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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 22 Her Greatest Sadness

Music Recommendation: Talking to the moon - Bruno Mars

It was already late in the night. Ashton wasn't in bed as he had some business to attend to and as for Lei, she was finding it difficult to sleep.

She looked out the window with a sad look on her face. She was starting to feel homesick.

Lei missed her dad, the food on earth and even though she didn't want to admit it, she still thought about Henry as well.

It was normal since he was her first crush. He was the first person that made her worry about how she looked. He was also the first person to break her heart.

She knew that he was out of her league, he was the richest person in the school as well as the most handsome but he was not for her and she failed to see that which led to her situation right now.

She was a fool to think that with time he would see her the same way she once saw him. But everything happens for a reason and it would be stupid to blame life for what happened and instead of wallowing in self-pity, it would be best to focus on the present and the future ahead of her.

She sighed and walked back to the bed to lie down and at that moment, Ashton walked into the room and turned on the light.

"Having troubles sleeping?" He asked as he walked and squatted in front of her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Or were you waiting for me?"

"It's the first one. I'm having troubles sleeping."

"Something bothering you?" His voice full of concern.

"It's nothing. Besides, I was about to sleep anyway."

She turned and faced the opposite direction not wanting him to notice the melancholic look she had on.

It would've been nice to tell him why she was feeling blue, but she didn't think he would understand. Nobody in this world would ever understand her and that was her greatest sadness.


Can't remember Henry? Refer to chapter 1 & 2

I know this chapter was a little melancholic, but we have to also express the innermost feelings of the characters sometimes.

But I hope you are enjoying the book so far.

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