
Plant Lord: Starting With 10,000 Times Increase

# PLANTS Lin Sen transmigrated into the game Everyone Is A Lord. The basic units which were assigned to him were actually plants! The soldiers from the enemy factions were ready to invade his territory, yet his plants were still growing. What should he do? Thankfully, he awakened the 10,000 Times Increment System. The potentials of his basic units were increased 10,000 times. Oddish, an F-rank plant was promoted to an S-rank plant, Heaven-swallowing Blossom. Time acceleration was increased 10,000 times. The time taken for Poisonous Spore, an A-rank plant, to mature was shortened from 30 years to just a day! The reproduction rate of his plants increased 10,000 times. Nine-leaf Madder, an SSS-rank plant, populated his entire territory over a single night. As such, the enemies were shocked by what they saw when they invaded Lin Sen’s territory. A soldier cried out, “There are Gatling Peas, Cob Cannons and Winter Melons. What an invincible combination!” Another soldier wailed, “Why would his Jalapeno spit fire?” Yet another soldier exclaimed, “I even saw a War Ancient Tree in his territory!” Lin Sen called out, “Come on in! Don’t leave just yet. Have a taste of my newly invented Banana Bazooka!”

Plants Vs. Zombies · Games
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40 Chs

He's Trying to Trick Us to become Plant Lords

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"What a pity. This Hurricane Lord was very fierce at first, but he didn't have enough strength."

Everyone felt sorry for that candidate.

The screen of the program director showed everything.

At this moment, the scene came to another candidate.

"This candidate has awakened a Mud Lord. He's using mud to create walls!"

Under the female host's introduction, the candidate on the screen adopted the same simple tactics as Lin Sen.

He hid in the same corner as Lin Sen, and retreated till there was no further room to retreat.

Then, this candidate summoned walls.


"This candidate is really ruthless. He actually summoned one, two, three…"

"A total of 81 walls?!"

81 walls, one after another, formed a solid and reliable haven for this candidate.

"This candidate will definitely win!"

"Haha, construction companies, why aren't you looking for this candidate to sponsor?"

Amidst everyone's teasing, this candidate felt that he was safe. He even used his lord's ability to create a house with a large amount of mud and lay quietly inside, preparing to advance in 30 minutes.

However, this candidate soon heard a strange sound. It was like the sound of a rat chewing something.

The audience witnessed from the omniscient view how the 81 mud walls were eaten by the zombies like biscuits in a short period of time.

"They are really savage zombies!"

"How did they easily gnaw through a ten-centimeter-thick mud wall?"

"Oh no, this candidate probably won't be able to last for more than 30 minutes!"

Everything was as expected. The mud wall simply collapsed in front of the zombies. It was useless.

Not long after, countless zombies gathered outside the candidate's mud house. There were zombies wearing helmets on their heads, zombies wearing metal buckets on their heads, and zombies holding newspapers in their hands…

There were only these words to describe it—Army at the foot of the city!

The candidate decisively chose to surrender.

Countless images of candidates appeared one after another.

Most of the candidates basically could not make it.

At this moment, the program director switched to Lin Sen.

It seemed like the program director was also curious if Lin Sen could survive.

After all, with the slow development of Plant Lords, it was already a miracle that Lin Sen could get to the top ten of the academy to participate in this competition.


"It's Lin Sen again…"

"Wait, what's going on with Lin Sen?"

While everyone was dumbfounded, the situation on Lin Sen's side was a little strange.

Similar to the Mud Lord candidate, Lin Sen also adopted a simple strategy.

Moreover, the giant tree planted by Lin Sen was also facing the danger of being eaten by countless zombies.

From this situation, it would not be long before Lin Sen's defense would be broken like the previous candidate.

After the giant tree was eaten, it would be the time for Lin Sen to surrender!

However, Lin Sen's situation was different from the Mud Lord's. Lin Sen had planted a Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower behind the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree!

The zombies that were eating the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree were directly devoured by the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower!

Countless zombies gathered and were blocked by the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree.

Then, the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower slowly ate the zombies. It was at ease!

"This works too?"

"Isn't Lin Sen's strategy a little too cowardly?"

Everyone was shocked that Lin Sen's tactics were so simple and yet so successful.

Lin Sen realized that the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower and the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree had leveled up!

The Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower had been eating zombies and gaining a lot of experience.

Although the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree had been eaten by zombies, the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower had been providing the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree with the energy it had digested after swallowing the zombies.

Therefore, the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree used the energy to constantly repair itself, causing it to not be eaten up by the zombies!

Therefore, after the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree had absorbed the energy provided by the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower, it also leveled up!

Lin Sen gave it a cursory glance. The Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower had been upgraded to Level 10. At this moment, the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower could already swallow ten zombies in one gulp!

At the same time, the time to digest the zombies was shorter!

Meanwhile, the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree had also leveled up to Level 10 and obtained the automatic repair ability.

As long as there was sunlight, even if a 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree was bitten by zombies, it could quickly heal its wounds with photosynthesis!

At the same time, Lin Sen realized that the territorial area in his body was expanding rapidly.

From the size of four football fields, it was already the size of a small village!

"I've become a mid-tier Lord?!"

Lin Sen was a little shocked.

The lords were divided into low-tier lords, mid-tier lords, high-tier lords…. lords…

And one of the criteria to measure a lord's strength was the size of the lord's territorial area!

Among them, the size of a village was already the standard for a mid-tier lord!

"After becoming a mid-tier lord, I can set up even more plants!"

Before this, Lin Sen could only arrange two types of plants.

For example, the plants that Lin Sen currently owned.

There were already the 10,000 year-old Iron Birch Tree and the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower on the field, so Lin Sen couldn't arrange a third plant.

Originally, according to Lin Sen's plan, he would have added the Parasitic Thorns and Nine Leaf Sword Grass.

Among them, the Parasitic Thorns slowed down the enemy's speed while the distant Nine Leaf Sword Grass dealt long-range damage.

When the enemy was almost exhausted by the Nine Leaf Sword Grass, even if they could approach the 10,000 year-old Iron Birch tree, they would still be on the verge of death.

At that time, he would be directly swallowed by the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower…

This was the perfect configuration!

However, due to the limitations of Lin Sen's ability, he could not arrange four plants.

Take Potato Mines for example, although Lin Sen had set up tens of thousands of Potato Mines in the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment,

However, those Potato Mines were of the same type, so they were not restricted.

If Lin Sen still had ten stalks of Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flowers, he could continue to arrange them.

What was restricted was the type, not the quantity.

"I should be a mid-tier one-star lord now. I can arrange four types of plants at the same time."

Thinking of this, Lin Sen immediately tried it.

The Nine Leaf Sword Grass slashed out with its sword qi, cutting countless zombies into two.

The Parasitic Thorns emerged from the ground, wrapped around the zombies, and sucked them dry…

Lin Sen's performance made the spectators numb.

They had thought that Lin Sen was just hiding in the corner.

Who knew that Lin Sen had so many tricks up his sleeve?

"Is this the Plant Lord?"

"It instantly made me feel like I wanted to be a Plant Lord…"

"Mom, I want to self-explode the lord core and re-select the Plant Lord…"

"It's a lie. Lin Sen must be lying to us. He's trying to trick us into becoming the Plant Lord!"

The audience watching the show in Heavenly Hub City instantly fell into chaos. Everyone was discussing the few methods that Lin Sen had displayed.