previous life. So for simplicity, we will call it as such.

Alexa "New life form detected in the space. Detecting impure intentions towards host. Subjugating...Subjugation complete. New life is now loyal to host. Extracting benefits to host. Host now capable of wielding Devil magic. Life form Devil possesses weakness to Holy. Removing weakness...weakness removed. Spacial Farm has levelled up. Spacial Farm is now level 50. Advising host to check new features. Advising host to continue to work hard and level up."

Mob remains rooted to the spot until the announcements ended when suddenly Serafall picked him. Mob started to panic until his head was once again returned to heaven. Mob was about to speak but Serafall beats him to it.

Serafall "Umm, Levi-tan doesn't really know whats going on, but your magic is amazing! Also, Levi-tan also thinks she tell you her other name. Levi-tan is my named as a Mahou Shoujo but aside from that, Levi-tan is also called Serafall Sitri, the Devil king titled Leviathan!"

Mob still on a high since now Serafall is basically his, decides to share his happiness with her. Unfortunately, this leads to a moment he can only consider his black history (as in the dark past he wishes never happened).

Mob "Thanks Levi-tan's magic is also amazing. So should I call you Serafall nee-chan?"

Serafall barely stops herself from fainting from happiness as being called nee-chan. While struggling to steady herself accidentally rips Mobs shirt into pieces. Just as she was about to apologise from destroying his shirt she spots something on his chest.

Serafall "Why do you have a tattoo, your too young to have a tattoo! Even though you're so cute you've already started becoming a bad boy. I'm a failure as your Onee-chan!"

Mob being utterly confused looks down at his chest to see the so-called tattoo only to freeze then start boiling in rage. Having gained access to Devils magic while not as much as Serafall may be due to her heritage being from the Sitri family and so-called High-Class devils status the Spacial Farm took that as a baseline, giving him a rather impressive amount of magic power for someone who has only had it for like 5 minutes. Now looking utterly demonic due to magic power and rage screams out.

Mob "That son of a bitch R.O.B I swear I'll get strong enough to meet him again and then give him a beating!"

Meanwhile, the R.O.B in question is very much enjoying the show. Sure things didn't go in anyway shape or form like how he predicted. But that's fine, actually, it's perfect, that makes this the best entertainment possible after all. It has been less than an hour since Mob regained his memories and yet so much as happened. Now seeing Mobs reactions to his changes to the Pendant to hide it from others when it can't wear it normally, R.O.B simply falls down laughing banging his fist against the floor. To any third-party unlucky enough to witness it, would simply assume he gone crazy. Well crazy even for him. Which means they would hightail it out there since nothing good can come of it.

Now, what exactly was the tattoo. Well, he did keep the Yin Yang symbol, now of course if that was all Mob would be happy with it. No, in the centre of it is a heart with an arrow through it. Still somewhat acceptable, no the issue Mob has with it is on the left 'Mob' and on the right 'R.O.B'. As such Mob swears that no second person shall see it.


Well, this actually went on a lot longer than I thought. Though as the synopsis says these are basically just me putting ideas down as such this won't be continued. Heck, I only had 3 people speaking and 2 were OC's and still found it hard. Honestly, this actually took me about 4 hours to write though I did keep stopping to look certain things up, including spelling.

Now as said here is the information on the series I took the ideas from.

Spacial Farm is from Bringing the Farm to another World! Honestly, it is good and possibly the series I've been reading longest.

Yin Yang Pendant with it's Violet Realm of the Jade Immortal is from Ancient Strengthening Technique. The item itself is great but the MC in the novel is hateful and I dropped it ages ago because I hated him.

Pocket Hunting Dimension is from a novel of the same name on this site. I've only read about 50 or so chapters, so the chances of me getting the ability wrong, is high. That said the wish did include several modifications to it, as such I think it is better said I based the ability on that.

Now ATG again is another I've long since dropped. I've more about it in fanfics than I did the actual novel. That said aside from a few names and adding my OC nothing really happened. Bashing Yun Che is as natural as breathing. No harm done...

Same can be said of DxD, I did watch a couple of seasons but haven't kept up with it. I tried a little to portray Serafall's character but I suck at dialogue which is the main reason the things I write here are pretty much one-shots and ideas. I honestly can't remember if her series was aired in the human world or not but in this it was. Now aside from DxD being the world, I'd most like to reincarnated or transmigrated to, the rest just kind of happened.

I mean how else was a kid going to get blood certainly wasn't going to be any knife slicing across your palm in this fic. So once I got going I just couldn't help myself from making it a badge pin, and Serafall using it for her Devil Contract/Summoning or whatever you want to call it. I think it kind of fit her character to do something like that.

Now as for everything that happened afterwards that was me having fun. Pretty sure the Spacial Farm wouldn't do that to her, no matter what stupid reason I gave. Even more so still being level 1 at the time. The rest was me thinking I forgot to do something with the Pendant and ran with it.

Well after writing this I think I'm pushing closer to 5 hours than 4 now. So let's end it here, don't vote it won't gain you anything. I basically only own my setting, Mob and R.O.B, the rest belongs to the series above. Even what I own I don't care much about. Though if you do use any of my ideas, please comment so I can read it.