
Playing With Magic

Wouldn't you just love to play with magic if you woke up in another world? Why settle for being a hero or a villain, when you could do so much more? I wonder what I will become at the end of all this. First fanfic. OP!OC. SI/OC. Self Insert. .................. This fanfiction contains elements of Harry Potter, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and more. .................. If you want to support me, join me on P.a.t.r.e.o.n for access to chapters earlier. p@treon.com/Lightest_Reader ............... Enjoy! ................ Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Elder Scrolls or any other works used in this fanfiction aside from the original characters and ideas used.

Lightest_Reader · Movies
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Chapter 10: Diagon Alley

Previously on Playing With Magic

"So, if I understand correctly," I began, "tuition at Hogwarts will be free for me up until I do my…O.W.Ls, and I could also qualify for the Grade-Based Scholarship based on my academic performance for my N.E.W.Ts, or take a loan to fund it. At least, that's what I was told. Is that still the case?"


Jonatha D Grey


They were right. The sensation of Side-Along Apparition was not a pleasant one—it felt like being squeezed through a tight tube, a very small one at that, with a disorienting twist and a sudden jolt as we arrived at our destination.

I didn't make any complaints or throw up. However, I did notice Professor McGonagall look at me, expecting me to be uncomfortable. I just took a breath and steadied myself once we landed at a location I would assume was a regularly used apparition spot. Despite the discomfort of the Apparition, I knew that it was a very valuable skill once mastered. With practice and refinement, I was confident that I could learn to minimizing the discomfort, disorientation and noise like Dumbledore did.

When we walked around a corner, I stood before the quaint facade of the Leaky Cauldron and its weathered sign. Turning to Professor McGonagall, I knew I would have to at least show some sort of .

"This… is the entrance to the magical world?" I asked, my tone incredulous as I gestured toward the pub.

Professor McGonagall met my gaze with a knowing smile. "Indeed," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "The Leaky Cauldron is charmed to repel non-magical people, ensuring that it remains hidden from the eyes of those who lack magical ability. This enchantment helps maintain the secrecy of the wizarding world and prevents accidental discovery by Muggles. Only those with knowledge of the magical world, or those escorted by a witch or wizard, can perceive and access the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron."

"Come along now Mr. Grey." With that, she silently led me through the Leaky Cauldron. We reached the back of the pub, where McGonagall stopped before a seemingly ordinary brick wall. With a gentle touch tapping three slightly protruding bricks , the bricks began to shift and rearrange themselves, revealing a hidden passageway beyond.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley," McGonagall said, her voice filled with warmth. Not going to lie, That did look kind of cool.

As Professor McGonagall leads me through the bustling street of Diagon Alley, I can't help but notice the old-fashioned appeal. There are shops selling spellbooks, potion ingredients, and magical artefacts, their windows filled with tantalising glimpses of the wizarding world's treasures. Owls soar overhead, carrying letters and parcels to their destinations, while witches and wizards bustle about… in robes, going about their errands and exchanging lively conversation.

I follow Professor McGonagall's lead until we arrive at the imposing entrance of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. The sight of the towering white marble building, with its gleaming bronze doors and 'imposing' guards. I could take them, even without magic. Benefits of assimilating the Dragonborn. I now walk with more balance and alertness, like a warrior. The dude clearly learned a lot, which makes sense considering the amount of Draugr he would have had to face in tombs, and that's not even including the war he would have had to take part in. Yeah, I could take them.

"Goblins," the professor explained as if to answer an un-asked question. "Gringotts is run by Goblins. They're highly skilled bankers and craftsmen known for their expertise in said fields. Goblins take their responsibilities very seriously."

She continued, "However, it's important to understand that goblins have a complicated relationship with wizards, which led to some tensions between goblins and wizards over the years. Something you will no doubt learn in History of Magic."

McGonagall glanced at me, gauging my reaction to the information. "But despite these tensions, goblins are to be respected. We must treat them with the same respect and courtesy that we afford to any other magical being."

