
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[ Top Secret Mission: Agents and Micheal's undead troops]

"So his parents died, sister got separated from him.. got bullied and wasn't able to complete his studies, accidentally got a girlfriend, and then the father disapproved because he was weak.. he became my best buddy and we steal together, that's prolly Micheal's history"

Kiara, the girl who had handcuffed the protagonist just kept her boring look on Ronnie, she asked a simple question.."What do you know about Micheal? Is he alive?".. just that and Ronnie said things that didn't concern her.

"Well is he alive?", asked Kiara. Both cadets walked along the academy's hallway, and Kiara glanced her bored eyes between Ronnie and the cadets talking or banging their lockers like it owes them money.

"Oh.. yeah, I mean why won't Michael be alive?"

"What about his wrist.. what happened to his wrist?"

Ronnie plopped his face, wondering what could happen to Micheal's wrist that was so important. When he accepted the invitation, he thought they'd have some time to know themselves. But no, Kiara won't stop asking questions that concern Micheal.

"His wrist is in good condition, why are you asking all this anyway.. we've been alone all day and you won't stop asking about Micheal"

"Oooooooh... damn she loves him", a random cadet chimed in. Promoting laughter around the hallway.

"I... I'm not," Kiara retorted, attempting to steady her voice, her cheeks betraying her true emotions.

As she blushed, a male cadet approached Ronnie and casually rested his hand on Ronnie's shoulder.

"Let me tell you, my friend, she's interested in the guy she keeps asking about. Isn't he a fourth-year cadet... Aiden, right? I mean, the governor's daughter must have a taste for some 'hot chocolate,' if you catch my drift."

Ronnie glanced at the guy.. giving him a cold look. "Thanks, buddy, now get your fucking hands off my shoulder"

"Woooooh... fight..! Fight..!"

The cadets began to roar, wanting to see a fight between the year four cadets, even the seniors were just standing and loving the moment.

"You hear that, how about we take this to the next level?", said the male cadet, to his astonishment, his primary ability was strength. And right there, he was exacting a whole hell of strength on Ronnie's shoulder, as if the whole of planet Apocalypse was resting there.

Unfortunately, Ronnie wasn't feeling anything.. but could tell the year four cadet was trying to press him down.

-[Attention to all cadets...!]

The announcement bell rang, alerting those in class and those in hallways, cutting down the fight that was about to be presented.

A male cadet sneered out of frustration and gave the middle finger in front of the camera. "Bullet..! Please make your way to the principal's office.. and receive your punishment"

"Hahaha.. hahahaha"

The seniors at year six laughed at him, but not those of four and five.

-[Attention all cadets: In less than a minute, the academy will import a band on your right, similar to a watch.. these devices would help detect those amongst you who is a monster in the form of a human..]

As the announcements were getting around the academy... Ronnie's eyes flared, the black band appeared around his wrist and glowed green.. similar to everyone's situation, but that wasn't why he was scared all of a sudden.


"-[When the watch glows green, it indicates the absence of a monster. However, if it emits a beep accompanied by a red glow, it signifies the opposite. That is all for now. Further information regarding the apocalypse will be provided. Until then, good luck to all of ]

The cadets murmured, the situation completely drifted their attentions from the fight, some operated theirs' with ease. And Kiara could see the complete scariness of Ronnie's utterance.

"What's wrong Ronnie?"

"Not.. nothing, I just have to meet Michael"

Little did she know, Ronnie's fear stemmed from the fact that Micheal was, indeed, a monster. If he were to enter the academy and receive the watch, the revelation of Micheal's true nature as a zombie would undoubtedly wreak havoc.


Right outside the academy, Micheal and Mika walked out of a portal. Mika looked childishly angry while Micheal tucked his hands in his black jeans, smiling childishly...

Given the fact that Mika was upset, she just wasted an entire day with a pervert, while Micheal was smiling cuz he enjoyed every moment with Mika, even though she had given him the silent treatment.

Unknown to these two cadets, the red-haired man, Mr. Reed, and two extra men having dark hair were behind him, the unequivocal factor about these men was, that they all had black shades matching the black suit. And they were all waiting for Michelangelo.

"I can't believe I wasted an entire day with you... you said there were aliens, and we got there... no aliens at all"

"I did see some aliens but -"

"No buts Angelo" Mika interjected, causing a bit of sweat to roll aside Micheal's head "That's just a silly excuse to carry me and touch my ass"

[My Liege, with your permission.. let me nicely tell her not to disrespect you] said Zombiak, the zombie with chain trailing behind Micheal and the kitsune devil who was at his right.

Unlike when it walks with paws, kitsune attained the form of a human shape demon, having nine tails behind its purple dark epidermis and two standing fox ears.

Both demons, Zombiak, and kitsune were radiating a black-red mist accompanying Micheal.

However, they were invisible to the human eye, only Micheal could see them, or when he summoned them, everyone could see them.

'Like the way you told those aliens nicely..?', thought Micheal.

[But my Liege, the Aliens had dugg a pit that abrupted your time with Mika, it was nice to kill them my Liege]

'Okay Zombiak, but you don't have my permission to hurt Mika, and are you certain you killed every single alien?'

[Certainly, my Liege, the aliens in that territory were all extinct.. and kitsune did a search party]

[meee? No way don't blame me if it turns out some aliens survived]

Micheal smirked, listening to the two one them argue, it certainly was a good thing to have them in camouflage, because when he was up in the sky searching for the aliens, his undead battalions were down searching and slaughtering the ones nearby.

The men, although in black shades all had widened eyes, and a bit of sweat, as Mika walked past them, they saluted, she ignored them and entered the academy.

"Not you Mr. Micheal, we'll be having a stand brief meeting with you"

"Uuuh.. as long as I'm not in trouble"

Mr. Reed brought out a badge, signifying himself as a member of the top-secret task Force of the apocalypse, and they were here by the orders of the commando. The man who knew Micheal could spawn zombies.

"Sir commando says you're the new top mission"

The three agents all wore a smiling faces as if begging for something. "He says you could spawn zombies and monster zombies, can you show us plsss"

[My Liege.. even the adult humans are more of a weird creature compared to the bullet One]

'They are just excited, that's all.. if you don't mind zombiak, they would be allowed to see you all for some seconds'

[Anything my Liege..]

And with a smirk, the three men saw an endless wave of monsters behind Michael, the black and red flames radiating around them and Micheal. But accidentally, one of the men looked at Zombiak.. the not-so-nice undead general.

Zombiak raised his hands in response, and three elongated black steel claws came out of his hand... while kitsune extended her claws lit up in red and black flames.

Thud...! The man fainted after momentarily freaking out.

[Hahaha.. my Liege, humans are indeed foolish creatures... hahaha]

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