
Please call me William III

The ordinary college student Chen Tian was inexplicably reborn in the German royal family before the beginning of the First World War. At the baptism, he was crowned the Prince of East Prussia by his great grandfather William I, making him an uncompromising "Princehood". After the rebirth, Chen Tian used his identity and his mind to transcend the concepts at that time, constantly searching for famous generals and discovering some buried talents. Hindenburg? Brother Mammoth, please come to be a teacher; Goodrian? Comrades, shall we work together; Rommel? Young people work hard, I think you are good. And he used his advanced military knowledge to arm his troops, build tanks, build aircraft carriers, and develop the air force, and began a brilliant road to rise. Under his company, his companions, lovers, and loved ones, Chen Tian gradually grew into a new leader of the German Empire, leading Germany to the road to dominate Europe. Of course, for an Asian island country, no one would mind the protagonist to repair it. of. . .

warriorX · History
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101 Chs


North Korea, on a small wharf in Hejinli, a few dark shadows quietly moved several large wooden boxes from a small boat, and then quickly disappeared into the darkness.

About ten miles away from this dock is a branch of the North Korean anti-Japanese organization "Koryo's Blade." The people on the dock were members there. They just smuggled a batch of arms in.

"Head, these are the weapons bought from the Qing army, a total of 5 boxes, 4 boxes of rifles, 1 box of ammunition!"

The man called the head found an iron rod, pried open one of the boxes, took out the rifle to have a look, and threw it back into the box.

"What? This old rifle dares to ask us so much money, you are blind!"

"Head, this kind of rifle is used by the Qing army!" It was the middle-aged man dressed as a North Korean farmer just now.


He immediately received a heavy slap in the face.

"Stupid! Fighting with the Japanese with this weapon is simply the sacrifice of our revolutionary comrades!" The "head" then pried open another box, saw the old rifle still inside, and threw the iron rod angrily. On the ground.

"Head, I heard that the Qing army officer who sold weapons to us said that they recently bought a batch of rifles at a high price. He smuggled a box of rifles while the boss was not paying attention. It should be in the remaining two boxes! The "farmer" picked up the iron rod just now from the ground and handed them the "head" respectfully.

"Head" glanced at him, prying open another box impatiently.

"Oh my God!" everyone yelled softly. This time, it was full of brand-new rifles, the shiny Mauser 1898, the favorite of armed men from all over the world in the early 20th century.

When everyone was busy taking out a Mauser rifle and looking at it, their "heads" were staring at the words outside the wooden box, looking thoughtful. On the box it was written in German: Made in Qingdao.

It has been more than a month since Chentian returned to Qingdao. He did not transform the Governor's Mansion into a fortress. After all, there are not many high phones like Yeyuan. Renee's injury gradually healed, and the two Thorn Bird members did not leave but joined Chentian's newly established security force.

"His Royal Highness, the munitions factory reported that there were a few strange people who wanted to buy weapons from us, but refused to reveal their identity!"

Chentian and Lisa were using afternoon tea. He was not surprised when he heard this report. Now his arms factory is booming. In addition to taking over all German arms business in Asia, he also paid high prices to the Qing government, and Arms are sold in some places, and some revolutionary parties and even bandits will come to buy arms. However, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, Chen tian only provides them with a small number of light weapons.

"Didn't I tell you? Just sell them a few rifles by such an unidentified person!" Chen Tian lazily put down his teacup.

"But they offered to buy in large quantities, and they also said that they could directly use gold to trade with us!"

"Go and check if they are in the same group as the Japanese last time!" Some time ago, the Japanese consul proposed to buy a large number of arms. Chentian simply rejected them. He thought that maybe only the Japanese sent this time. Childish.

"Forget it, just tell them we are out of stock recently!"

Late the next night, the arms factory in Qingdao-German Concession. A group of dark shadows walked in over the wall and quickly moved towards the warehouse...

Sergeant Adler is an officer on duty in the munitions factory guard unit. At this time, he is patrolling the factory with a small group of soldiers.

"Sergeant, I want to pee!" a soldier shouted.

"Sergeant, I want to go too!"

"Okay! I just want to pee too, let's go pee together! This is really fucking far from the toilet! Let's go to the wall and solve it!" Adler has served three years of military service in Germany. He was transferred to the reserve. When the Far East troops were recruiting, he joined, so he came to this remote place and had not seen his relatives for two years. But the salary here is pretty good. He plans to go back to Germany after three years if he can't be promoted to a lieutenant officer.

"Sergeant, sergeant, look at it!" When everyone was refreshing, a soldier suddenly pushed Adler.

"I'm dying, I want to make Lao Tzu pee on my pants!" Adler looked up complainingly, and a big hole suddenly appeared in the barbed wire on the high fence.

"Someone invaded!" Adler immediately reacted. He ordered four soldiers to lie in ambush nearby to prevent the intruders from escaping from here. He quickly rushed to the duty room with a few other soldiers.

Soon, all the lights in the factory turned on, the sirens made a stern whine, and the factory guards began to search around.

Snapped! Snapped!

At this time, there was a gunshot around the factory wall.

"Quick! Come with me!" Adler quickly led a group of soldiers to support, and the gunfire became dense. When he rushed to the section of the fence where the wire was cut, he saw a few corpses lying underground, and two of the four soldiers who had been ambushing there before fell to the ground in pain.

"Sergeant, they have retreated to the pump room!"

At this time, a dozen people in black in the pump room were shooting from the window.

"Head, what to do? We are already surrounded!" A man in black looked at the other man in panic.

"These dead foreigners, there are obviously brand-new weapons in the warehouse, and they say that they are out of stock! Damn it, we almost got it!" These people in black have already got hundreds of rifles and some pistols from the weapon warehouse, but they As they were heading to the ammunition warehouse, the factory's alarm sounded, and they had to retreat to the place where they had entered and then engaged in the fire with the soldiers who had been in an ambush by Adler.

Chentian has awakened in his sleep in the Governor's Mansion a block away.

"Guard! What's the matter?" Chen Tian put on his clothes and ran to the door of the room.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what happened. The gunfire came from the arms factory!" The guard at the door reported that the guards in the yard were gathering.

Chentian asked half of the guards to stay to protect the Governor's Mansion and Lisa and rushed to the factory with the other half of the guards. By the time he got there, the gunfire had stopped.

Chen Tian called for Sergeant Adler on duty, and only then did he know that someone had broken into the factory warehouse, and there had been a firefight between the two sides just now. There were 22 people on the other side, but the firepower was not strong, and they were quickly surrounded by soldiers who came for reinforcements. Seven of the invaders died on the spot, and the remaining 15 were all captured. The factory guards had four dead and nine injured.

"You will interrogate those people in a moment. If they are Japanese, then they will all have been killed in today's exchange of fire, understand?" Chentian ordered Adler.

"His Royal Highness..." Adler looked at Chen Tian suspiciously, and after a while, he suddenly realized that he stood at attention and saluted the army, "Yes! I understand!"

"Report! Your Highness, some of those people are those who came to buy arms from us yesterday. In addition, we also found that their leader is a woman!" At this time, another officer ran towards Chentian, and the two behind him The soldier carried a woman in black with her head down.

"She was hurt?"

"Yes, Your Highness! She was shot in the shoulder, and we have stopped her bleeding!"

Chentian walked to the person, raised her chin, and saw a familiar face, how could it be her?

Brutal beauty...

"Quick! Take her to the hospital first to get the bullet out!"

yo here is another chapter for you guys if you don't like the translation am sorry am doing my best be sure to support me i am very tired of doing a lot of work

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