
Madelyn over Eleanor?

Eleanor turned towards Madelyn, "See Madelyn what I told you!" She pointed to me. "Wait what? Told her what?! Say how much have you guys spoken?!" I asked them but I was directing this to specifically Eleanor.

"We never talked that much Mr. Billionaire! Eleanor arrived few minutes ago looking for you!!! What exactly did you tell me?" She turned towards Eleanor. "Shh," Eleanor tried to silence her. Now she wanted Madelyn to be in her team? After this I know Madelyn will tease me regarding Eleanor for life! Wish I could chase her away but it would be rude and Mady would be on my neck. So I had to deal with it.

Deal with both of them! Crazy and annoying gives me headache. We were having breakfast together and the girls were laughing endlessly. I was so wishing one of them could go particularly Eleanor it would be better dealing with just one. At least crazy and that she doesn't want me. I spoke too fast ...as if reading my mind Eleanor started her drama. "As I was telling you Mady your boss I love him so much but he keeps thinking I'm fake. He won't even take me to his brother's event as his date. Just a date nothing more!" She protested.

About to speak but I said no let me wait for Mady's answer. She gasped! "Why? Mr. Billionaire!!! I know you not a fan of love but really??? Just for a date?" asked Madelyn. "Tell him Mady tell him!!!" They were now on my neck. This is how Eleanor tricks people into thinking she's good. "If I go with you Eleanor then people will think I love you and the truth is I don't! I think we both know this very well," I sticked to my word.

She sobbed. I knew she was fake crying. That girl was an actor! "You just like despising me! No matter the love I'm trying to show you," she sobbed whilst trying to stop her fake tears from coming. "Who are you coming with then? Someone else?!" She asked her voice was hoarse. "Yes actually," I said to her. "Well then… who is that? Tell me I wanna know!!!" Eleanor was now screaming! "Madelyn!!!" I accidentally bursted out. They both gasped in shock! What was wrong with me? Why her? I didn't even tell her but her name kept coming out of my mouth.

Eleanor was looking at Madelyn with alot of anger. She looked like she wanted to pour all've it on her. "Madelyn like honestly?! You couldn't even tell me??? After I opened up to you!" She screamed at Madelyn as if Eleanor herself was mine. "Tell you what? Hey relax I don't know what's going on here!!! I'm shocked as you are!" She was right! I didn't notify her of anything, didn't sit her down, this was me just trying to avoid Eleanor. "Leave the girl alone Eleanor! Yes she doesn't know about this me just trying to avoid you!" Boom! There it was I let out the bomb! Both girls gasped! Shocked! Looked at each other.

"Like seriously??? Tell me the truth Madelyn! Is there anything going on between you two?!" before Madelyn could answer I interrupted. "Hey shut up Eleanor! How can I??? I told you I will go with any other girl as long as I avoid you!!! Madelyn was just an excuse for now."

Straight to the point is what I do best. She took her handbag make noise with her heels and stormed out! Like I cared…

"Damn!" Is all Madelyn said. "Hey I'm sorry you had to see that and also sorry that I involved you in this. I'm sorry I just…"

"But why didn't you tell me about this Mr. Billionaire??? Look now Eleanor thinks In stealing you away from her," she looked so distressed. I've never seen her like this. "Hey...how can you steal her when she was never mine? Hey I'm sorry okay...you don't know how much pressure that girl is putting me on! And let her not blackmail you that she loves me cause she doesn't! Im sure of that! So please stay away from her!!!" I warned Madelyn.

The look she gave me was as if what I was talking was crazy! Like she was about to slap me. "I know it all sounds mysterious to you but trust me...you don't wanna fall in her trap!" I added. "Come on Mr Billionaire! Don't allow your fear for loving a woman get in the way for you to be with a girl such as lovely as Eleanor," she said. Lovely? She said does she even know whom she's talking about?!! This is the monster Eleanor! Gold digger even though she has money she just wants to keep getting more…

"Hey I know Eleanor more than you. We grew up together so I know her pretty well. And I know for sure she doesn't love me. She can get people in her trap Madelyn it's a long story you won't understand," I said to her.

Eleanor's Pov

I was so angry with Leonardo! Both of them actually. If it's actually true that Madelyn didn't know about this. The nerve of a girl who does she think she is? Low life!

I reached by his father's house he was enjoying himself seated by the swimming pool. "Mr Torres," I called out to him. "Aww daughter in law with what do I owe the pleasure?" Aww isn't he the sweetest? Just wish Leonardo could hear this...he would fall dead! Robert 100% agrees with the idea of us being together. But stubborn Leo just can't understand!!! "Hey," said Robert. He brought me back out from my thoughts. "Oh sorry sorry," I sincerely apologised.

