
Agreement and Truce

Kyle POV

I woke up in a room, laying on Natasha's lap of Natasha, while Elena was using her lap as my bed. I blushed, and rolled off of them. They started laughing, and I looked away. "S-s-stop teasing me…" I kept looking away, when I felt two arms wrap around my body and a sweet voice say "Awww Kyle come on…" I tried to get Elena off of me, but she stuck to me like glue. "What do I have to do to get you off of me?" "Well…" Elena smirked, and I got a bad feeling. "You'll have to give me and Natasha a kiss!" I blushed yet again. "Why should I?" Elena ignored me and turned my face towards hers, forcing me to kiss her. She pulled back and let Natasha in for a kiss as well, leaving me dazed before I could even react. The two women laughed, and sat next to me, giving me a massage. I relaxed, and eventually fell asleep.

Elena POV

I nodded to Natasha, who dragged Kyle into the bed. When he woke up, we both kissed him, and then hugged him. We watched as his face looked confused, before turning bright red. We both laughed at him, and he turned away. "H-h-hey! Stop teasing me!``''He's so adorable like this!" I thought to myself. Natasha was probably thinking the same thing, because we looked at each other, and smirked. Kyle noticed what was happening, and tried to run, but Natasha held him down and kissed him, turning him dazed. We both looked down at him, and then laid down beside him, hugging him. We eventually fell asleep, still hugging Kyle.

Kyle POV

I woke up with two sets of warmth, one on each side. I got up and yawned, then looked over to see Elena hugging me, so I poked her a few times. "Good morning sleepy head." She blinked her eyes and looked up at me. "Morning…" then she smirked and pulled me in for a kiss. A force from the opposite side pulled my head around, and before I could react, Natasha kissed me, dazing me. "Dammit! I need to get more charm resistance!" those were my last thoughts before Elena kissed me yet again. I was pushed down yet again, and the two women took this opportunity to kiss me.

Elena POV

I kissed Kyle, then pulled back, letting Natasha get in a turn. We both got up after he went to sleep, when the door to the room opened. "Mother!" Natasha exclaimed. A gorgeous woman entered the room and laughed. "My, my, how much my daughter has grown, even being able to make advances on a man without being shy!" Natasha blushed. "Mooommmm… why are you here anyway?" "Oh, I just wanted to take a look at your competitor…" she turned to look at me. "Wow! Your competition is very tough… what a beautiful young lady!" We all heard a sudden yawn, and we turned to see Kyle rubbing his eyes. I tackled him back into bed, and hugged him tightly. Natasha jumped in after me, and her mother laughed. "These two young ladies, including my daughter, seem to have taken a liking to you, so take care of them for me okay?" Natasha blushed, and so did Kyle, and she laughed. I hugged him tighter, and he groaned. "Elena… you're hugging me too tight." he wheezed. "Oh! Sorry…" I loosened up, but gave him a kiss. "By the way, you still owe me for the mana backlash…" "Huh?" he looked over to me. "Oh... right.... So what do I owe you?" "I'm still thinking about it… hmm…" I watched as Kyle started sweating bullets.

Kyle POV

Elena was still thinking about what I owed her, and I started sweating under her gaze. She kept thinking for a few minutes before deciding on what it was. "Hmmm… how about this? You have to give me and Natasha a massage, and take a bath with us." I turned bright red, and Natasha was blushing as well. "I'll go first, and Natasha can go second." Natasha agreed with her, and completely ignored my pleading gaze. Elena smirked, and dragged me into bed. She flipped onto her back, and took off her shirt. "Come on Kyle, aren't you going to massage me?" I blushed, and looked away, while kneading her shoulders. She moaned, and said "Kyle, it feels nice!" I blushed, and looked away from her bare back. After her turn was over, Natasha got onto the bed, and took off her shirt, as she laid down. My face turned redder, and I looked away. I started rubbing her back, and I tried to avoid looking at her back. After I finished rubbing her back, Elena dragged me into the bath, and started rubbing my back. The feeling was nice, and it loosened up my muscles. I enjoyed the feeling, when Natasha got in as well, and started rubbing my back, causing me to slowly fall asleep.

