
PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead.

please read How to survive the multiverse by dying every day!(Re:zero/Multiverse) instead, This story is on indefinite Hiatus

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter five, will I survive?

 "Well sir, I would really like to date your granddaughter Miu because...because she's incredible," I said, my voice thick with sincerity. "She's the most beautiful, kind hearted, talented girl I've ever met. And I'm not just talking about her looks, though she is stunningly gorgeous."

Hayato's flinty eyes bored into my very soul, his expression unreadable. I gulped but forced myself to continue.

"Miu has this...light about her. An inner strength and gentle spirit that shines brighter than anyone I've known. She treats everyone with respect and kindness, even those who don't deserve it." I thought about how she refused to seriously hurt those street punks, even when they disrespected her.

"And her martial arts abilities-" I shook my head in awe. "I've never seen anything like it. The grace, the power, the perfect form - she makes the impossible seem effortless. Her potential is limitless."

Hayato leaned back, allowing a faint smile to crease his weathered features. "You appreciate the depth of her skills as well as her beauty. Good."

I pressed on, feeling emboldened. "Anyone who had a chance with Miu and didn't pursue it would have to be a complete and utter moron. If she showed romantic interest in someone and they turned her away-" I paused, feeling the intensity of my emotions. "Well, they'd deserve to be left in a dark alley with a Satsujinken master out for blood."

The tip of Hayato's grin took on a distinct menacing edge that made me go rigid. "Good passion," he rumbled in a tone that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. "Very well then."

He rose to his feet, a hulking figure of compressed power and age-old wisdom. "I shall provisionally allow you to date my Miu!" One gnarled finger shot out, stopping just short of my nose. "Although, In order to ensure you are truly worthy of protecting her with your life, I will subject you to the most hellish training regimen you can possibly imagine."

My face must have paled, because Hayato's grin stretched wider. "If you even think of giving up, of proving yourself unworthy of my granddaughter...you will never be allowed to see her again."

His words carried the unbendable weight of truth.

All I could do was nod rapidly, trying not to show how my hands had started trembling. Wait...why was it this easy? I simply had to speak from the heart(lie) about Miu's many amazing qualities(That I actually didn't know were accurate), and her legendary grandfather deemed me potentially worthy?

As if sensing my confusion, Hayato shook his head slowly. "Do not mistake my acceptance for it being easy, boy. The real challenges are only just beginning."

The look in the old master's eyes promised torment unlike anything I'd ever experienced. But. for a chance with Miu, I knew it would be worth it. I straightened my spine and met Hayato's piercing gaze directly.

"I'm ready, Master. Let's begin." I exclaim.

"I'll prove that statement false with focused effort then. Because you are certainly not ready." Hayato states with finality, his words carrying a heavy weight.

As if on cue, the dojo lights blaze brighter, revealing I'm no longer alone with the old master. Positioning themselves around us are four imposing figures - each one radiating an aura of supreme martial prowess and lethal skill.

My breath catches in my throat as I recognize them from the Manga I've read. These are the other Grandmasters of Ryozanpaku, each an unmatched living legend in their own right.

There's Shio Sakaki, the 100 Dan Karate Master, his bulky frame tense as he fixes me with a death glare that could disintegrate steel. Beside him stands Kensei Ma, the definitive Grandmaster of All Kenpo. Even hidden behind his perpetual shades, I can feel his eyes boring into me, sizing me up like an insect to be crushed.

Akisame Koetsuji, the so-called Philosopher of Jujitsu, observes me with a penetrating, analytical stare - no doubt deconstructing every weakness and tell. And finally, there is Shigure Kosaka, the legendary Weapon Mistress said to wield over a thousand weapons with equal lethality. She runs a whetstone along the edge of her katana with deliberate, ominous strokes.

A bead of sweat trickles down my spine as the full gravity of the situation settles in. I'm completely surrounded by the most dangerous Katsujinken practitioners alive.

"I'm...screwed, aren't I?" I can't help but mutter under my breath.

Hayato lets out a derisive snort. "Only if you fail. And I will not allow that." His tone holds a paradoxical mix of granite resolve and paternal firmness. "You will begin training with Shio Sakaki first, as you clearly have a background in karate. I can sense these things."

