
Planetary cultivation

Teng De had become the immortal realm’s brightest rising star through his unique cultivation methods. However the higher powers denied his ascension and struck him down, and very nearly killed him, but he had moved his entire cultivation base into his storage ring. Now all alone drifting through space with no body as only a ring how will he survive?

woodle · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Cultivation tiers

The cultivation tiers for inanimate objects:

Tier 0: Mundane Object

A mundane object cannot hold Qi inside of itself in any useful amounts.

Tier 1: Qi Acceptance Stage

This stage is achieved when Qi is literally shoved into an object, and it's structure is somehow preserved until Qi becomes a fundamental component of the object.

Tier 2: Qi Gathering Stage

At this stage the object will slowly gather Qi on its own until it's frame is entirely full. This process takes a very long time so assistance from an intelligent individual will speed things up dramatically.

Tier 3: Qi Condensation Stage

This stage requires outside assistance or an extraordinary situation. The Qi of the object must be condensed from its natural gaseous state into a more potent liquid form. This requires a massive force of will or an extreme density of Qi.

Tier 4: Core Forming Stage

At this stage objects gain some small intelligence and limited movement ability. The liquid Qi is condensed further into a solid core, the location of the core doesn't matter as much to objects as it does to living organisms. The core will contain all the Qi The object has gathered up to that point, and will serve as a rudimentary brain and nervous system.

Tier 5-8: Core Establishment

These stages are where the most important decisions for cultivation are made. As there are no natural meridians in inanimate objects the object, or the external cultivator must etch them into it's form. This time is the only time when this is possible, afterwards the decisions made here will be set in stone. Unless the object is damaged sufficiently that it loses its higher cultivation and is returned to this stage.

Tier 9-18: Deification

The process of deification for objects is entirely different from living organisms. Whereas organisms must deify themselves one cell at a time an object must deify entire aspects at a time. For example a sword might choose to deify it's cutting edge, it's hilt, or any other structure or part that it values. The stages of deification are complete when the entire object has been deified, as opposed to organisms that can only deify one organ at the end of their deification stages. The object becomes self aware at around Tier 13.

Tier 19: Ascendance

This stage is defined by the first Dao comprehension. Where the object unifies itself with a single concept, such as The Dao of Fire, The Dao of Light, or The Dao of Spinning.

Tier 20: Differentiation

The object must separate itself from the Dao of its choice, so as to not dissolve into the Dao. It must define itself firmly and face any inner demons. At this point the object may study a different Dao or continue to comprehend their current Dao.

Tier 21-30: Dao Mastery

These tiers are more defined by power rather than cultivation progress. However none will be able to pass tier 30 without fully comprehending one full Dao.

Tier 31-40: Earth Heavenly Weapon

An object capable of altering a small aspect of reality through the use of Qi and the understanding of a Dao. Can destroy entire cities.

Tier 41-60: Sky Heavenly Weapon

An object that can manipulate reality on a larger scale. Can wipe entire continents out of existence.

Tier 61-100: Heavenly Demon Weapon

An object that has mastery over reality itself and can obliterate entire solar systems in an instant at its strongest.

This will be updated as it becomes necessary. =)

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