

??? POV

I ran toward a mountain. The mountain was covered in buildings with gates, surrounded by a blackstone wall. I ran through it, and flashed a pass to the guards. "Young mistress." I stepped on the platform, and teleported to the topmost building. "Father! I need you to do something for me." "What is it daughter?" the figure sitting on the throne asked. I Whispered something into his ear and he slowly nodded. The next day, a squad of men with cold auras around them, wearing black hoods dashed toward the village where Kyle and Elena resided.

Kyle POV

I yawned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I felt a weight on my body, which was soft and warm, so I looked down, only to see Elena hugging me. I blushed, as I felt her soft skin on my body. I poked her until her eyes opened halfway. "What is it Kyyyylllleeee" she groaned. "It's… uh… well…" I couldn't put it into words, and she realized my face was red. She looked down, and saw the position they were in. "Why Kyle, are you enjoying thiiis?" she said teasingly. I looked away and muttered softly "N-n-n-n-no, I'm not!"

Elena POV

I giggled and poked him. "You're cute when you're flustered Kyyyyle" His face turned a deeper shade of red, and he turned away even more. "H-h-hey stop teasing me!" I laughed, and got out of bed to take a shower. "Come to think of it, you need a shower too don't you, Kyyllee" I grinned evilly and dragged the resisting Kyle into the bathtub, ignoring his pleas of "Noooooo". Kyle sat with his well toned and muscles back facing me in the bathtub. "Sooooo… lemme wash your back Kyle." I grinned evilly, as Kyle's face turned red again. "B-b-b-but why? I-I-I-I can wash it myself…" "No buts, now lemme wash it… Kyle" I smirked and started scrubbing his back with her bare hands.

Kyle POV

My face turned redder (If that was possible) as her soft fingers rubbed my back. I started to relax, and eventually fell asleep.

Elena POV

I sighed as Kyle fell into my lap. "Awwwwww… I wanted to tease him some more…" I laughed evilly."Well, I can tease him when he wakes up." I walked to the kitchen to make lunch, when an explosion sounded, and the door was blown off its hinges by a large ice spike. The spike pierced a hole through the door, and flew toward me. I met it with a punch and sent it flying back where it came from. Hooded figures stormed into the living room and surrounded her. They parted to reveal a familiar white clad woman. She grinned. "Get Kyle." "Yes." two of the hooded figures carried Kyle out of the room. I stormed towards the guards, but was repelled by a barrage of sharp ice spikes along with a spell that lowered her defense. I could only watch helplessly as Kyle was dragged away. The woman in white snapped her fingers, and another barrage of spells wounded me.

Kyle POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room, in a large bed. I got up and shook my head to clear my mind, and opened the door. I walked out to see several buildings, and people going about their daily lives. I walked out of the doorway, only to encounter the white clad woman. "Who are you, where am I, and what have you done with Elena?!" She giggled and said "You're in the Snow Sect, and I am the young mistress of the clan. As for that B*tch, she's wounded, but she fled." "You mean..!?" "That's right! She won't be coming here anytime soon" She laughed, and dragged me toward the teleportation array. "Let's go meet my father!" I paled. "What's wrong? Are you scared?" "Yeah…" "Don't worry, he's not judgemental" They arrived in front of an icy blue throne, and the figure stood up. "Welcome to my humble abode… Young master of the Blackblood clan" "You! How did you know?" I exclaimed. "Simple. Only those of the Blackbood clan can manipulate infernal energy and input it into their mana core without combusting."

Elena POV

I ran through the forest, looking for a place to set up an ambush. My wounds were impeding her strength, but I was still strong enough to put up a fight. I dashed into the forest and set up a few magic traps. The hooded figures followed me into the undergrowth, shooting ice spikes and ice bolts after her.

Hooded figure POV

The young mistress had ordered them to kill the woman, but it would be a waste of her beauty. He also felt a bit of admiration for this woman who could shatter most of their attacks with her bare hands. In fact, he suspected that the outcome of this battle would be different if not for the defense debuff spells of the ice element. His thoughts wandered off, thinking about her. "Yohan! Watch out!" "Huh?" He was caught off guard by a magic explosion from a tree. The explosion sent him flying, and left a hole in their formation.

Elena POV

The explosion sent Yohan (She heard the figures try to warn him) flying, and I took that opportunity to break through their formation, and another punch sent one flying. I quickly escaped, leading the figures around in the forest, causing them to activate a series of traps she had set up. She eventually lost them, and charged towards the mana signal.

Yohan POV

"What the fuck was that Yohan?! It's not like you to space out on us like that, so what happened!" I pulled off my hood, revealing a sharp face with dark gold eyes with specks of black, and silver hair. "I-I-I think I'm in love." All of his teammates burst out laughing. "With who!?!? Your mom?" I blushed. "N-n-n-no! That's not it!" "Who is it then, huh?" "Waaaiiiit… don't tell me…" "What? Who is it?" "Don't tell me it's that girl we were chasing earlier!" "It is" I sighed. "Dude, she's so outta your league. I mean, did you see how beautiful that girl was? Plus, I heard from the young mistress that we captured her boyfriend, so you're outta luck." I sighed to myself, then jumped up. "Wait! How handsome is her boyfriend?" "Enough to make the young mistress fall in love." "Wait! Doesn't that mean…" "That he is waaayyy too handsome? Yeah, it does." I slumped to the ground with sadness written all over my face. "Heh. Don't worry Yohan. If we catch her, we'll force her to be your girlfriend." I sighed again. "But that means our relationship will be fake." "Damn. Kids these days are hard to please!" one of the members laughed. "Well, can't help it, after all, love is love!"

Kyle POV

"Wha-What do you mean? Doesn't that mean that he has a higher-" the woman was cut off by her father. "Yes, I'm afraid so." "Then why did you agree to my plan!?" "Because he is only young master in name." "So, you mean…" "Precisely. He does not have much power, because his father took it away as part of his trial." "So that means that they don't care about him?" I could stand it no longer. "Am I just air here?" "Precisely." The woman giggled. "Now, now father, don't be mean to Kyle." She dragged me away into plain looking shop. "Mother!" "Yes dear?" "I want you to see my boyfriend." A gorgeous woman dressed in white robes walked down. "My, my, what a handsome boy you are! I feel like taking you for myself." "MOM!!!" The woman giggled. "It seems that you really love this boy… I'll make him mine…" The white clad woman pouted, then looked at me. "By the way, my name is.."