
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

chapter 4, Trouble at the door

Miu Furinji POV​

I'm making my way back to Ryozanpaku, the familiar path leading me through the dark city streets. As I round a corner, a figure up ahead catches my eye - it's him! That tall, handsome guy I sit next to in class. Zack Hammers.

My heart leaps into my throat as heat rushes to my cheeks. Oh my god, what do I do? This is my chance! Think, Miu, think!

I discreetly scan our surroundings. Up ahead is the grocery store he must be headed to. A plan forms in my mind. Using a minor movement technique Grandpa taught me, I deftly weave through the streets until I'm several yards ahead of Zack's path.

I pretend to browse the store window, stealing glances until he draws near. Then, I'll let myself "accidentally" bump into him! It's perfect!

But before I can set my plan into motion, a rough voice cuts through the clamor of the street.

I spin around to see a grotesque, scarred yakuza thug leering at me, three more flanking him menacingly. Their auras reek of hostility and booze. Definitely low-level street punks, but still a nuisance.

I can't help but sigh inwardly.

Of course this would happen when I finally work up the nerve to make a move on Zack.

I debate taking them out with swift precision, but... A devious thought crosses my mind as I spot Zack approaching out of the corner of my eye. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone here?

Putting on my best damsel-in-distress act, I let fear creep into my expression as the ringleader steps closer. His beady eyes rake over me hungrily.

"Well If you aren't such a cutie," The blonde who clearly dyed his hair wrong exclaims.

"P-Please...I don't want any trouble," I stammer, injecting just the right amount of tremor into my voice.

"Now why would a pretty little thing like you be out all alone?" The thug's gravelly tone raises the hairs on the back of my neck as he reaches out to caress my cheek. Disgusting.

That's it, I've baited the hook... Now to see if my prince charming bites.

Return to Zack POV​

I arrived at the grocery store.

By that I mean I was waylaid by a stupid scene in front of the convenience store that's about halfway to the grocery store.

Like are you fucking kidding me? Miu could easily knock these idiots out in half a second, I mean look at their stats, and How they are standing just shows a lack of any understanding about martial arts.

Himichi Wanzo

Title:Omi Alliance disgraced dog

STR: 6






Himichi hates his last name because it sounds like the kanji for the sound a dog makes when barking. As an absolute disgrace to all Yakuza everywhere. It is your duty to beat the shit out of him. Probably. Or Miu, In this situation it's probably good to let Miu do it.

"Miu," I called out. "What in the name of all that is Katsujinken are you playing with your food for? We both know you could knock these wannabe's off their feet in less than half a second, why the heck aren't you breaking their legs already? I mean come ON! That one there looks like he's like five seconds away from grabbing your boobs! Stop playing around!"

Miu, noticing that, Indeed one of the morons was about to do something that would get him killed by her grandfather, life giving fist rules be damned, she shrieks. "KYAAAA!"

She drops the act immediately after and knocks out the first three instantly in a blur I couldn't even track.

I approach her and sigh.

"Good job Miu, now what the hell were you doing?! I've only known you personally for like, a day, but with the reputation of your family, this is the last thing I'd expect from you."

Immediately she goes from sheepish to chastised looking.

I sigh, "Tell you what, I'll walk you home and you can tell me what you were doing."

She brightens slightly, "I wanted to test you." she says, straightforwardly, not even trying to hide a thing at all. Which surprises me.

With a strange look on my face, I turned to her with said unreadable expression. "Umm, why?"

She looks down, looking conflicted but immediately starts throwing out words at the speed of lightning. "You're a nice guy and you know martial arts and you look good and" She takes a breath. "I wanted to BringUpTheCourageToaskYououtButInsteadI just followed you and then I decided to play the stoic beauty icy damzel."

That was a word salad. But a very tasty one.

I smirked.

"You literally could have just asked me out at any time yesterday." We have arrived at the gate to Ryozanpaku, taking the opportunity to level my flirt skill and get closer to adding Miu to my harem as the first member.

I put my hand on the gate next to her head and lean forward in the classic anime kabedon position.

"I would have said yes." Her blush goes atomic and she starts to stutter.

About a second later I get a bad feeling as her head turns to look behind me as she goes from blushing to pale in an instant.

I feel pressure so immense that I am held in place by it. A large calloused hand reaches out and pokes the massive gate that Ryozanpaku sits behind. It is slammed open with an immense force.

I begin to sweat.

"Now. As I know my Miu would have turned you into a pile of groaning pain on the ground if she wasn't interested in you, I would like an explanation." he states.

"From both of you." as his last word hits my ears he walks past us, invitation that is not an invitation but an ultimatum that must be fulfilled given.

We could do nothing but follow.

Miu's POV​

Oh no! I've got to act naturally. There's no way that he's absolutely sure that I was trying to get Zack's attention! But wait, wouldn't that put him in danger?!

I glance over at the imposing figure of my grandfather who has already flung open the gate with unmistakable force. The sheer power emanating from him makes my skin prickle with goosebumps. Zack is practically frozen in place, eyes widening as beads of sweat start forming on his brow.

"Now," Grandpa's gruff voice booms out. "As I know my Miu would have turned you into a pile of groaning pain if she wasn't interested in you, I would like an explanation." His eyes bore into us with an intensity that could melt steel. "From both of you."

He doesn't wait for a response, simply turning and making his way inside while leaving the shattered gate untouched. The message is clear - we are to follow, immediately, if we value our safety.

I catch Zack's eye and give him a pleading look tinged with embarrassment. He seems to understand, letting out a long exhale as the pressure lifts slightly. Straightening his shoulders, he gestures for me to lead the way.

My heart is pounding as we step across the threshold. What was I thinking, trying to test Zack like that? If Grandpa gets the wrong idea, there's no telling what sort of hellish training he'll put me through! It isn't even the wrong Idea either so I'm guaranteed absolute hardship!

Zack's POV​

What in the actual hell was that?! One second I'm feeling pretty good about my chances with the hottest girl in the series, the next I'm having a terror-induced out-of-body experience from the presence of the 108-styles Grandmaster himself! I made an even worse impression than Kenichi did in the original!

I'm almost certain that Hayato will crush me to death if I say the wrong thing, Katsujinken rules be damned! I regained my senses enough to see Miu's panicked, apologetic expression. As we cross into the confines of Ryozanpaku, the air shifts and thickens with an energy I've never experienced. It's suffocating, like the very air itself is trying to suffocate me with Ki.

How the hell did Kenichi even get past the door in the original?!

In a blur, the scenery changes from a nice garden where a menacing Apachai Hoppachai is smashing a punching bag that seriously shouldn't still exist with how much force he's exerting on it.

We walk down a long, dimly lit corridor, Miu leading the way with trepidation clear in her posture. I stay alert, vigilant for any attack or trap, though something tells me the real danger is wherever that overwhelming aura is heading.

At last, we emerge into a spacious dojo area. The shadowy figure is seated in the middle, seemingly waiting with an unnatural stillness. As we approach, Hayato gives us a severe expression and flinty eyes.

Miu kneels respectfully, and after a moment's pause I follow suit, Hayato stares at us for what feels like an eternity before speaking again.

"Girl, you have been raised better than to behave so brazenly with a boy you barely know," he intones, each word carrying incredible weight. "And you, outsider. What are your intentions with my granddaughter? Speak truthfully, for I shall know if you lie."

Oh my fucking god, Hayato is terrifying.

Giggling sounds.​

Fuck you too, system.