I nod. I may respect them, but if they try to cheat me in any way, then I'm going to loot them for all their worth. It's the least I can do to respect my new middle name.

As McGonagall led the way toward a teller, I noticed some glances from the guards. Looks like they're not just for show, they looked specifically at me and not McGonagall and I'm not exactly letting out my magic power. This might mean they have another way to measure magic that I'm not aware of or they noticed I was a warrior just by my walk. Giving respect from one warrior to another, I nod at them and get a slight look of surprise, then a nod in return. I assume they got used to Purebloods, or wizards in general for that matter, treating them like they were beneath them.

As Professor McGonagall approached the counter, the goblin teller, 'Stonevault' according to the nameplate, greeted us with a nod.

"Good morning, Stonevault. We require some gold from the Hogwarts Vault for our new student here, Mr. Grey," Professor McGonagall said to him, indicating to me.

Stonevault's gaze flickered over to me and lingered a little before he replied in a gruff voice, "Very well, Professor McGonagall. I'll have one of our associates retrieve the gold for you."

While Stonevault issued instructions to another goblin with what I would assume was gobbledegook, Professor McGonagall turned to me. "While we wait, do you have any questions, Mr. Grey?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yes, Professor," I replied. "I was wondering if I could exchange some British pounds for galleons. I'd like to have some wizarding currency on hand just in case I find a few books that catch my interest."

Stonevault, who had overheard my request, turned his attention to me. "Certainly, Mr. Grey," he said. "Would you like to exchange bank notes and coins, or would you prefer a check?"

"Some banknotes and coins, please," I replied, reaching into my pocket to retrieve my wallet.

As Stonevault finished counting the amount, he confirmed, "That will be exchanged for 100 galleons, Mr. Grey, due to the exchange rate of £5 to 1 galleon."

"Thank you," I said politely.

The goblin then inquired, "And would you like the galleons to be placed in a vault or would you prefer to be given cash?"

"I'll take the cash, please," I replied, no way I would be letting others hold my money. That reminds me, as a dragon, even if only technically, I'm going to need a hoard, and I know just the thing.

[Inventory - Mine, Mine, Mine…and not yours!!! (Orange)]

[Description: The System Inventory is a virtual storage space designed to organise and manage your belongings with ease and efficiency. Upon activation, a holographic interface materialises before you, displaying various compartments and sections for different types of items.

Whether it's potions, scrolls, weapons, armour, ships, vehicles, or miscellaneous items, each category has its designated space within the inventory.]


[Enables the user to store objects within an RPG-style inventory linked directly to the system]

[Unlike magical storage, this is directly linked to the system and cannot be accessed by anyone else but the user]

[Objects can be put in the inventory from 2 meters from the user]

[Time does not flow within the inventory]

[Limitation: Cannot store living beings or energy within the inventory]

[Cost: 100,000 SP] [Discounted to: 10,000] [Purchased]

[Current SP: 26,039]

Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow at my response, her surprise evident. "You're carrying £500 in cash?" she asked incredulously.

I shrugged casually. "I haven't bought any sweets in almost three years," I admitted. "The pocket money tends to pile up."

And that was true, having been so advanced in my education and getting scholarships, there were no monetary needs aside from living costs which were covered by the government anyway. So I got an allowance from my inheritance that I saved for this moment. Not like I really needed it for anything else.


After securing the trunk with an extension charm, for which I had to pay a little extra, we made our way to Flourish and Blotts to purchase my first-year books.

When we reached the section on advanced magical studies, I asked Professor McGonagall for some of the books the older students have to purchase and she suggested advanced books on runes, arithmancy, transfiguration and charms, recognising my intelligence from what she was told at home. Though I could tell she was still sceptical, I'm guessing this will have to be one of those 'I'll be the judge of that' type situations. Not that it really matters to me.

After ignoring- I mean acknowledging her warning to focus on the first year curriculum we head to The Apothecary. The potion ingredients were shipped to Hogwarts, which makes a lot of sense. Can't imagine having to keep them all in my trunk for a month. That just wouldn't make any sense unless all the trunks had some sort of stasis charm on them.

