
Chapter 5

The next day, the sun rays passed by Janelle's room, she used her hand to block off the light but too late, she was already awake.

She sighed and stood up and went to the bathroom and that's when she realized that she was not in her home anymore.

She was in Alex's home,her crush's home. She smiled dreamily and entered the bathroom,took her bath and dressed in a simple way.

Just a yellow gown and a pair of flats.

She had planned to pay off her mother's hospital bills today with the card Alex had given her.

By the time she reached downstairs, Alex was about going out.

He glanced at her once and walked out, Janelle smile vanished but she didn't let it show much.

She sat down and ate her toast bread with tea in silence.

When she was done, she stood up and walked towards the door"Young Miss, please may i ask where you're heading?"Janelle wasn't offended, since she was with Alex,it was right he knows where she's going but she couldn't tell him that she was going to visit her mom in the hospital.

He would want to come also since she's also Janet mom but her mom has never liked Alex to begin with and would refuse any thing he gives her.

Therefore she couldn't show up with him neither must he know about her, she won't forgive herself if her mom was to disgrace Alex.

After much thought, she finally answered with a playful smile"Alex said that i should get myself new clothes, shouldn't i fufil his wish?".

James was suddenly sad, she kept on feeding him dog food,why isn't he married? and letting her make fun of him like this.

"You can Young Miss, should i call the driver to take you there?"Janelle waved her hands"No need,am used to taking the cab"with that, she walked out,hailed a cab and left.

She told him the name of the hospital her mom has been admitted into, the cab reached there in half an hour.

She paid him and went inside, she was well known here since she comes every day to visit her mom and sometimes she greets some patients and also buy them gifts whenever she comes.

Janelle greeted the nurse on duty"Good morning nurse,i came to meet my mother"she said with an appealing voice.

"Oh Janelle,you finally came,we were wondering what happened. Your mom have been asking of you"Janelle nod knowingly before heading to the familiar direction.

She enters the ward and saw her mother sickly body on the bed,tears were streaming down from her eyes as she walked towards her mother.

"Mom"she said admist tears.

"My baby is here, where have you been?"Her mother said stroking her hair softly.

Janelle sniffed"I've been job hunting,i finally got a job as an assistant and was given an early salary, now i can pay for your surgery"Janelle said not wanting to say the truth to avoid the wrath of her mother.

"Use the money to take care of yourself dear, I'll be alright..."Janelle touched her mother's lips.

"Mom, without you,i won't be here. Or are you planning on leaving me?"Janelle asked crying again.

"Why would i think such?,you know how much i love you after we were left all alone".

Janelle and her mom chatted for a while before her mom became tired and Janelle left her quietly and footed the bills.

The amount was quite much,it could have made a dent in Alex account.

After paying, she went out and called her friend Cassidy to meet out for a girls out.

Cassidy immediately agreed and they agreed to meet at their favourite cafe.