
Please call me William III

The ordinary college student Chen Tian was inexplicably reborn in the German royal family before the beginning of the First World War. At the baptism, he was crowned the Prince of East Prussia by his great grandfather William I, making him an uncompromising "Princehood". After the rebirth, Chen Tian used his identity and his mind to transcend the concepts at that time, constantly searching for famous generals and discovering some buried talents. Hindenburg? Brother Mammoth, please come to be a teacher; Goodrian? Comrades, shall we work together; Rommel? Young people work hard, I think you are good. And he used his advanced military knowledge to arm his troops, build tanks, build aircraft carriers, and develop the air force, and began a brilliant road to rise. Under his company, his companions, lovers, and loved ones, Chen Tian gradually grew into a new leader of the German Empire, leading Germany to the road to dominate Europe. Of course, for an Asian island country, no one would mind the protagonist to repair it. of. . .

warriorX · History
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101 Chs

The Koryo Blade

After a while, the whole Qingdao entered a quiet sleep. Before dawn when people are most sleepy, Chentian is completely drowsy at this time. When he was in Japan, he was very surprised why Tokugawa Ichishin would catch a North Korean princess, but he didn't have to ask that savage beauty at that time. Now the North Korean princess came to buy arms again, but if he couldn't buy the arms, he led a group of people to sneak into the arms warehouse, which made him puzzled.

"His Royal Highness, the female gangster has already completed the operation, will you bring her?" The guard knocked on the open door of Chentian's office.

"How's her condition?" Chen Tian looked out the window, it was still pitch black outside.

"She has woken up, but she looks very weak!"

"No, I'll go to the hospital myself!" Chen Tian took off the military cap and jacket from the hanger and walked out with the guard. The street under the street lamp looked very cold. Chentian wrapped his coat tightly, but he could still feel a trace of coolness. Qingdao's winter was very cold.

Chen Tian walked into the ward of the savage beauty and waved his hand to signal the two soldiers with live ammunition to go out. There was no trace of blood on the brutal beauty's face, it was so white that it was heartache. She closed her eyes tightly, but her throbbing eyelids told others that she was not asleep.

Chen Tian quietly took a stool and sat next to her, carefully looking at that handsome face.

"Sister-in-law grandma!" After looking at her for a while, Chen Tian yelled softly when she saw that she had no response.

The brutal beauty suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise.

"Are you all right! Does it hurt?" Chen Tian showed a smile on his face.

"You? Ah..." The brutal beauty just wanted to move her body, and the pain of her wound made her call out.

"Don't move, your wound has just been sewn, and now you must lie down honestly!" Chen Tian helped her put her hand in the quilt, and then pulled the quilt.

"You, aren't you that musician? Why are you here, and your clothes?" The brutal beauty suddenly widened her eyes, "You lie to me!"

"Sister-in-law, don't get excited! This is not good for the wound!" Chen Tian moved the stool back a little, he was afraid that this savage fellow would stretch out his hand and slap him again.

"What about you? Didn't you say you are a princess? Why are you here again?"

The barbarian beauty was silent, she turned her gaze from Chen Tian to the white ceiling, for a long time, a tear came from the corner of her eye.

"So, I'll be honest with you, and you'll be honest with me, okay?" Chen Tian took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her tears away, but she still had no expression.

Chentian stood up, his voice was not loud but he began to introduce himself in a deep voice: "Jianluji William, Prince of East Prussia of the German Empire, was born on November 14, 1882, is 178 cm tall and weighs 165 pounds. Governor Jiao'ao!"

The savage beauty finally turned her head to look at Chen Tian, ​​who stood upright with a very serious expression.

"What you said is true?"

"Yes, I swear in the name of a soldier in the German Empire, what I said is the truth! But I cannot guarantee whether I have grown taller or gained weight recently!" Chen Tian looked at her and suddenly laughed.

The savage beauty was taken aback, then a smile appeared on her pale face, and then she slowly began to talk about her situation.

"The last time I told you was indeed my real name, Li Hyunyun! I am indeed the princess of Korea. But now our country has been occupied by the Japanese, and my parents and I have long been unable to enjoy the royal treatment. Four Years ago I joined an anti-Japanese organization called "Koryo Blade" and became the leader of a branch of this organization. Our purpose is to destroy Japanese railways and other facilities, and assassinate Japanese officers and Korean traitors! Before I went Japan raised funds, but I didn't expect to fall into Tokugawa's hands. They forced me to cooperate with them and help them carry out assassination activities. I trapped me there without agreeing, and then I ran into you!"

"Then you come here this time..." After Chentian heard her words, most of the doubts in his heart were resolved, "You came here to buy arms for your organization?"

"Yes! I can't let our comrades go to war with the Japanese with big swords and shotguns, so we have been trying to get more weapons. We bought a batch of arms from the Qing army a few days ago, except for one box Except for the rifles made by your military factory, everything else is rubbish. We came to Qingdao this time to buy a batch of weapons from your hands. The money was collected with the blood and life of our comrades. Who knows? You obviously have weapons but you don't want to sell it to us..." The barbarian beauty started crying aggrievedly, making Chentian suddenly at a loss.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were sent by the Japanese, so I didn't sell arms to you! However, your injured comrades have been treated and are all right now!" Chen Tian handed over the handkerchief, but the brutal beauty turned her face to the side On the other side, I wanted to wipe it by myself, but when her hand moved, the wound hurt again.

"Don't move, I'll wipe it for you!" Chen Tian walked to the other side and gently wiped away the tears on his face with a handkerchief, "I am very sorry, you comrades sacrificed this morning, I am really sorry!"

The brutal beauty stopped crying, but she didn't speak either.

"You have a good rest here! As for the arms, we will talk about it later! And you can rest assured, your companion I will let the doctor take care of it!" Said Chentian silently walked out of the ward and motioned to the two soldiers to stay there. Doorway. He asked the other guard to find a Chinese or Korean translator after dawn, and he would report to himself at any time what happened to this person.

When Chentian walked out of the hospital, Dongfang had already turned white. He felt very energetic in the cold wind, but his thoughts were especially chaotic. Back in the office, he asked the guard to make a pot of hot and strong coffee and sat at the table quietly thinking. The Koreans may not be able to drive the powerful Japanese army out of the country with their own strength. The Koreans in the world before them waited until the United States and the Soviet Union defeated Japan to be liberated, but they were subsequently split into two socialist and capitalist Koreas. country.

Anti-Japanese organizations supporting North Korea will only become friendship sponsorship, which does not seem to be in line with their own investment principles.

If you don't support them, I'm afraid I won't have the face to face barbaric beauties in the future, maybe she will be chased and killed.

Before you know it, the sky is already bright.

"His Royal Highness, a telegram from Turkey!" When this guy's brain wandered between interest and color, his guard ran in with a telegram.

Chentian hurriedly took the telegram, which read: The Battle of Ankara, the Youth Turkish Party army was defeated. The current situation is grim, and there will be a war in the near future!

(End of Volume One William's New World)

The second volume of war

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