
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Om was standing still, showing his back towards Soul, his hands starting to release a dark red aura. He slowly turned his face, his sharp eyes were kept releasing lust for blood. Pressure around him increase and quick blow of gust removed rubbles around him, "Speak, speak now. Longer you take, More intense the pain for Yamraj become."

Looking at the crazily mad face of Om, Soul knew that Om is not playing around. A wrong word and everything will be destroyed. Cautious of his words, Soul took a long breath and again started the story.

"Vishwa karma and few gods who were not part of the containment force started to gather survivors of all the races in the Universe. Vishwakarma created a vehicle that can help them travel through poison. That vehicle was created from the fragments of strongest divine element Vajra. It had high resistance towards 'Halahal' and was almost indestructible with only a single weakness."

To ride the vehicle, the Yamraj, the god of death, volunteered. The Goal of his journey was to either find the source of Poison or retrieve the treasures of the cosmic ocean. He somehow travelled to the place where everything began. There he witnessed that Halahal, for some unknown reason, gained consciousness. It took a form similar to a living being mad of fluid and is keep increasing in size every passing movement. Every time he tried to approach, his vehicle took damage, lost in all hope, he decided not to challenge his luck and instead try to gather all other treasures floating there. It seemed odd to him that none of the treasures took any damage, like they were protected by something. Halahal cannot be contained or stopped, so he gathered all the treasures he could, But for some unknown reason, Halahal chased Yamraj. In just a single blow from Halahal, Yamraj's vehicle shattered. To save himself from getting killed Yamraj who managed to gather few drops of 'Amrita' drank it. As a result, he achieved immortality, but still felt guilty of his weakness.

Finally, he returned. But The journey of Yamraj took too long and most of the surviving races gone extinct. One of the treasures from cosmic ocean was "Kamdhenu—the wish granting Cow". It was a white, silvery statue of a cow on a platform. Kamdhenu was a big help for remaining survivors. Though her power was limited, she provided enough food and accommodations. With her help, Vishwakarma created 4 separate dimensions, which were separated and sealed from the main universe.

But after some time, the seals became weak and started to leak Halahal. The first dimension which was filled with human race survivors started to suffer from disease of unknown kind. As the god of death, Yamraj was unable to fulfil his duty. Without the records of life and death, he was unable to judge anyone's life. Without the underworld, the souls of the deceased had nowhere to go, since there was no underworld or heaven. All souls turned into pure energy and disappeared.

To free all human survivors from their misery, he took all the souls of the living. With time, due to Halahal's effects, flesh from their body melted. The burden of millions of souls was too heavy for Yamraj. He lost control over them, With their souls back, all humans became similar to undead, not living not dead. He thought of killing them but after getting killed, there were no remains. Their bodies became energy and disappeared. Yamraj knows that only he will remain until eternity until the end of this universe, his sufferings made him lose all his emotions.

"With all options closed, we are here suffering until we also disappear. One day, we suddenly heard a voice telling us to be a part of a great plan. Some instructions were given to me. Those instructions were to guide you, make you stronger."

"Who were behind the voices?" Om asked.

Soul replied with a serious look in his eyes, "I don't know, but that voice was exactly similar to you."

With soul's story ending, Om released Yamraj from the effects of his skill. Yamraj again regenerated his body. Upon opening his eyes, his eyes looked towards Om first. His eyes were full of tears, yet he was smiling. He stood from the lap of Soul, put his forehead on the ground and kneeled in front of Om. Soul was not aware of what Yamraj was doing. But what Yamraj saw was a glowing silhouette behind Om. the silhouette was of a person holding a trident in hand. The entire silhouette was made of cosmos. The divine form behind Om finally became visible to Soul. The form started to increase in size in just few seconds, it became so big that the building's roof burst opened. Entire city which was now a ruin shine like it was day. Divine form kept on releasing energy, that energy was the destroyed souls of millions of human. All the souls too returned from their eternal slumber and kneeled.

Rays of hope came from a young man. At last, the time to end their misery was in front of Yamraj. "Finally, you returned. I, your loyal devotee, again wants to devote myself to you."

Yamraj was blessed because he was part of a great process and getting a chance to personally serve his lord. For him, this was what he waited so long for. His emotions were finally coming back to him. He was smiling, yet he was crying. Millions of Souls again became part of the divine form and disappeared.

Om was unknown to what Yamraj and Soul were witnessing, "What is going on here, soul. Why are they kneeling? I'm not their king nor their god. I wasn't there for them. And I don't know what to do next?"

He grabbled his head and panicked, "Dam, this is too confusing." Om's confused expressions got more complicated as he witnessed a never previously show screen in front of him. Instead of regular white and red screens, this one was glowing in colours of rainbow.

["God Of Death" wants to make a familiar contract with you.]

"Contracts again! I hate contract. They are just a headache." Irritated, Om closed the screen and neglected the contract.

Another screen appeared.

[Contracts grade:- DIVINE

Familiar Grade:- Demi God

Familiar class:- Death god

Loyalty:- 100%

Rate of success:- 100%]

[Do you still want to sign?

— Yes

— no]

Embarrassed Soul to Om,"Om, just sign the contract, you won't regret it. I promise. This is a rare chance. You will know in the future how lucky you are"?

Soul explained to him that, this contract is the rarest and of the highest level, a god was going to serve him. Upon pressure from Soul, Om signed the contract. Yamraj's body began to shine and change from a muscular old man to a young man. His age seems similar to the age of Om. Not just his body, but his attire also changed shape. His black suite changed according to his body shape.

With wide opened eyes of Om, "Damm! Yamraj, you look good in this form." Witnessing the miracle, Om was in an awe. The younger version of Yamraj was quite handsome. Red eyes, black hair and that jaw line were the work of an art.

[Due to player's original stats being lower than familiar

— contractor stats, skills, and class will be adjusted.

— Potential remains same.]

[Class demoted from Death god →necromancer.]

Sarcastically smiling, Om turned his kin glaze towards Soul, "Class demotion? What is this Soul? You said that I won't regret it."

Om kin gaze made Soul uncomfortable. He sweated all over his body, he turned his head away from Om, and tried to find an excuse. Looking around himself, trying to find a way to escape, Soul said to Om, "Please have a look at his stats. His class was demoted, but his potential to regain his original strength is the main objective of this contract."

"Fine, having another hand will be a great help." Om finally showed the sign of getting calm. He stopped all his skill and moved toward Yamraj.

"My lord, previously I was known by the name 'Yamraj'. Please give me a new name." Yamraj requested to Om.

"Welcome to the team Yama."

"Yama, about these souls that are destroyed?" Om asked.

"My lord, they are now free from the cycle of life and death. They achieved what many in millions of their life can't achieve." answered Yama.

Om was not sure of what Yama just said, but Yama's answer made certain that everything is good now.

Om asked Soul, "What's next?"

"First check rewards. There may be something useful will be in it." Boasted Soul pointing his finger up.

(Note:- field treasure rewards can be found in the field, while stage clearing rewards can be acquired in inbox.)

Om opened his inbox where he got all his stage clearing rewards. There were four rewards in total.


1. All states 10+.

2. System expansion.

3. Class Exclusive Skill:- divine eyes.]

[System expansion, initiating system expansion.]

[Please wait.....]