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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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Chapter 41 The Birthday: Let Her Go -1 (Part 2)

Lei looked up from the book in her hands when she sensed someone's presence with her in the room. It was Ashton.

He walked up to her and squatted beside her as he took her right hand in his.

"I see you love reading books."

"Yea... Yes." She responded.

"Do you want to celebrate your birthday?" He asked going straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"My birthday? Oh yeah, my birthday. Sure why not." She said nervously. "But can you remind me when it is again? I forgot."

"It's a week from now. Same day as mine."

She was just glad that he wasn't suspicious of her. But if she were in his shoes, she would definitely have been suspicious of herself.

"That's cool."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I do not think that King Hooke would be releasing Elizabeth any time soon." Queen Miranda said with concern.

King Albert stood up from his throne, "I will have to go to Denmore and bring her back myself."

"Are you leaving now?"


King Albert knew that if he was to send even his most strongest knights they would not be taken seriously. They might even be killed if they continued to demand for Beth and he could not afford to lose any of his Knights, especially not with a war approaching.

"I will leaving now." He left the throne room leaving a worried Queen behind.


"Father, I just received news that King Albert is coming to our kingdom." Ryan said to King Hooke who was sitting on the throne with a frown.

"I believe you know the reason for that son." Ryan looked away avoiding his father's gaze.

Of course he knew why the king of Auxataria was coming. He was coming for his daughter who was technically kidnapped as she was brought here against her will. He must be thinking that Elizabeth was being tortured to give them any information on Auxataria which would be helpful during the war.

"Do not not look away when I talk to you Ryan. You must return the princess when he comes for her."

Ryan clenched his fist till they turned white. He could not do what his father wanted. "I can not do that father." He said looking at King Hooke.

"This is an order Ryan. You will not argue about this."

He stormed out of the throne room in anger. He knew if he stayed there any longer he might end up hitting his father. There was no way in hell that he was letting Beth go.

I am so sorry for not writing for a long time now. I had major writer's block and couldn't think of anything but now I will try my level best to make up for it.

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