
Playing System

A man needs to level up. Do missions please!

WanderBreeze · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Book 1: Slaughter Daoist / Chapter 2 – Ken Ping

"Hmm… to plan this… I need a basic layout of what I will need to nurture. Wait. I got it! Let me feel it in a second!"

After thinking thoroughly, James then let out his aura all over the universe. He actually wanted to see if the Slaughter Dao from a certain someone was active or if that someone has died already.

Slaughter Daoist. Yes. That's the one. James actually met this person a million years ago and had a bout with this person. After multiple encounters and battles, both actually came to terms and respected each other as an equal.

After a few minutes. "Ah. It's gone. I can't feel the Dao anymore. When did he die? *sigh* I guess he failed in his journey or someone killed him. I hope he left something in this world, though, that would greatly help me in my plans to get points to level up. Let me check every inch then and see if he left his treasures for a disciple and successor."

James, again, let out his aura and took 2 hours to scour every inch of every planet of every galaxy within the universe.

"Hmm… still taxing to do this, but I can get used to this! Hmm… Ah! Found you!"

He then immediately teleported from the empty space to a certain planet in some unknown galaxy.

>>Scene break<<

A mountain, huh?

I never thought he would leave his treasures in a mountainous location. I guess time indeed changes a person.

After going inside the mountain through a hidden cave, he met a trap or rather, what normally be called "Trials". He passed them easily and before they were activated, he was already in the core area where the Slaughter Daoist left his wisp of spirit for the successor.

"Who!?" The spirit spoke.

"Yoh! Still, remember me?" James replied.

"Who!?" The spirit spoke again, but with confusion in the tone.

"Ahh... Could be that you never left a memory of me in your spirit? Yoh, it's me! The nameless Daoist! You remember?" James answered.

"What!? I… let me check!" The spirit then thought back and dived into the memories of the previous life. The spirit knew that the person before him was actually a monster and thus he never activated his powers. So, he could only check if the person was actually telling the truth.

After a few minutes passed. James was still silent and just waiting for the spirit to reply back with answers.

"Hmm…." The spirit hummed as if having some issues getting back memories of his past.

"Hmm…. ahh… hmm… oh! Oh! I got it! Oh my god! You! Why are you still alive!?" The spirit found the answer and was astonished that the person before him, the nameless Daoist, which he had a personal rivalry was still alive!

James laughed at this comment. "Hah! How can that possibly be if I'm so talented the Dao and universe loved me so much! Well, for you… luck wasn't on your side. How sad to see my rival go before me…"

"Rubbish! You! Stop boasting or I'll kill you even if this spirit will flicker out!" The spirit was annoyed with James' boastful attitude.

Deep inside, though, the spirit actually felt great and thankful that his rival has surpassed him and was still alive.

James laughed again. "You can try, but know that I've already reached the pinnacle of cultivation this universe can offer; I'm already trying to reach the next level."

"Huh!?" You did!? What a lucky bastard you are! I only reached the final Stage of the Eternal Realm before dying! And that was due to some Galaxy Realm's trap! That bastard played me and have encountered a Galaxy Realm's dungeon!"

James then felt sad and angry when he heard of this. But that's it. He won't be avenging this rival for the sake of rivalry. Everyone has their life and trials. It's only a matter of how to surpass and defeat those trials. If can't, either die or live life before dying.

"So that's what happened, unlucky huh?" James commented.

"Heh! Well, that's life! What can I do? So I just prepared myself and lived to ready my successor, if fate brings him to me and I've been waiting for a million years already, how come no one found this place!?" The spirit protested.

"Then you're really unlucky!" James laughed the misery of his rival.

"Laugh! Go Laugh! You lucky bastard! So… enough of me! Why are you here!?" The spirit asked directly.

"I won't go bullshit you, I actually want to get your treasures and cultivation method." James answered.

"What? Why would you need trash items? You're a Universal Realm expert! Don't tell me you've gotten poor over the years? That would be hilarious! With what happened to me, I'll still be happy! My rival is poorer than me!" The spirit uncontrollably laughed at James.

