
It's not a chapter, it's an explanation for those who like the fan fic I made or something

This may also be unnecessary to say but rather I had done it to improve my grammar and improve my English which is horrible as you can see does not improve much that we say.

He also investigates history to do somewhere if although some may not believe it, study a few things of history.

If this story is of any use, it was that I could improve my grammar only in another language that is Spanish, which is not my original language, but I am in a country that Spanish is the common and legal language we say.

The historical part was more or less because I like the historical thing, I put several true things of history in the novel if someone noticed.

Well, it is almost everything I have to say, if I can upload some chapters in this fan fic but basically I can do another one and as you say it in addition to what I had thought before it will be for all ages.

I don't do this because of anyone or something, I don't want you to think that it was such a good thing. You are free to think what you want.

And as I said I may keep going up but it will only be because I want to improve my grammar among other things.

And if it seems that my grammar does not improve at all, I guess it was good, goodbye, I think xD

I thank those who have commented and given advice any advice is always good I think, did not speak in general if they understand no.

Well also to those who gave stones of power that I don't even know what it is for, I think just to find out the number that people liked or rated something like that more the Rank's position.

There were several who really commented a lot so it was a pleasure to know more or less their thoughts of the fan fic well I hope this is not the last one to do xd

Surely it will not be the last good to read something more interesting or something like that goodbye it was fun to write this fan fic and I had several ideas to change them I will see what I do.