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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 37 Richard Lawson

A lady who was covered head to toe with a cloak walked into a house which looked hunted from the outside but royal looking inside.

The gold walls had several paintings hung on it once of which was a painting of the family who occupied this house that was until they passed away and now the only person living here was the oldest son of the family who was about twenty years old.

The lady walked up the stairs and approached a large mahogany double door which she pushed open meeting a dark room which was faintly illuminated by the light of the moon.

A man was standing by the window with a glass of wine in his hand. He was Richard Lawson, the first son of the Lawson family.

The lady took off her cloak letting loose her fiery-red waist length hair.

"You called for me." The lady said.

"And I see you got message then. So?" He turned to face the lady.

"Married." The lady said as she poured herself a glass of wine. She turned to see the that he already had a frown on his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Have I ever been wrong, Richard?"

He walked towards her with slow steps and stood in front of her. He tilted his head slightly.

"Strip." His voice commanding.

"I knew it would come to this." The lady said with a smirk while Richard sat on the bed looking at her intently.

"Then you help me..." He pointed at his robe, "... with mine."

I know this chap is short but from Vol 2 I will make it longer.

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