
please reset the booktitle Miyakoysi 20231218092329 66

Getting rewritten

Miyakoysi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Will to Live

Kazue was walking home, holding a cake in one hand and bit of grocery in the other. Thinking about the events of today. They plagued his mind with no sign of leaving him alone. 


"I'm sorry, but you don't have one" 

"W-What do you mean? T-Then how am I Fine? How is mother fine?..." 

A desperation laced his voice, everyone he had seen without cubes with the expectation of his mother (and him) were all like empty shells walking, some were even sent to the mental ward. And some died… 

 Lucky was looking at him grimly now, her lips pressed together into a thin line. 

"There is a monster called 'Sanctus per viam eorum qui pereunt' 'Fallen one who lost their way'. It is a corrupted Iwa spirit, something that only happen if the cube is corrupted to the point of no return and rebel against itself. After killing and breaking away from their humans, they turn into monsters who eat other people's Iwas to keep themselves sustained and on earth so they could cause more destruction."

  And wasn't that a horrifying thought? Kazue allowed the information to sink in as the insides of his stomach churched. He felt sick, very very sick. To have their very soul turn against them, to have them eaten how did that feel? No wonder those people couldn't handle it. 

  With a shaky nod he motioned Lucky to continue. 

"The reason and your mother is fine is probably because you two lost it while very young. When a baby is born, their Iwa cubes are pure white. They are yet to form a personality, a sense of self. And as the child grows the Iwa does too. If the cube is eaten before it is fully developed, the child will grow up fine, just a little empty but fine. That's probably what happened to you and your mother"

"T-Then, what of my little brother? If Mother and I lost ours at a young age, will my brother be fine?" 

"How old is he?" 

"10 years old" 

"It would be dangerous for him to lose his Iwa now but Sanctus attacks are rare in those days. So he should probably be fine" 

Hearing the reassurance, Kazue let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. That's good isn't it? They just need to be careful. Lucky glanced at her wristwatch and nodded her head. 

"You should probably get going now. I don't have anymore to say to you." 

"Ah, thank you very much. Sorry for bothering you" 

He quickly apologised, to which Lucky just waved off. 

"It's fine. Anyway go home and don't go seeking for danger" 

"Then I'll be going now" 

He stood up and picked up his belongings about to leave when Lucky called out. 

"Hey kid! I Know it's not much but when you leave pick up a cake and tell the cashier to put it on my tab. It's the least I could do" 

Looking at Lucky's face for any sign of lie and only finding sincerity and hit of guilt Kazue nodded with a small smile tugging at his lips. 

"Thank you" 

And he left the room. 

End of Flashback

   The red haired teen sighed and opened the door to his house, chasing away the thought. There is no use in mulling over it after all. 

"I'm home!" 

"Ah! Kazue Welcome back!!" 

"Shuuji, where is mother?" 

"In the kitchen! Is that a cake!?" 

"You can have a slice after dinner" 

 Kazue ruffled Shuuji's hair, earning a pout from his little brother and kicked off his shoes, heating towards the kitchen. 

"Mom, I bought a cake and picked up some groceries" 

"Oh Kazu-kun , Thank you" 

"No problem!" 

He returned his mother's smile, putting away the groceries and the cake into the fridge while his mother continued to cook. 

"Shuu-kun, Kazu-kun go wash your hands. Dinner will be served soon!" 


Both boys answered and headed off to wash their hands. 

 But still, Kazue could not shake off the uneasiness that appeared once he came home. 

Normally Kazue would ignore it and continue on. But this time he feels that something will go wrong. 

And it will go wrong terribly. 

"Kazue! Hurry up!" 

"Coming Shuu!" 

No matter, he would think about this later. For now, spending his time with his family is a must. 

 After a delicious dinner courtesy of his mother, Kazue headed to his room. He had homework to complete and this to mull over. 

"Mom! I'm going to my room now!" 

"Alright! Finish your homework sweetheart!" 

"Will do!" 

  He entered his room and closed the door behind him and was promptly jumped by the kitten. He knelt down and petted it's head. 

"Hey there little lady! Rashamon didn't bother you right?" 


"Haha, I gotta do my homework now" 

With a smile, Kazue placed the kitten back down into the ground and walked to his desk and started doing his homework. 

 After finishing it, Kazue stretched and went to bed. It was already 21:00 and he should sleep. 

 He couldn't sleep, he fidgeted and turned trying to find comfortable position but no use. He even counted sheep and tried to sleep but the nagging feeling in the back of his mind only grew stronger. 

  Finally Kazue stood up and left his bed, following it his room and stepped into the dark hallway. Only the moonlight peeking through the window illuminated the space. 

 He headed towards the kitchen. The light was on, his mother must be awake then. Ignoring the feeling that is only growing with each step he took towards the kitchen, Kazue peeked into the room. 


 And stopped dead. 


  One step backward. 




Until he hit the wall. 

 His eyes wide and full of shock and terror, limbs trembling, frozen in shock. 

What stood in front of him was not a human. Pitch black and dark green body made of shadows. Spider legs, hands and vines surrounding it like a tentacles from cliche horror movie. 