Natasha POV

I rubbed his back, as he fell asleep slowly. I looked at Elena, and she nodded at me. We smirked at each other, and we laid down next to Kyle, when the door blew off its hinges. "Kyyyyllllleeee!" Kyle immediately woke up, and looked towards the doorway. We both looked as well, when we saw a gorgeous woman with scales covering her body, and wings on her back. "Kyle… have you agreed yet?" she asked. Kyle started sweating, and the woman pouted. "Come on!" she glared at both me and Elena, and then looked at Kyle. "Don't tell me that you fell in love with these bitches?" she looked back at Kyle with a sad puppy dog gaze. I looked at Kyle, only to see him paralyzed, and floating towards her, struggling. "H-h-hey come on little sister! Stop disturbing me like that!" "No! You're supposed to agree to the document remember? Then our clans can be united!" "Uuuuuhhhhh…" Kyle started sweating, and Elena, ran over to him, pulling him away from the woman, and digging her fingernails into his arm.

Kyle POV

Well… I never expected to find my childhood friend, and "little sister," Liliana, here, still going on about that proposal… Elena was digging her fingernails into my arm, and I realized that the situation was getting dangerous. Liliana glared back at Elena, and took my other arm. I started sweating when Elena looked at me. "Uuuuh… hey…little sister… can you get off of me?" Liliana pouted. "F-fiiiinnnneeee… hmph." She looked away, and let go. She suddenly turned around, and kissed me, before running away. I ran after her, leaving the two girls behind.

Liliana POV

I ran away after kissing Kyle, blushing. "Dammit Kyle! Why did you have to find someone you loved!" Tears came into my eyes. "Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT!!! I punched a tree several times. "I'm the one who's spent the most time with him!" I turned around, and saw Kyle standing there, looking at me. I blushed furiously, and asked "How long have you been there?" He looked at me strangely, and said "I just got here… why?" "Good. I turned away from him, and pouted. "That idiot. Always treating me like his little sister. He's such a moron..." "Huh? What are you saying? I can't hear you…" I turned towards Kyle, with an angry expression on my face. "Nothing, Mr. Dense as a brick. Hmph." I glared at him, and he looked at me helplessly. "Sigh… I really don't know what's going on in your mind, but let me know if something's going on…" then, he leaned in to hug me. I turned bright red, and made a little squeak. Then I smiled, and buried my head in Kyle's chest. He smiled as well, and patted my head. His soft, warm hands caressed my head, and I blushed.

Kyle POV

I sat down, carefully setting down the sleeping form of Liliana. She clutched my chest, tears dripping down her face. She clung to me, and I sighed. (Flashback) My head spun from the force of the slap, and my father reared back, for another hit, when a little girl entered the room. "I am Liliana." My father turned around, and bowed to her. "Welcome, Princess Liliana. This is my son, Kyle Ashblood." She regarded me with her intense, tainted, gold eyes for a moment, then looked back at my father. "Your child's services are required. May I borrow him for a moment?" My father bowed yet again. "Of course Princess Liliana, however, may I ask why you need him?" "Are you questioning me?" Her eyes bored into my father as he bowed again. "I wouldn't dare, Princess." The princess snorted, then used a spell to transport me to a palace. She looked at me shyly, and said "This is my father's castle. He'll pass down some of our family techniques…" I looked at her, and asked "Why am I here again?" "My father is searching for talented children, and he heard about you, the child who awakened infernal energy at the age of 3, and he took a liking to you…" I walked with her to the castle gates, chatting. She constantly asked about the tournament I participated in, and she told me about the upcoming tournament. "What's first place's prize?" I asked. She blushed and said "My hand in marriage of course… are you going to participate?" I stared at her, taking a few seconds to digest what she just said. "Uuuuhhhh… okay…" I was saved from a pretty awkward conversation by the throne room. A figure eventually came into view, a tall, large man with red skin and horns, and a woman sitting beside him, with sleek black wings, a slim body, and red skin, with a pink aura radiating off of her. There seemed to be a special attraction that drew my attention to her, and she smirked when she saw this. Besides me, I felt Liliana punch me, and I looked over to her, only to see her look away, pouting. The demon king spoke first. "Welcome. I'll get straight to the point. Come with me." A few minutes later, I entered a blank white room, and was strapped to a table. After the surgery, my body was brimming with power, and Liliana stared at me. "What is it?" Liliana's face turned red, and she ran away. The king chuckled. "Perhaps it's because you're more handsome, or maybe you're just not wearing a shirt…" I turned red as well, and quickly manifested a shirt from my ring and put it on. Liliana dragged me into a room and said "Kyle, I have something to tell you" (Flashback End)

I fell asleep eventually, and dreamed of Natasha.

