
please reset the booktitle Miyakoysi 20231218092329 66

Getting rewritten

Miyakoysi · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Who are you? And why are you following me?" 

The girl asked him, making the wolf on top of him growl. It was actually very terrifying that Kazue did definitely not know what to do. 

 His silence apparently was not satisfactory for the girl. She pointed the sword she got from who knows where into his neck. 

"Answer me!!" 

And Kazue couldn't hold it anymore. 

"Okay okay!! I just wanted to know why you didn't have a cube!! and apparently has a wolf" 

The last part was murmured softly as he followed the thin thread of white ribbon tying the wolf to the girl. 

  The girl stopped dead and put away her katana. She ordered the wolf off of him and the wolf complied. 

"Yoshi let him stand"

The wolf whined and did just that. Kazue stood up, taking a few calming breaths and turned to the girl. Only to find that she was looking at him too. 

"You can see them"

 it was more of a statement than a question. It's like she already knew the answer and was only asking to confirm it. 

 Kazue could only nod mutely. The girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then looked at him again. 

"And by your reaction, I'm assuming you don't know anything about those cubes?" 

Kazue nodded again. Oh he wanted to ask so many things like:

'What are those cubes?' 

'Are they really what I guessed as souls?' 

'Why do you have a wolf and not a cube?' 

'Do I have one?' 

'Why do others cannot see him?' 

'Why do some people not have any cubes?' 

The last one was because of the worry he felt for his mother and the other Cubeless people. While the one before that was because, assuming that the girl had the wolf since the beginning, no one saw it as there was a lack of action towards it being in public. 

 But still for the sake of his non existent dignity, Kazue did not ask.  Thought apparently his thoughts must have shown on his face cause the next minute the girl sighed in a long suffering way. 

"Follow me" 

She said and curtly turned around to leave. Kazue was confused as he looked after the 'Girl Who still haven't introduced herself'. Before he knew it, he was already following after her. 

"But where-" 

 And found himself interrupted by the finger against his lips. The girl was looking at him warningly. 

"I know, I know you have questions but not here. I will answer them but we need to get somewhere else" 

 Kazue could only nod mutely, not daring to speak. After a few minutes, the girl nodded in satisfaction and once again turned away. 

"Now Come on" 

They left the empty alley not soon after and reached the main streets. He watched in amazement and small bit of disbelief as everyone ignored the wolf trailing after the girl. Maybe they couldn't see him? Since the wolf was like the cube, connected to the girl. It seems like his earlier theory had been right. Maybe it serves as a replacement for the cubeless. 

  If so, then just maybe he could get one for his mother. 

Kazue mused and with a shake of his head, he refocused back to the matter at hand. He had no idea of where the girl who still haven't introduced himself was leading him. 

Part of Kazue was wary. He could not tell the mood of the girl or the person she is by just looking.  It was foreign and scary feeling but at the same time, refreshing too. 

When the girl stopped in front of some shop he blinked and looked up at the sign. 

'Angel's smile, it's the shop mum wanted me to pass by' 

He thought absently and followed after the girl hurriedly as she walked in without any hesitation nor words. She was strange and seemed to be quiet too. 

Without saying anything to the waitress or the Casher, the brown haired girl led him straight to the vip room only separated from the rest by a door and see through glass walls. 

 This time, the ever curious boy could not hold back his question and blurted it out just as the girl closed the door behind them. 

"Is it really okay?" 

The girl raised an eyebrow at him, clearly unimpressed by something. 

"What's okay?" 

Her voice was dry and flat, like she didn't get whatever Kazue was talking about. Was this girl socially stunted too? 

'That would explain the behavior' he thought amusedly, then answered the girl. 

"Just barging into the VIP room like this? Is it really okay?" 

 The girl huffed and sat down on the chair behind her. 

"Of course it is,I'm the owner after all. Anyway sit down, you have some questions right?" 

 Seeing his nod, girl added into her earlier statement just as Kazue sat down facing her. 

"Ask away, I'll answer them as best as I can" 


"'What are those cubes?, Are they really what I guessed as souls?, Why do you have a wolf and not a cube?, Do I have one?, Why do others cannot see him?, Why do some people not have any cubes?, Is there anyone else who can seem them like us!? Ooh!! A secret society perhaps! And you still haven't introduced yourself by the way-" 

-Was assaulted with questions. Kazue was still rambling questions. And the girl had to resort to stuffing the newly bought in cheesecake into his mouth to shut him up. 

With a sip from her orange juice, she started answering Kazue's questions. 

" Okay, to answer your questions in order. One, those cubes are called Iwa. Two, Iwa is indeed a spirit made of human soul. Most of the time they remain in cube form tightly bound to you as only a select few can awaken and use them. The wolf's name is Yoshiro, he is my Iwa partner. A part of my soul if you will. Your 12th and 13th questions, I'm unable to answer them. And you can just call me Lucky for the moment"

  Kazue, noticing how Lucky didn't answer some of his questions and asked again. 

"Why can't you answer them? What about those cubeless people? What happened to them? And Do I have one?" 

This made Lucky sigh and raise her head at him as she calmly sipped her juice. Her eyes clear and sharp,opening her mouth she answered his  questions. 

" I can't answer you cause they are confidential and I'm sorry-"


" - but you don't have one." 


A sound of broken dreams echoed with no to hear it's plea for help. 

 Kazue could only sit there and listen. Lucky's words repeating in his head like a broken record. 

" I'm sorry "