Stepping into Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, I was greeted by the soft rustle of fabric and the warm glow of lamplight. Madame Malkin herself bustled over, tape measure in hand.

After a few adjustments here and there, Madame Malkin pronounced the fitting complete, promising that my robes would be 'ready in jiffy'. At which point we head to get my wand.

As we arrived at Ollivanders, Professor McGonagall glanced around the quaint storefront before turning to me with a gentle smile.

"I'll leave you to it, Mr. Grey," she said as she handed me some galleons. "Getting a wand can be a rather personal experience, and it's best done without distractions. I'll be back shortly with your robes from Madam Malkin's."

I nodded in understanding as I watched her depart. Taking a good look at the storefront, 'Ollivander's: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC', I pushed open the door to step inside, the tinkling of a bell announcing my arrival. I could already sense the presence in the corner when I did, but acted as if I didn't. Why take away his fun, he's about to give me a wand, it's the least I can do.

As I entered, I glanced around the dimly lit shop, the shelves lined with boxes of wands of all shapes and sizes. Light filters through the dust motes, casting a soft glow on the worn wooden floorboards. The walls are adorned with old wandmaker tools, antique measuring scales, and faded photographs of past wandmakers.

That's when a voice echoed from the corner of the room, trying to startle. I take it back, not falling for it. If he had done a better job of scaring me, I would have made the effort to pretend, but that was just mediocre.

"Good morning, and welcome to Olivander's." Mr. Ollivander said, emerging from the shadows with a twinkle in his eye. "Here for a wand, I presume?"

"Nice try," I replied, the surprise tactic failing to faze me, "You must enjoy scaring people like that every year, huh?" my tone laced with sarcasm.

Ollivander chuckled softly, his demeanour jovial and relaxed. "Sometimes, young man, it's the little surprises in life that bring the most joy."

I couldn't argue with that logic, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I approached the counter. 

"To you, maybe. Do the people you scare think the same?" I shot back with a jovial demeanour of my own.

"Pish-posh to that, my dear boy. People need to relax a little." He said as if to illustrate his aged wisdom. It's not like he's wrong though. "So, Mr….?"

"Jonathan Grey," I provided.

"Well, Mr. Grey," He said as I felt his magic try to get a feel for mine, it must be a way to pinpoint the type of wand that is likely to fit the person. I let it. "Why don't we get started?"

"Which is your wand hand?" He continued as he left an animated measuring tape to move around me to take measurements as he went about taking wands off the shelves.

"I'm ambidextrous, sir." I used to be right-handed, but as the assimilation kept on going, I started getting better with my left as well. Which I attribute to duel-wielding weapons.

"I see, try this one." he gestured toward one of the wands on the counter "Dragon heartstring, Hazelwood, 9 inches, sensitive."

I held it for a moment, I knew I could use it, but it wasn't the best fit. So I waved it but my magic just meld well with it as I passed my magic through it.

"No, no not that one." He said, taking it back as carefully as he could. Like it was a child.

"Ok." now gesturing to another one, his magic still checking me. "Unicorn horn, Vine, 10 inches, Faithful."

This one felt better, it let out a few wisps of magic, but I could tell it was not quite what I was looking for. Based on Olivander's reaction, I was right.

"No, but almost there," he muttered as he gently retrieved it from my grasp. I thought he was supposed to snatch it from me or something. "Hmm, that has to be it. Loyalty, that's what you're looking for. The power and control are already there."

Not wrong, I don't really like the idea of my wand in the possession of another, willingly helping them defeat me.

"Let's see… try this one," he said, gesturing for another, this one even I could feel would fit before I even touched it. "Unicorn, Alder wood, nine and a half inches, flexible, loyal."

As soon as I held it I knew this was the one, I could use the others without a problem, but this would be much better for me. It let out a few sparks as if to say hello.

"Yes, I thought so." I was informed. "Alder, an unyielding wood, its ideal owner is helpful, considerate and likeable."

All true, but honestly, I'm out here for the points the system gives me. Maybe it mostly takes into account the fact that I do it and not the reason I do it. Food for thought.

