
The proposal!

Madelyn's Pov

Did Mr. Billionaire just ask me for a walk? Now I didn't expect that! "As long as we avoid those people," I told him. "Which ones?" he was so confused. "The security guards they irritate me. One of them likes me even tried to touch me seems like he can't get the indication that I don't want him." Leonardo gave me a surprised eye. Looked at me like really he never had really looked at me.

From top to bottom. "You are beautiful that's why," he sighed. "Wow thanks," I was surprised. I guess although the billionaire doesn't want any more women in his life, I guess he can still compliment.

As we took a walk we passed the security guards Joseph and his friend the one next to him he winked. I rolled my eyes disgust was filled in my eyes to show I really didn't care and I really had no much interest. Leonardo ended up laughing the whole scenario was funny.

"So what was this proposal you were talking about?" I finally asked. "Hmm," he said, "Well why wait? Remember that day when I accidentally said you would be my date and Eleanor was upset and all?" "Yeah you were crazy!" I exclaimed laughing so loud! "Yeah I'm afraid it's more serious than what I took it for. I have to make it serious now." He blew my bubble. What? Is Mr. Billionaire literally asking me to be his date right now?

"So what are you saying???" I asked him. "You most heard me. Please I really need your help be my date," he begged me whilst holding my hands. A maid? He's asking a maid to be his date?!

"OMG Leonardo so you were serious?!" I exclaimed. "Trust me I wasnt but I have to…"

"Oh…" I had so many questions didn't even know where to start…

"Madelyn please it's nothing big okay. You will just go as my date for the event it means nothing other people will do the same too," he said. "Hmm. Let me see. But can I ask?" I wanted to ask helplessly. "Of course," he smiled."Why me? Why not like other girls why a maid like me?!" "Hmm," he held his chin, "Now where is the brave girl I know? I know you are much better than that Madelyn!!! Who cares? I invited you not them." He sighed, "Okay if it makes you feel better you know I will not tell anyone that you are my maid." "Doesn't everyone know yet? How about Allison Eleanor?" I critically asked him. Like really critically.

Especially Allison who knows what she could be going around telling? Cruel that girl! Or Eleanor what would she say then after telling her I was really not his date?

Leonardo's Pov

Her words striked me! What do we do then? I thought of going to Eleanor...but maybe it wouldn't make any difference. I spoke too soon..here comes the devil! "Aww baby! Never thought I would find you here," she embraced me. Her arms around my neck. Her lips close to mine.

I pushed her away. "Eleanor what a surprise!" I exclaimed. "Are you really happy to see me Leo? You push me away?" She asked. "You coming too close," I told her. "And?" asked Eleanor without hesitation as if she was out of her mind?!! "You know I don't like you being close to me," I finally said. The naive girl she sobbed. Fake tears of course as if she doesn't know I know her by now? And weren't we in a public place? Of course...she wanted to get attention...as always.

"You always rebuke me. You don't know how much I love you!!!" "When are you gonna stop this game game of yours Eleanor? I think we can both agree there's no such thing as "love" between us." "Do you remember when we were young? We used to be so close what happened to us Leo?" the question almost made me tear up. I remember all the good memories.

"You happened," I sighed. "What?!" now she pretended not to know? "I'm out of here!" I couldn't even tell her what was on my mind. I was just praying that she could just her mouth about Madelyn.

Later I invited Madelyn to go and try on some outfits. Perhaps this would make her feel better?

We held hands as we walked in. Like good friends and because Madelyn was so nervous but people immediately started pointing fingers gossiping. We didn't mind them and suddenly a blonde girl approached us! "Hey it's you!!! This is what Allison was talking about!!! Some other girl decided she's the one for him? Wow Leonardo I love your taste...downgrade!" The girl mocked Madelyn.

But you know this maid of mine will she let anyone underestimate her? "Downgrade yourself love you who has time to argue with a random girl? Busy with celebrities' lives who won't even remember you sure they will appreciate you but their time for you is limited they don't even your name that's why you are an attention seeker!!!" "What? What did you say to me???" The girl was shocked excuses just excuses she had no reply.

She looked around to see if anyone had heard the monstrous thing Mady had just said! It seems they did! All around people gasped! "The problem you think you too special!!!" Lisa screamed. "Scream louder!!!" Madelyn burst out laughing, "honey I'm not special," she held her chest, "but I know who I am!!" that said it all!!! She knew who she was and no one could ever take that away from her.

She silenced the rich the ones whose lives was favoured who thought they could underestimate anyone…

I had to stop the fight though. As much as I hated it. Something about her character her personality made me admire her. I love a woman with an attitude who truly knows who she is and her destiny.

"Girls girls now stop. Listen Mia," I pointed to her, " stop disturbing us!!! Okay?" "Don't know how much Allison paid you but better stop this drama. I'm tired of Allison's fan girls who think every girl I talk to who has a purpose in my life is wrong or trying to flirt or whatever you think….I owe you nothing! I owe ya'll no explanation!!! So leave us!!!"

"Come on Mady let's go!" I grabbed her arm we rushed through the noisy crowd. Right we reached into my personal fashion designer's store. We were heavily breathing! Regina let us in. "Aww my favourite customer you here? You don't know how much I've missed you," Regina was so happy to see me. It has been a long time since I came here.

"Longtime no see! To what do I owe the pleasure? And who is this beauty?" She absolutely admired Madelyn. "Aww thanks. It's Madelyn bytherway," Mady introduced herself. "Aww beautiful name. I'm Regina and today I'll be your fashion designer," Regina said with pride. "Don't worry I'll only give you the best you won't regret coming here! Ask Leo he would know," she said. "She's absolutely great Mady! You will love her," I tried convincing Madelyn.

Madelyn nodded yes. But by reading her face I knew she doubted that probably because of all the haters she has met on the way.

I finally gave her a chance to be with Regina.

Madelyn's Pov

Regina measured me before I started trying on the outfits. I think she was one of the most nice girls I've met ever since I stepped into Leonardo's house. She had no jealousy or hatred against me.

"I see you have a perfect shape so everything will look great on you feel free," Regina smiled. She was the sweetest thing ever. "Aww thanks Regina but I dispute that!" I laughed. "Trust me!!! I've done this profession for long and I never lie to make you feel good! My customers hate me for being brutally honest! But don't worry I still encourage them," she smiled with the most cute face I have ever seen. "When I say you are perfect in all outfits I mean it! You are one of the few customers I have that look good in literally everything," she said.

"Do you know how many girls literally wish to be you right now?" She added. "Okay Regina I get it," I said, "thanks you awesome!" I told her. She winked.

Wow I never thought I was beautiful I mean like I knew I was beautiful but not this beautiful. The stylish black dress with the golden beads was my favourite. I held my waist looking into the mirror loving my new look.

Over and over again couldn't stop. Till I saw someone in the mirror right next to me? "Wow," he sighed, "You are beautiful," he said.