

The girl ended up crying in class, at that time she felt overwhelmed. It was probably that she was just asked to answer by her teacher at the wrong timing. How she hated that feeling. She was being watched, she was being seen. As if all her sins were to see for everyone looking at her. Asking her why she didn't tell her mother she loved her before death.

Why she didn't mourn. Why. Why. Why! This word drove her crazy. Why should she explain herself so much? Why did she have to answer so many questions?

Come back once you answered these questions, was what the girl wanted to say. On the way to her bike, she was lost in such thoughts. Thinking, thinking. Knowledge is power, is what they say. But isn't it also what causes destruction? It's a double-edged blade. It made you interested, it made you hate. Honestly, the girl thought that the forbidden fruit in Eden was actually knowledge. After all, to this day, it was probably what reigns over the other seven deadly sins; and also over the seven heavenly virtues.

Maybe the whole thought of thinking was wrong. How paradoxical. It rhymes with toxical, though that isn't an actual word. The girl was lost in thoughts. The knowledge that influenced emotions, the thoughts that we can't escape. Maybe we have always been trapped in this. Trapped by our own thinking, by our own pursue of knowledge that we can't see the big picture. But who could confirm this?

Maybe nobody, maybe everybody. Maybe only the higher being that we call God only knows. Maybe that existence is a lower life-form, maybe we are but bugs in the higher spirit's eyes. Who knows, maybe our thriving life-style is still very primitive, maybe we're being looked down on. After all, it could still be true that our lives right now weren't even ours. We could be computers, we could be puppets. Even these thoughts of us would be orchestrated, yet we would think we would be fighting for freedom. How laughable, in just one thought, the girl made the whole human race seem like less.

But, this knowledge might just be our lower understanding of something what would be the higher form of knowledge.

Would it ever be confirmed? The existence of aliens, living on multiple planets, using magic, cultivating. Maybe it was all already confirmed, we just don't know it yet.

But this was probably the idea of knowledge.

How to rant...

Faeriscreators' thoughts