
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs


Present Day/Night Nora & Blake's P.O.V

Nora and Blake sat by the lake, on top of some rocks, watching the water ripple slowly in the wind. It was a fresh night and all the animals were out doing their own nightly business. There was a silence before Nora spoke, her voice quiet but able to be heard. "How much longer before this is over?"

Blake whom stayed quiet as well looked at Nora and lifted a hand to push a lock of hair behind her ear. "I'm not sure," his tone was soft and loving. "But I'm certain that Marcus is advising a plan to clear our names." His hand went to grasp hers, giving it a small squeeze for comfort.

"We didn't do what Sarene accused," Nora's response a pout and Blake held back a small grin that quivered at the corner of his mouth. "As you know we've been elsewhere."

"I'm aware of this," Blake said as calmly as he felt. "Sarene and Gabriel doesn't have any visible evidence to prove that we turned a human into a vampire. It could be anybody within those walls. Hell it could of been Gabriel since he loves control."

The comment made Nora grin. "It sounds like you don't like Gabriel that much." She looked at him and waited for him to answer.

Blake nodded. "You haven't been around long enough to see what he can do." At this his own eyes began to glow softly. The hate that he felt rose in his chest but he tamed it down for Nora's sake. He didn't want her to see this side of him. The part where he went all warrior like and deadly. Silent like a predator. An animal waiting to kill its prey. Nora's hand was soft on his cheek as she turned his head toward her.

"Whatever the cause," her whisper was soft against his ear and Blake couldn't help the shiver that passed through him. "I'll believe you. Whatever may come our way, I'll stand by you, and when things get out of hand, we will get through it together."

"You have too much faith in me and Marcus." Blake said as he kissed Nora's cheek lovingly. "And I'm happy to know that your willing to stay with us."

Nora pulled away from him slightly. "I stand by you and Marcus because your the only family that I have left."

"You can't forget the newest addition," Blake grinned. "It will be like having a sister." Nora chuckled lightly. She glanced down at the water and then picked at her sleeve that had dawned before coming out tonight. Her black pants nearly blending in with the darkness that surrounded them. Her silence made him wonder what she was thinking. When it came to Nora, she withdrew from reality when her thoughts got too wild. He knew this much about her and he felt as though needed to lift some of that burden from her. To put her at ease when their lives together layed eternally before them.

After a moment of silence, Nora spoke. "Your right," she half smiled, which gave Blake some relief. "I may not have seen it before but having another person around that's not a male, equals out the balance. For awhile it was me. The only woman in this small group until Emery." She squeezed his hand gently. "You're right though, having Emery around is like having a sister and I want to thank you for that."

"I'm glad that your happy." Blake replied. "Making you smile is what makes me happy in the most sense."

"Don't let your ego get in the way of this though." Nora teased as she poked at his side in an attempt to tickle him. Blake didn't budge and instead he slipped his hand up her calf to rest upper thigh. He squeezed ever so gently and Nora let a squeal of laughter. "Blake!" her voice nearly echoed in the silence. "That tickles! Stop!" Her continued laughter made Blake laugh as well.

Someone cleared their voice from behind them and both Nora and Blake stopped at what they were doing and turned only to see Marcus attempting to hide a tiny grin. "I don't interrupt but we have more important matters to attend to." Nora's smile faded and she got to her feet smoothing out her blouse as she did so.

"Is it about the plan?" She asked, her tone sounding hopeful. "If it is then tag me in. I've missed being inside the walls of our clan." The last statement made Marcus nod his head but didn't make a sound.

Blake got to his feet as well. "What are we going to do?" His question lingered in the air and for a moment nobody spoke. The silence filled the vast expanse between the three of them. "Our banishment has gone on long enough."

"I've come to the conclusion that may help us clear our names." Marcus stated, his own voice sounding unsure but he allowed his suggestion to be heard, even if Nora and Blake didn't like it. "We will request a visit with our leader, Sarene and see if we can be pardoned of this."

"I doubt it," Nora mumbled as she pushed back locks of her silver hair. Her eyes glowing because of the hunger that she felt building up. It wasn't just for blood but for freedom of this banishment that was placed on them. Marcus felt it too, and even though he wouldn't admit it either, he missed the castle. The feeling of being around his brethren. His kind. He may of been the start of the pureblood line but there were others that were trying to fit into our small community. "The only one that won't allow this visit, is her second in command, Gabriel and he won't take lightly to this at all."

"Isn't Sarene a telepath?" Blake asked. He had his gaze on Marcus as he waited for him to answer. "Now a days it's easier that way then just requesting."

"Yes," Marcus said, his tone was soft but unsure. "It would be suspicious if I did communicate that with her and to show up at the castle unannounced would probably cause an uproar of some kind."

"We also have to think about the Remus pack." Nora said. "They've been up our asses and keeping a very good look out on us and what we do."

"Don't forget," another voice, not Marcus' or his friends but Emery's sounded from behind them. All of them turned to see her, she wore faded blue jeans and yellow tank top, covered by light blue jacket. Her flame red hair was pulled back into a ponytail while her bangs hung loose on her forehead. "We have the rogues to deal with too."

"How long have you been there?" Nora asked. Her voice was perky but she managed to stay calm as she spoke.

"Long enough." Emery responded as she looped her fingers into her belt holes. "I was hungry and bored." She looked to the sky to avoid the tension that she seemed to create while she was there. "I also figured that I'd come out to see what everyone was doing but it seemed like all of you were busy."

Nobody said a word which made Emery feel embarrassed so she turned and dashed off into the forest. Marcus' eyes went wide and his began to worry that Emery would run into the Remus pack and get hurt. She was still new and didn't know how to manage her abilities the right way so he reached out to her mentally, trying to stay calm as he did so. It's not safe for you to be in the forest on your own right now Emery.

There was a brief silence before there came a hurtful tone that made Marcus' want to wrap his arms around her. I feel weird being around you guys. Yes I am new to all this but the least all of you can to do help me like before.

Marcus' glanced back at Nora and Blake and gave them a cold stare but both of the only shrugged and said nothing. Nothing has changed. Come back and we will discuss this.

There was a moment of silence and Marcus' worrying increased then her voice slid inside of his mind ever so lightly like fingers caressing the skin gently. There isn't really anything to discuss at the moment. I will be back when I've decided to. Before Marcus could form a response, he felt a mind block go up and that only meant that he couldn't get through to her. From what Marcus saw Emery was stubborn and when it came to being social, it was rough on her, especially when it came to a new environment and people so of course she was going to rebel. He couldn't blame her because not that long ago, he was the same way. Always secluding himself from others because he was different than he was. He glanced at Blake and Nora, "Now you've done it."

Neither one of them spoke but gave Marcus a puzzled look before Marcus turned toward the forest in hopes that Emery would be alright. The forest wasn't safe, given that the Remus Pack roamed freely anytime they felt like it and of course you can't forget about the Rogues. Always there and no way to really kill them unless you were a skilled warrior who know how to. Emery on the other hand killed one on her first chance and that was a shocking image to relive, given her state a the time. Marcus wondered how powerful Emery really was. He tried not to ponder that idea and instead went inside toward the cabin to retire to the sleeping chambers for a short nap.