  His mother along with Shuuji layed on the floor under its feet, red blood pooling on the floor. 

 Kazue stared and the monster stared back with it's sickening yellow eyes. 

  It bore into Kazue's own blue ones as if seeing through its soul. 

 What it did next, sent the cold shiver of fear down his back. 

 The thing's face stretched to the sides and it smiled. 

 A terrifying, disgustingly cheerful smile took over the ball shaped head. 

"Ooh~ a prey that can see me~" 

  High Pitched voice like that of a nail dragging on board resonated through the house causing the terrified boy to flinch. 

 But then, the thing frowned as if disappointed by the thing it saw. 

 "But you don't have my breten~ How sad…" 

 It made a cry like sound and turned it's head to whatever it was holding in the air. 

 Kazue's eyes followed its movement and unwittingly to whatever it was looking. 

In the grasps of the vines was the oh so familiar cube with it's blue light, reminding him of the eyes of his beloved family. 

  Kazue whimpered as he regnorized the cube the thing held. 

 Yes, for it was the cube of his brother. The warm light blue cube full of innocence and now it was going to be eaten! By this thing. By the monster that will probably kill him. 

 Kazue felt bile rise up through his throat at the thought of what might happen to his brother after this as the words of Lucky flashed through his mind. 


    "It would be dangerous for him to lose his Iwa now but Sanctus attacks are rare in those days. So he should probably be fine" 


And he moved on his own,in a blink of an eye he was running forward towards the monster, towards the cube, trying to save his brother's soul. 

  He reached out, knowing that his hand will go through it, knowing that he will probably die. But still desperately he reached his hand out, he jumped and--

-Only knew pain! 



The monster's fangs sank into the flesh of his arm instead of the cube in it's hold. 

  In shock the monster pulled away and with adrenaline fueled mind Kazue knocked the cube away. Never registering the fact that he touched the glowing soul. 

 . Crack. 


The monster (-Sanctus, his mind whispered) shrieked, vines moving swiftly aiming for his head. 

  Kazue fell to the ground holding his bloodied forearm. 

 And the cube fell and sank into his brother, chains wrapping around it tighter than ever. 

 The Sanctus growled as the shadow around it flared , oozing into the air like ever burning flames. 

  It set it's sickening yellow eyes into Kazue and growled out, sharp finger pointing at him. 

" I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" 

  Vines dove towards him, giving Kazue no time to move out of the way. 

  They caught him, wrapping around him tightly not intended on letting go. 

 The sane vines lifted him into the air, squeezing tightly almost painfully as if trying to cut off his air. 

  The Sanctus approached him slowly as it growled, the vines tightening around Kazue. 

  His mind worked, trying to get him out of his situation. 

"You dare interrupt my meal!" 


"Don't play with me human!" 

  The creature before him was angry, the monstrous growl and the vine tightening around his neck was the proof of that. 

"I-I'm n-not cough!!" 

The vines tightened even more, choking him now. 

"Do you really have a death wish!?" 





"If so, then let me grant your wish" 

A crooked grin. Just when did he become so brave!? 

"B-Bite me ugh!"

 He couldn't breath! 

  It was choking him! 

The Sanctus was really trying to kill him! 


'I want to live' 

 Kazue thought as his eyes landed on his unmoving mother and unconscious brother. 


'I want to Live!" 

He could see the black dots dancing around his vision now, he was dying. But he doesn't want to die! 

'I want to live!' 

  And there was a question. 


"Harukami Kazue! Do you want live!?'"


"Answer me!!"

'I want to Live! I want to continue living! With my cute brother! My kind mother!-' 

 Kazue started to struggle against the vines holding him down as the air around him crackled. 

'-But Most of all…. I want to live for myself!' 

"Then, Call my name Harukami Kazue!"

'Gathering the last of his strength Kazue yelled out. 

"COME #####!!!!!" 


 Something cracked, shattering the barrier between reality and dream. The electricity ran through the air, surrounding the two. 

  It attacked the Sanctus holding its owner mercilessly causing it to drop the redhead and jump back. 

In the midst of it all, Harukami Kazue stood up. As the lighting cracked creating the shape of mystical beast wrapped protectively around him. 

  And for the first time in it's twisted existence the Sanctus felt the rush of fear along with the darkness looming over him. 

 It had made it's bed, now it was the time lay on it. 

 "Sanctus per viam eorum qui pereunt, You shall be punished for your sins" 

 The boy declared as his voice boomed with otherworldly power. His blue eyes glowing with determination and eerie calmness.  

Pointing at the trembling being, he whispered. Like a predator hunting his prey the lighting pounced.


  "##### Destroy…" 

"Your wish is my command… "

From the shadows, pair of red eyes watched patiently. 

 Pride shined in it's eyes as it tasted the power in the air. 

  All coming from the boy with red hair and blue eyes. 

"Master, you should be proud."

It turned and left, sinking back into the shadows. 

 He wasn't needed here. 

 The boy could handle himself. 

 The storm clouds are brewing, soon enough it will hit the shore destroying everything in it's way. 

 And only one shall remain. 

In The eye of the storm. 

 The king.