
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

I was alone. Even in all this. I was utterly and completely alone. I may not be when it came to Marcus and his friends but I was. I should've said no to being turned then maybe all this would have gone away but I felt at the time of dying, I had more to live for. What good is it when the people around you only care about themselves and your just on the sidelines waiting for something to happen? My life before this was just to go about my everyday life without batting an eye about the things that went on around me. I thought that by me getting another shot meant a fresh start. It turned out that I was wrong. Before my thoughts got out of control, I felt the hands of another on my shoulders and before I had the chance to protest or even scream. "Don't even try to get help," a male voice said from behind me. He radiated dominance and I felt like I should have called Marcus and the other two but I didn't know what this person could do. "If you do then I would have no choice but to kill you."

A whimper formed in my throat and I tried to say something but my mouth was covered. I struggled to get his hand away so I could speak. "Please," my voice was pleading and I had no real way to get away without him trying to hurt me. "Whatever you want it isn't me."

"Oh but it is," came the man's response. "You are Marcus' weakness and I am going to use you to my advantage." His hand was right over my teeth and I quickly bit him, drawing blood. The taste of his blood coated my tongue and through it I saw multiple images of this man's life. His past and what he had done before his time as a vampire. Along with his name. Gabriel. His purpose was clear. He wanted to take control of the throne and create an order where he brought the vampires into the view of the humans and enslave them. After a moment of images, which swirled around like a tornado behind my eyes, I snapped out of it.

I whirled to face Gabriel. My eyes are still glowing from the remaining taste of blood. "Why are you doing this?" I asked him before he made another advance for me. "I didn't do anything to you nor any of the others." I huffed out a breath, hoping that I could regain some energy if I needed to fight him. "What do you want with us?"

"So many questions and not enough bloodshed." I heard him say as he gave me an evil piercing look. The fear that I was feeling reverberated throughout my entire being but as much as I felt it, I didn't want to show it to Gabriel, concerned that he would take advantage of it even more than he already did in this exact moment. I was alone with a stranger than I hardly knew and from what I saw of his memories, his intentions weren't good and I needed to find a way to get out of here without letting him expect a thing. Apart of me wished that I had listened to Marcus when he suggested that I go back to the cabin but I was stubborn and didn't listen. You should have listened, came Marcus' voice as it wrapped itself around the inner walls of my mind, calming me down to stay focused on Gabriel. Or else you wouldn't be in this situation at the moment. Stay calm and focus on Gabriel. I attempted to keep a straight face as I stood my ground as I listened to Marcus' demand.

I wanted to ask how Marcus was going to get to me without letting Gabriel know what was happening. I have my ways. No need to worry, love. At his endearment, my whole body felt warm, and I was able to tame the fear that was boiling deep within my stomach even when all I wanted to do was scream. I lightly let out a breath and looked calmly at Gabriel once more.

"I wonder how long it will take Marcus and his friends to know that you've gone missing?" He seemed as though he was asking himself but it was clear that I heard him, my ability of hearing that I was given after I was turned into a vampire. "Not like it would matter," he continued in his mocking voice that made me want to punch him just to shut his mouth but I kept that urge at bay. More concerned that he would know something was up. "By the time they realize what has happened, it will be too late."

"What is your beef with Marcus anyway?" I had the courage to ask as my blood ran colder than it was. My hearing, even acute as it was, stayed more aware of what was going on. Behind Gabriel, I saw motion, and a leap of hope seemed to spark in my chest.

"He and I are long time lab rat buddies," I hear Gabriel say as my gaze jumped to his darker and evil pair. His aura simmered with revenge but I couldn't decipher what it meant and by the look that I gave him, he began to grin menacingly. "He didn't tell you?" I could only shake my head and that made Gabriel laugh. "Allow me to explain," he continued in his still mocking tone that I found really annoying. "Marcus and I met a long time ago before any of this happened. There were a few others that volunteered but none of the others made it except me and your boyfriend Marcus," Gabriel paused a brief moment to show a scar that was engraved into his wrist. The tiny holes were a symbol of some sort but I was confused.

"What does this have to do with you and Marcus?" The question hung in the air for a couple of seconds and it felt like it was being forced out of my lungs from the anger that Gabriel was clearly feeling. "And Why ME?" The last bit was choked out of my throat before I collapsed to my knees.

"Marcus and I made a promise that if one escaped and the other couldn't," Gabriel replied. "The other would come back to get each other." My attention snapped to his and a part of myself wanted to ask him what happened but in a way I knew why Gabriel was acting out of anger and hate. Marcus hadn't returned to save him. My heart broke a little inside but it didn't falter from staying focused on him so Marcus could see what was happening.

The Forest around us was silent but what sounds that could be were drowned out by the fear of what Gabriel was going to do if I didn't cooperate. Gabriel's voice sounded again "He didn't return for me and allowed those cruel scientists treat me like a lab rat every second of my eternal life until one day I snapped and killed every last one that was there."

The words that wanted to form out of my mouth was trapped like a bird in its' cage and all I wanted to do was tell him that whatever was between him and Marcus was their business and had nothing to do with me but I felt as though that it wouldn't convince him any further than his vengeance for blood and it seemed like he wanted..no...needed to take it out someone and the only one around was me. "You don't need to involve me." Was all I managed to say before Gabriel used his speed and pinned me to the tree with his hand around my throat.

"Oh but I do," he hissed. "I WANT him to suffer like I have. To know the type of pain I've been through." The words rose like the anger he kept bubbling inside but I realized that he let his guard down to the point where his attention was focused on me and not on who was behind him. Marcus. He signaled to me to stay silent as he neared us.