"When happily placed, an alder wand becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate." He continued. "Best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards, you know."

I do now.

"Unicorn core," He said.

I honestly thought it would have been a dragon core. 

"Generally produces the most consistent magic and the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he was an accomplished witch or wizard."

"Any… drawbacks?" I asked.

"Well, minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may 'die' and need replacing. Do take care of it, Mr. Grey."

This has to have been linked to the system somehow. It only rewards good deeds and now this. Then again, It's not like I still can't use dark magic with the wand, or wandless for that matter. "I will. Thank you, sir. Can I keep the case"

"Of course" He replied, handing it to me and he reached under the counter to retrieve something. "Though, I may be able to interest you in a wand holster for ease."

"That would be great, How much will that be in total?" I asked.

"That will be 8 galleons, 7 for the wand and 1 for the holster. There are enchanted holsters that stop others from summoning your wand without your permission for an extra 5 galleons instead."

"I'll take the enchanted one please," I said as I handed him the required funds. "Can I see you enchant it please? I was just wondering what it would look like."

"Of course, my dear boy." He said, as he took his payment and retrieved his wand from his holster on his wrist. "Now watch."

As he did the enchantment, I memorised the movement of his magic, the incantation and wand movements. Now I have a holster enchantment spell for my future weapon holsters. Imagine having the elder wand and all it took was someone stealing it when you're having some food or something, that's just embarrassing.

"There you go my dere boy" He handed it to me."Now, I don't believe we should keep the professor waiting." He said, as he gestured towards the window where we could see Professor McGonagall outside with my robes.

"Thank you, sir," I said with a nod, as I made my way to the exit.

"Anytime, and remember. The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Grey." I was told.

I walked out of the store where the Professor was waiting.

"All done?" she asked, to which I replied with a nod. "Good. Then let's head off."

With that, we made our way home.

I didn't really want to get a pet yet, I could always use the school owls if I needed, and if I really wanted one at some point I could always just use the system for it.


85 Vauxhall Cross, London, England

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)

MI6 Head Quaters


In a bustling office within the MI6 headquarters, a meeting was in full swing, with agents and analysts discussing various operational matters. Amidst the serious discussions, a file was presented, drawing the attention of those gathered.

"This is the latest recruit we've been monitoring," one of the agents announced, sliding the file across the table. "Johnathan Grey. He's now off-limits for any potential recruitment, effective immediately."

Curiosity piqued, and another individual in the room spoke up. "Who the bloody hell is Johnathan Grey?"

A brief pause followed before a voice chimed in, "Er.. sir, he's the one you referred to as a, and I quote, 'two-year-old huge fucking nerd that will need his diaper changed every 30 seconds', sir."

Recognition dawned on him, a wry smile forming. "Ah, yes. That one. Quite the anomaly, isn't he? A preteen with two PhDs. Unfortunate he's off-limits now. Who ended up getting him, we might borrow him at some point if needed."

"The I.S.S. sir"

"Oh… those cunts." he replied with a completely blank face. "What does I.S.S. even mean? They never even tell us what they do and we are supposed to be one of the leaders in intelligence. Alright, what's next on the agenda?"


"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you.."

― Mr Olivander


Author Here

Johnathan goes to Diagon Alley with McGonagall and finally buys one of the staple aspects of all RPGs, the Inventory. Wand also obtained, I got the information on the wand from the website. I always wanted him to have a loyal one, he doesn't really need power or control because of the essence so loyalty was the next thing. The wand thinks he's great but doesn't know he's doing things for points.

I'm going for more of a world in which Obliviators get rid of the memory of magic use etc, but the leaders like the prime minister and president etc are informed about magic while in office but get mind-wiped when they are no longer in office. As for John, if he wasn't a wizard, he could have been a secret agent. Maybe somewhere in the multiverse he is.

AN: Shoutout to Larfleeze, the orange lantern. If you know, you know.

AN2: "I.S.S" stands for "International Statute of Secrecy", but they wouldn't know that.