He sweeps his arm out grandiosity. "After all, I am the 108 Styles Grandmaster. The greatest amalgamation of martial ability in existence. Matched only by a single man in existence. "

I gulp audibly as Sakaki steps forward, cracking his knuckles with relish. "Follow me, kid," he gruffs, sounding almost bored. "I don't usually take disciples. But for Miu's happiness..." A faint smile ghosts over his face. "I'll do anything. She's more than just a daughter to me."

The smile quickly turns savage. "So I'll be the first to try and break you, boy. Because if you somehow screw this up and hurt her..." He jabs a meaty finger at the unassuming Akisame. "The doc over there is a master of chi healing, acupuncture, and modern medicine. He'll just patch you up in the most agonizing way possible so the rest of us get a turn too."

My knees go weak at the prospect as Sakaki looms over me with the promise of violence in his eyes. I open my mouth, not even sure what I want to say, but am interrupted.

"Save it for someone who cares, punk!" The karate master barks, cutting me off. "You'll prove your worth to us through blood, sweat and shattered bone. Or you can quit right now and never see my disciple again."

He holds my gaze for an endless, suffocating moment. When I give no response but a trembling nod, Sakaki grins wolfishly.

"Wait here," Sakaki grunts, seeming to barely move yet suddenly disappearing in a blur of motion. One second he's towering over me, the next he's across the dojo.

I blink in surprise as he rematerialized just as abruptly, now carrying a bundle of leather-wrapped metal weights. Sasakai shoots me an appraising look as he approaches once more.

"Now that I've made you wait..." Without preamble, he begins deftly binding and securing the weights all along my limbs and torso. The leather bites into my flesh as the heavy vambraces, greaves and chest harness rapidly accumulate.

By the time Sakaki finishes, I can barely hold my body upright under the immense added bulk. Sweat is already beading on my skin from the sheer physical strain.

The karate grandmaster steps back, those hardened eyes missing nothing as he looks me over appraisingly. "Then let's get started, maggot. Your hell begins now!"

He barks out the last part like a drill instructor. "Show me what you know. All of it!"

I can only manage a jerky nod before sucking in a deep breath and forcing my body into the first karate stance and form I know. Every movement is a grueling effort against the restraining weights as I mechanically cycle through stances, blocks, strikes and katas.

The skills rush through my mind, an endless succession of techniques and fighting knowledge. It's as if I can't control the flow of movement, my body moving of its own accord, fueled by the martial abilities crammed haphazardly into my brain.

By the time I finally wind down to a stop, I'm drenched in sweat and my limbs quiver from fatigue. I look over at Sakaki, desperate for any sign of approval or guidance.

What I see instead is the biggest, most menacing grin slowly spreading across the master's face.

"Well I'll be..." he murmurs, sounding almost giddy with excitement. "You're just like me, kid. A talent for karate not seen since the founding of the art itself!"

Sakaki begins pacing in a slow, predatory circle around me as I remain rooted in place. "You started off at the basic skill level of a 3rd kyu brown belt. But your abilities just kept accelerating at an almost obscene rate, barely able to contain themselves!"

He stops directly in front of me, that wolfish grin widening impossibly further. "And by the end there, you were easily demonstrating the level of a 1st dan black belt! That's right, I haven't even officially taught you a single thing, yet you're already at the mid level disciple level!"

The manic light in Sakaki's eyes burns with intensity. "Tell me, boy...did you have any legitimate training in the karate disciplines before you started kicking those bullies asses back at your school? Yes, I know about that, word gets around at the speed of sound in these circles."

"I told you that when I got home, uncle Sakaki!" Miu pipes in, smashing the mysteriousness he was going for.

He scoffs, not answering to Miu's assertion. "Answer me, punk! Did you or did you not know karate before today?!"

I can only mutely shake my head, at a complete loss for words in the face of Sakaki's blazing intensity. He throws his head back and unleashes a barking laugh of pure, unrestrained glee.

"Ha! Just like me then!" he crows, sounding practically giddy. "An utter, incomprehensible genius for the martial arts! Born to master them in a way few others can even fathom!"

Sakaki wipes at the corners of his eyes, visibly calming himself as that fierce grin settles back into place. "Well then, my suddenly very interesting new disciple...I think it's time we start your training for real."

He moves like lightning, returning with a pile of weights that look even heavier, He Immediately starts strapping them to me, leaving no room for me to protest.

"And you'd better show me just how fast a genius like you can really pick things up, kid!"

There's no room for argument or disagreement - only the inevitable suffering to come.

Giggling intensifies, How many skill levels do you think you gained so far, because I can assure you it's way more than you think!​

Shut up, system.