
Playing System

A man needs to level up. Do missions please!

WanderBreeze · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Book 1: Slaughter Daoist / Chapter 4 – New Mission

Ah! It's morning already!

This was the first thing Ken said when he woke up from his deep slumber. There was no sound he can hear from the wyvern anymore. For this, he believed that the wyvern has gone back to his home, or rather, to his master's home.

Definitely, his sister's mother will know what happened since the ride went back without its rider.

In the moment, Ken stood up and removed the dirt he put on his body to avoid the wyvern's detection. And since he has all the energy he needed, he went back to the spot where he killed his sister. She's gone. Probably the wyvern's doing. Not surprising since his sister had the wyvern in its birth and felt her as its mother. Sentiments.

Ken had it before, but since his mother died and his father never avenged her, Ken lost all the familial feelings he had for his father and his family. The whole royal family. And he can legally kill his brothers and sisters, he will definitely take revenge. Before he was weak, now, that he had a master that can guide him to be the strongest, he would do everything in his power to kill everyone in the palace. This will be his revenge. The revenge he persisted in the past 5 years.

After checking the surrounding, Ken left the area and found a hidden location where he took a bath.

Placed his tattered clothing and the sword he got from his sister, he dipped in the water and washed away the stains he got. Since his master, the nameless Daoist, provided him the energy to kill his sister, his wounds were healed as well. He deeply thought about how powerful his master was when he was alive. If his projection can do this, what more when he was alive. Can I ask if master left some treasures to help me become stronger?

When he thought of this, a voice came to speak in his mind. "Yes, I have the treasures, but for you to become stronger, treasures are not enough, you need experience. And in order to do that, you need to work hard. Work hard and gain rewards. That's how you'll get stronger and better."

Ken understood. Yes! Master was right! "Eh!" He realized. "You can read my mind master!?" He was surprised.

"Of course! I'm your master and I'm already connected to you since you were given the ring. And if I can't even understand your thoughts, how can I become your master!?" Nameless Daoist said.

"Oh! That's right, but… if you can always know my thoughts…" Ken was hesitant to say his thoughts and worries as he was not used to someone who can always read his thoughts.

"Oh boy, your master will not care about what you thought of others or any other things and know that I'm already dead. I'm just a projection of what I used to be! You can erase your worries!" Nameless Daoist said.

"Ah, right. I'm an idiot to not realize that. Anyways, master! Did I complete the mission?" Ken asked excitedly.

"Oh, I was about to inform you that when you woke up but you asked first. Right, here!

A virtual board appeared in front of Ken and it said:

[Congratulations! You completed the mission!]

[Ding! Upgrading storage ring to Universal Grade Artifact… toot toot toot!]

[Ding! Finished! Ring Upgraded!]

When the virtual board puts out those words, Ken looked at his ring, but no changes were made. Huh? Why I didn't feel anything?

"Oh, check inside the ring, you can see how large a space it has." His master said.

"Oh, right!" Ken generated his energy towards the ring and when he scanned the space inside the ring, he was dumbfounded. How large! It felt like an infinite space!

"Heh! That's nothing, your ring is a Universal Grade artifact, it's not surprising. It's indestructible as well." His master added.

"Wooahhh…" Ken was amazed. His age showed. A 10-year-old amazed expression.

"Now… now.. For the second reward..." his master said.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Ken looked back to the virtual board and the words changed.

[Ding! Mortal Pill x1 has been added to your storage! Please check your storage ring for the item!]

"Ohhh! The mortal pill! I never had this before! Only those talented brothers and sisters of mine had this!" Ken said.

"Well, you still have 6 more days for the next mission so cultivate well!" His master said.

"Right!" Ken then hunted a few monsters he found that can be eaten and roasted them. Afterward, evening came and the forest's sound can only be heard. No other sound came into his surroundings.

At this moment, he took out the pill and digested it. He then activated his energy and focused on his cultivation. Currently, he is cultivating a mortal rank body cultivation technique and once he reached the top stage, he'll then need to go back to the library and teachers to cultivate another body technique.

"Wait..." Ken said. "Master, do you have a body technique I can learn?"

"Oh, there is but you need to do the second mission before you can get that." His master answered.

"Oh. Okay. What's the next mission then? Can I start already?" Ken asked.

"Oh, you still have 6 days or less from the first mission you had, so, cultivate well with your current one until the next mission. It will not do you harm at all." His master guaranteed.

"Really!? Then that's great! I'll cultivate now!" Ken replied.

From this day on, six days had passed and Ken's cultivation has reached the tipping point to advance from stage 6 to 7 of the mortal realm. Ken was amazed at the pill's effectiveness and he can still feel that there was still large residue left from the pill and he has to fully consume it.

"What a pill! I now know why those idiot brothers and sisters of mine were crazy when they got this pill!" Ken said.

"It's only a normal pill, you will have better ones when you continue doing missions!" his master said.

"Now I'm so motivated! Okay, master, what's my next mission? It's the 7th day already from the first mission I did!" Ken asked enthusiastically.

"Alright! Here it is!"

The virtual board appeared again and showed the next mission.

[Mission 2: Kill 2 creatures within 14 days!

Rewards: Asura Body Cultivation technique (World Grade Technique – 10 stages)]

When Ken read the mission and its reward, his eyes were opened wide!

World Grade Technique!

"M-master! Is this really the reward!?" Ken asked as he couldn't believe what he read!

"Why are you surprised. Didn't you ask for a body cultivation technique? Now there it is. You just need to kill 2 creatures within 14 days." His master answered.

"Oh… right. If you fail this, know that you will be in pain for 14 weeks as well. You will feel like death is the best option when you fail this mission." His master added.

"What!?" There's a punishment as well!? What the…" Ken became nervous. "I need to kill!"

If the punishment will be worse than death, then, it could definitely be! Master won't lie! Based on his rewards, he definitely was a high leveled cultivator before! I hit the jackpot!

"Heh… you hit the jackpot but you will also hit hell if you can't finish my missions!" his master added.

"Alright! Your mission starts tomorrow! Better kill 2 creatures or be tortured in hell!" His master said in a teasing tone.

"A-alright master!" Ken answered. His facial expression was definitely contorted.

Better Faster Stronger

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