
please reset the booktitle Monu03 20231218092329 72

“I was before everything and I will be after everything destroyed.” Witness being overpowered in a society in which civilians somehow got the power of the gods.

Monu03 · Fantasy
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19 Chs


"Hey! You dirty creature. You must be feeling proud right, you are in my presence. I, the youngest prince of the elven empire."

"That's the way to treat this lowly human, my prince." a kid goblin praises the prince.

Nothing was there to do for Om, since he would rather not hurt kids. But because there was no response from Om, prince threw a rock at Om. following him, other kids also started to threw rocks at him. But Om wasn't faced at all until a rock hit him on his right eye. Unconsciously, he activated his skill 'rage of God'. Black red aura leaked from his body. Somehow, Om controlled his rage and deactivated his skill, but the pressure made from his skill made all the kids and surrounding residents to fall in unconscious.

Guards witnessing this phenomenon quickly alarmed the bells and called the reinforcements. In a few moments, Om was again surrounded by thousands of soldiers, pointing their weapons at him.

"Behave insect, or we will crush you" said the same soldier who faced the group of Sugriva.

"To crush a weak insect like, you need this much force. Haha! Are you, I'm the insect." Om taunted at them.

"My plan to observe them is ruined. I have to go now or there will be casualties from their side.

Yama, I'm leaving this place to the deer. So just observe and collect as much information as possible". Om talked to Yama through deer's telepathic ability.

This time, Om again activated 'rage of God'. His body as always released pressure and red Aura. The pressure made weaker soldiers to fell unconscious. The red aura made his body to produce heat and lightning. The temperature around his was higher to the point that the cage and ground around him started to melt, but temperature still keep on increasing.

The rising temperature started to affect unconscious residents around him, but other soldiers were unable to help their people and were kept on taking steps back as temperature increases.

"I have to quickly leave or everyone will die here." Om jumped towards the roof of the cave. Instead of having impact from rocks present on wall of cave. It started to melt like butter. Om pierced through the cave like a sword slashes wind. The cave was left with a hole and it was emitting light. The entire cave was illuminated and glowed in the light of moonlight.

"Wow! I somehow escaped, but the scene I created was not something they can let go. Another day, another enemy" Om's jump, still throwing him towards the sky.

From far, Om looked like a red star returns to the night sky. But the entire forest also witnessed this glimmering star.

After running the whole night, Om finally reached the graveyard.

"Time in this dimension is twisted. Nights are looking longer while days are short." Om fell. Before Om fell, the horse skeleton came. Om fell on its saddle.

"All the leaders, it's time to report your findings". Commanded Yama.

While in the graveyard, all the groups successfully completed the task that were given to them, except of the group Yama was leading. Yama's group was still spying and monitoring the forest.

"All the leaders, it's time to report about your findings." Yama commanded. At his command, Jatayu, Sugriva and Yaksha came forward. On the spot of Om, the horse that Om always ride on came.

At first, Sugriva, who was given the responsibility to collect all the race ores and mineral, presented his findings. His group was holding many minerals and Ores. After Sugriva, Yaksha presented many treasures which were jewels, ornaments, armours, weapons, etc. following the horse, its group was holding many rare herbs, vegetables and edible ingredients.

At last Jatayu, he was the one who faced the beast king Damon.

"Master Yama, two powerful entities rule this forest. The beast king -Damon who rule over the carnivores and the king of herbivores -Nandi. I, coincidently, face the king of the beast. From what I witnessed, his raw strength is as powerful as you or may be higher than you. And since this forest is also ruled by Nandi, he may have same strength or closely." said Jatayu.

"Are they a threat to us?" asked Yama.

"No, master. They are strong but can be defeated, as I did recently." Jatayu replied.

"Jatayu, you achieved impressive results. Lord Om will be pleased. But there are not two but three entities who are ruling this forest right now."