"Hey are you okay?" asked Robert. "Robert to be honest with you Im not." My voice was now hoarse. "That's why I came to you," I added. "Oh? My daughter please don't cry," he rubbed my back. But I was already sobbing. "Hey daughter please. Let me guess it's my son again?" asked Robert. "Yes Robert it is. I just can't take this anymore!!! Leonardo just can't see my love. He wants nothing to do with me. To the extent that he is bringing some girl he doesn't even know," I expressed my pain.

"Wow really? Is he? When he told me I honestly thought he was bluffing," said Robert. I was shocked with his reaction! "Wait what? Are you happy Robert? Your son wants to leave me for another girl and you okay with that?!!" "No no it's not like that," answered Robert, "daughter the only girl I prefer to marry my son is you," I smiled. Accident! I shouldn't be smiling!!! "I only let him get away this because it's only a date for an event and he insisted. We literally didn't have time to fight with him on this. But trust me daughter after this I will make sure it's with you only! Besides...he won't love her anyway," he added.

"Okay I understand. Although it kills me to see him with another girl!! But how do you know? What if she's so damn pretty and…" he interrupted me, "let me stop you right there! You forget Leonardo has met so many pretty girls! Including the ones he works with. Have you met them?" Robert asked me. "I have. His Secretary is a beauty. But I saw the girl he wants to bring...trust me father she's so damn pretty!" I told him. " Oh? How did they meet?"

"Oh you won't believe it pathetic! She's a…" I stopped myself right in time. I smiled. Madelyn might actu ally be useful. "Hey why are you smiling? She's a what...finish your statement," he said. "She's a beauty," I told him. I could tell by the look that he didn't believe me...at all. "I wanted to talk bad about her but you know what? It's not her fault. She's innocent," I let out a sigh.

After a bit of a chat with Robert I decided I was out of here now. Leonardo will see me!

Leonardo's Pov

I met Santiago at the gym later that day after work. My incident with Madelyn and Eleanor never escaped from my mind. I thought about it all day. What do I do now? I already told dad and I can't change my mind at the last moment. I needed my best friend's advice.

I told him everything that happened. "Umm wow so you lied to your father that you will bring Madelyn???" asked Santiago. "Yes" I replied with frustration. "Wow Leonardo Madelyn has been on your mind lately," he teased. Wrong timing. Argh! This guy never knows when I'm serious. "Argh would you just shut up man?!!! It's not times for jokes man I'm serious here. My brother's event is in a few days and still I haven't told Madelyn about this whole drama." "Well then...tell her," he said casually. Letting out a little laugh. I took a deep breath. Sighed and stayed calm.

"How do I go on about that? Any advice?" I asked him. "I could," as I was about to smile he started again, "If I would." I burried my head in my hands. "Didn't you just tell me to shut up?" Santiago foolishly added. As if I meant it. "Oh come on now you know you irritate me. Did I mean it literally?" I asked him. "Oh I don't know. " I rolled my eyes. "I'm just joking man." Santiago gave me a little push. "We do this all the time I got some advice for my bro always. Dude...this is the simplest thing just tell her. Propose her this idea because you already told your father besides you know girls who wouldn't wanna be with the billionaire?"

"Doesn't mean they all like me particularly," I said. "Are you crazy? Who hates you? You one of the most charming every girl's dream is to be with Leonardo," he reminded me of the ugly truth. The game love of ladies. "They like my money better, " I teased. Cash! We both burst out laughing having a best friend like Santiago he understands me so well. "Hey man I know you the one asking but can I ask from a best friend too?" "Go ahead," I gave him the open microphone. "No matter how girls are fake but do you think there could be a one true one that you could be drawn too?" asked Santiago. "I would like to believe so, but no it's not. Haven't we tried them a million times and get disappointed then? I have gave up Santiago girls are fake," that was my final conclusion. I don't have time for them now.

"Or you found someone?" I posed a question. "No no the tragedy from my ex was enough no more! Just a date for the event nothing more," he said.."Hmm. Something within me made me to not believe him.

Later at home…

I walked through the door waiting for Madelyn's hug. But she didn't come through it felt weird. Not that I wanted it but she made me get used to. Entering my house everything was so different what changes? I looked around the different curtains...oh now I see. Everything decorated and set up. How would finish all that so fast? The girl is focussed!

Only to find her sleeping in the couch. There she was. "Madelyn!!!" I called her, "Mady!" Continuously a few times till I got tired. Then I say besides her and shook her. My hand accidentally landed on her leg. Smooth.

She finally woke up. "Huh! Mr. Billionaire? Is that you? Oh you are back!" She hugged me. "What's up with the whole change of the house?" I asked curiously. "I wanted it to have a fresh look didn't know when the curtains have last been changed. But found out you are a really clean Hope it's okay?"

"Totally fine. Hey I have a proposal for you," I said to her. "A proposal?" asked Madelyn shocked! "Indeed why don't we go for a walk?"