"Idiot! It's not that! I'm going to find you a successor! What's best, if not to provide your own Dao insights to the disciple!" James countered.

"Ah… so that's it. Well, I guess it's time to go out and hand you over my desire. It's my lucky day today? Hahaha! Then, go get all of these!" The spirit agreed and with a movement of his hands, treasures and all kinds of cultivation methods and pills immediately appeared and they were stacked on each other.

The treasures, then, took a height of a 1,000 floored building. It's massive!

"Oh… you really piled them up huh? What would you do if that successor was actually a wasteful bastard and sold these to some clans or Empires. I'd laughed at you!" James made a joke.

"Che! Told by the person who slaughtered his own shitty disciples!" The spirit rebutted.

"*sigh* well, we all have some unluckiness with us no?" James then deeply breathes out.

"Still not over that yet? It's been countless years already, oh right, you will accept disciples now? What changed?" The spirit asked.

"Oh… I think I'd like to give it a second try. Might make a Universal Realm disciple in the future, you may not know. Fate is so random mate." James answered.

"There… there! That's the rival I know! Go! Get all of these and I'll be on my way!" The spirit smiled.

After a few seconds, the treasures were instantly gone. "See you in the next life mate." James waved goodbye.

"Yeah, I hope to reincarnate better, but this universe is cruel. I'll not remember you or anyone anymore. Bye, my old friend…" The spirit then continuously faded into existence.

"*sigh* Goodbye old friend." James took one last look at the location where the spirit faded away and then teleported somewhere unknown.

>>Scene Break<<

In an empty space.

Now that I got the treasures, time to find that successor for Slaughter Daoist!

>>Scene Break<<

Somewhere, on an unknown planet.

A boy with the age of 10 years old can be seen gasping for air to breathe. His clothes were stained with blood. His shoulders were cut up from sword strikes and arrows.

He is Ken Ping. A bastard of a King. He is the 99th prince of a kingdom. Why was he being hunted? The kingdom has a tradition to have all the children of the King to fight to the death and should have only one to survive. The child, either a man or woman, will then inherit the throne.

This cruel and brutal tradition has been made ever since the 1st successor trials of the kingdom 1,000 years ago. And has continued till now.

This made the kingdom, so strong and united, and cruel at the same time. The warriors of this kingdom were rivals of an empire. Although called a kingdom, the area this kingdom owned has the same size as an empire.

And thus, Ken Ping's situation.

"Brother! Stop running and let me kill you!" A woman in a battle suit shouted while riding a wyvern.

Ken heard this and continued to run towards the forest.

"hah! Hah!" Ken grasped air every step. It's been like this for a month already.

It's either his brothers or sisters that came hunting him. Luckily, he has a good head and knows where to hide during the trials. And he actually knows why he was being hunted first.

He was the weakest.

He's currently a Mortal Realm stage 6 and his brothers and sisters were already either Mortal realm stage 10 or were earth immortals already. Since he was the weakest, some were targeting him already to lessen the count of trial participators.

"Hah!" He jumped towards the waterfalls in the cliff with no other intent but to survive!

"Brother! You can't escape me! Hahaha! I'll kill you and kill the next brothers and sisters! I'll get the throne! So just die already and don't waste my time!"

The woman then curved around the falls and have the wyvern fall down the river where Ken dipped.

Ken, on the other hand, was already at the side of the river. Weakened. No energy to move. A thought then came to him.

"It's the end then." Ken did all his best to laugh at his situation. All the energy left in him, he used them to laugh.

A dead man's laugh.

"Found ya!" The woman with her wyvern came to the ground. Her smirk was so deadly.

She then took her sword out of its sheath.

Walking towards Ken. She was only a few steps already to him.

"Brother, you made it hard for me, but it's worth it! I can't thank you enough! Killing you immediately would've made this boring you know!" She smiled.

"I.." Ken has no more strength to talk.

"No more brother. It's time to fulfill your fate." She then readied her sword to slice down Ken's neck.

During this time, Ken's time has slowed down. "This is it huh? Why's fate so cruel? I hope my next life will be much better than this shitty life." Ken made his final thoughts.

>>Scene Break<<













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