
Plant Lord: Starting With 10,000 Times Increase

# PLANTS Lin Sen transmigrated into the game Everyone Is A Lord. The basic units which were assigned to him were actually plants! The soldiers from the enemy factions were ready to invade his territory, yet his plants were still growing. What should he do? Thankfully, he awakened the 10,000 Times Increment System. The potentials of his basic units were increased 10,000 times. Oddish, an F-rank plant was promoted to an S-rank plant, Heaven-swallowing Blossom. Time acceleration was increased 10,000 times. The time taken for Poisonous Spore, an A-rank plant, to mature was shortened from 30 years to just a day! The reproduction rate of his plants increased 10,000 times. Nine-leaf Madder, an SSS-rank plant, populated his entire territory over a single night. As such, the enemies were shocked by what they saw when they invaded Lin Sen’s territory. A soldier cried out, “There are Gatling Peas, Cob Cannons and Winter Melons. What an invincible combination!” Another soldier wailed, “Why would his Jalapeno spit fire?” Yet another soldier exclaimed, “I even saw a War Ancient Tree in his territory!” Lin Sen called out, “Come on in! Don’t leave just yet. Have a taste of my newly invented Banana Bazooka!”

Plants Vs. Zombies · Games
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40 Chs

Strategic Arrangement

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"The next candidate I'm going to introduce is also from the Heavenly Hub Lord Academy."

"He's Plant Lord Lin Sen…"

In the program, the image of Lin Sen calmly observing the enemy in front of him appeared.

As this was only the introductory stage, Lin Sen was not given too much screen time.

"Plant Lord… How should I put it…"

When the Plant Lord was introduced, the female host looked a little hesitant.

"As everyone knows, the development cycle of the Plant Lord is too long. I can only say that Student Lin Sen… has a promising future!"

The female host was very cultured. She used a more euphemistic way to express that she did not think highly of Lin Sen.

At this moment, countless people in Heavenly Hub City were discussing Lin Sen.

"The Plant Lord does develop too slowly in the early stages."

"It's a pity for Lin Sen. For him to reach this stage, he definitely can't do without his own hard work. But the Plant Lord ability has dragged him down…"

Some people felt sorry for Lin Sen.

The candidates who could participate in this selection were all quite outstanding in their respective schools.

It was not easy for Lin Sen to rely on the Plant Lord's ability to reach this step.

At this moment, at the Four Seasons Grassi Company.

This was one of the top companies in Heavenly Hub City, specializing in selling plant-related products.

For example, selling precious flowers, strange tree seeds, high-tech flower pots…

The company produces all kinds of products that revolve around plants.

The CEO of the company was looking at the Heavenly Hub Channel.

Beside the president, the secretary in a white suit suggested meekly, "President Li, although the possibility of Lin Sen surviving the first round is relatively small, it's not easy for him to reach this stage with the ability of the Plant Lord."

"His hard work and perseverance are worth learning from."

"Why don't we—"

The secretary made a weak suggestion, but the president shook his head and rejected it.

"Hard work and perseverance are all useless."

"In terms of the company's standards, what we need is traffic and benefits!"

"It's certain that our sponsorship of him is destined to be a loss!"

The president understood what the secretary meant. The secretary believed that for Lin Sen to reach this stage with the ability of the Plant Lord, there must have been unimaginable efforts during this period.

The secretary was touched by his efforts and planned to sponsor him.

However, the CEO told his secretary that she could not act on impulse.

The traffic and ability that Lin Sen had shown so far meant that sponsoring him would not be of much use.

Similar things happened to many companies.

There were also people who had the same thoughts as the secretary. They believed that Lin Sen must have gone through unimaginable hard work and effort to reach his current level, given the extremely long development cycle of Plant Lords.

They were slightly moved by this.

However, the company refused to sponsor Lin Sen.

Zombie Garden.

Lin Sen had already considered his next strategy.

The zombies in front of him were already approaching.

The zombies here would appear in an endless stream from the terminal end.

Moreover, as time passed, more and more zombies would appear, and their movements would become faster and faster!

On the Heavenly Hub Channel, the program director gave Lin Sen a shot.

Lin Sen was very calm in the face of the zombies' attack.

He chose a spot and went to a corner of the garden.

There was no way to retreat.

On the left was an iron fence.

Lin Sen could not get out, and the zombies could not come over.

There were only two directions in which Lin Sen was in danger.

The first was the front, where the zombies were attacking.

The second was to the right. Lin Sen was now approaching the left side of the garden, close to the fence.

All the right side was empty. The zombies could attack from that side.

"This Student Lin Sen is very calm. Regardless of his ability, at least his mental fortitude is very strong!"

The female host also commented on Lin Sen.

At this moment, the keyboard warriors on the Internet expressed their opinions.

"His mental fortitude is too strong? Why do I feel that he has fled to a corner where he can't continue to escape and is so frightened that his face is paralyzed?"

"I don't think Lin Sen is panicking at all. He seems to have a trump card!"

"Where did he get his trump card? Oh, I know. He does have a trump card. This trump card can make him not afraid of zombies."

"After all, as long as we tell the military that we give up, we can immediately leave the Mystic Realm. Why should we be afraid of zombies?"

Everyone had different opinions.

Some recognized Lin Sen. They felt that Lin Sen must have some real ability to be so calm. He must have a trump card.

Some people thought that Lin Sen looked so "calm" because he was scared silly.

In the Zombie Garden, Lin Sen began his arrangements.

Lin Sen, who was hiding in the corner of the garden, planted the iron birch tree.

"Seed of Amplification, the growth age has an increase of 10,000 times in age!"

As Lin Sen shouted in his heart, the Iron Birch planted grew at an exaggerated speed.

In the blink of an eye, a huge tree blocked Lin Sen's front and right.

It perfectly separated Lin Sen from the zombies.

But this could not go on.

What if those damn zombies were crazy enough to eat the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree?

After all, that was a zombie. They did not care if the Iron Birch Tree was easy to chew…

Therefore, Lin Sen planted the Walking Grass behind the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree.

"The growth speed of the Seed of Amplification is ten thousand times faster!"

In an instant, the Walking Grass grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, it grew into a huge flower, the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower!

This Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower was called a flower, but the stamen in the center of the flower looked more like a huge abyssal mouth.

It was as if everything would be eaten inside.

When Lin Sen was fiddling with the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree and the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flower, the program director did not give the camera to the other candidates.

At this moment, the program director gave Lin Sen another shot.

In the eyes of the audience, didn't they just change the scene and look at the other candidates? Why did Lin Sen suddenly create such a wall to hide?

"This Lin Sen… still has some understanding of plants. He's stuck in the corner and planted a tree in front of him, preventing the zombies from coming over."

The audience was speechless. They felt that Lin Sen's method was too sneaky.

"Is Lin Sen planning to hole up here for 30 minutes?"

Even though Lin Sen had summoned a huge tree and an evil-looking flower, no one was optimistic about Lin Sen.

Soon, the dedicated program director changed the scene again.

At this moment, the other candidates had already begun to face the zombies' attacks.

"This candidate has awakened the Hurricane Lord. He can summon small hurricanes!"

When everyone saw this, their eyes lit up.

It was different from Lin Sen's sneaky tactics just now.

The Hurricane Lord before them was charging towards the zombie army.


"A good man should be like this!"

Many people praised this candidate.

However, as time passed, there were more and more zombies. The small "hurricane" created by the Hurricane Lord could no longer blow the zombies away.

He was about to be surrounded and torn apart by zombies.

This lord decisively chose to give up.