Liliana POV

Kyle and I were best friends during our childhood, but he treated me like a little sister, and he was as dense as a brick wall, so he never realized that I had feelings for him. I looked at his sleeping form, and remembered the tournament all those years ago. (Flashback)

"What is it?" "I need you to enter the tournament for me…" "Huh? Wait WWhaaaattttt?!?" He stared at me, and I turned red under his gaze. "It's not like I like you or anything, I just don't want to marry a noble…" "Ok… sure…" the atmosphere turned incredibly awkward after that. Kyle turned to smile at me, and said "Well, if it helps you, then I'll do it." I stared at him, then smiled, and put my head on his shoulders. "Okay, if you say so…" we went out into the forest, and I put my head on his shoulder again. We sat there, watching the stars at night, until he fell asleep. An unknown emotion coursed through me, and I eventually fell asleep too. When I woke up, Kyle was still asleep, and we were in my room. When I got up and exited, I heard yelling, so I peeked through the door, and saw my father arguing with my uncle, and my mother glaring at my uncle. They exited the room, and saw me. My father leaned down and patted my head. "We were kicked from the throne because of your grandpa, so we're leaving. You need to stay to live a better life. Those loyal to us will help you, and stop your uncle's assassins." My mother leaned down and kissed me as well. Then, they left. As soon as they left, hooded guards surrounded me, protecting me. Kyle walked out of the room, and immediately had weapons pointed at him. He held his hands up, and I told my guards to put their weapons down. I explained what was going on to him, and he walked with me and my guards. I had conversations with Kyle, and I finally realized my feelings for him. Our situations were almost the same, and over time, I started liking him more and more. A few days later, we went to the tournament with disguises. Kyle entered the arena. (Flashback End)

I woke up clinging to Kyle, and as I was about to get up, he yawned. I looked up at him, and he said "Morning…" I poked him, and he stared at me, confused. "What is it?" I pouted, and stormed away in a huff. "Dammit! Take a hint you idiot!… why is he so goddamn dense?!" After my rant, I went back into the room, and Kyle was back asleep. "Sigh. He's a huge sleeper…" I sat down next to him, and poked him until he was awake, yet again. He looked up at me, and yawned. "What is it, Liliana?" "I just wanted to talk to you…" "Sure little sister… so what do you wanna talk about?" "Hmmm let me see, how about how dense you are?" "Huh?" I sighed. "You really are dense, aren't you?" "Huh?" I sighed again. "Okay, anyway remember that tournament?" "... yeah…" His face turned red at the mention of the tournament. I realized how awkward the memory was, making me want to dig a hole, and bury myself in it. Kyle coughed and said "soooo… remember that time you stole your father's underwear?" "..." I blushed at the memory. "Yeah, I don't know why I stole it, but my mother was laughing hysterically when she found out…" Kyle snickered, and then started laughing, and pointing at me. "Stop it!" "What else did you steal? Your mom's charm powder?" My face turned even redder, because I did steal it to use on Kyle. "Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait… don't tell me you did steal it?" my blushing face told him everything he needed to know. "Hahahahaha! I can't believe you actually did that! Who were you gonna use it on? Your dad?" I glared at him. "No, it wasn't my dad." "Wait… you like someone?" "Yeah, and he's right next to me…" I blushed as I said this, and he replied "Oh… why don't you use it on him?" "..." I stared at him blankly, wondering if he was joking. "What? I'll help." "Are you serious?!?!" I glared at him, then ran away.

Kyle POV

I stared blankly at where Liliana used to be, confused. She wanted me to help her with using the charm powder on the boy she liked, right? Anyway, I ran after Liliana, when I saw Natasha and Elena looking for me. I hid in a bush, and casted teleportation magic, the distinct fwooshing noise alerting the two women to my position, and they ran towards the bush, when I disappeared, reappearing at Liliana's position. She looked blankly at me, before pouting, and looking away. "What is it? Why are you so mad at me?" "You're an idiot. Hmph." she looked away angrily, and I started to get frustrated. This feeling was amplified by the fact that she wouldn't tell me what was on her mind. "I'm your brother remember? You can tell me what's on your mind!" "That's the problem! I don't want to be treated like your little sister!" she stormed off angrily, the last sentence leaving me confused. "What does she even mean by that?" I muttered to myself. A familiar voice sounded behind me. "Isn't it obvious? She likes you." I spun around to see Elena and Natasha both shaking their heads at me, both disappointed. "You're the densest person I know, Kyle…" Natasha said. "W-w-wait! But that can't be true! Liliana doesn't like me, I'm sure of it!" both of the women looked at each other and sighed. "Kyle, didn't she kiss you on the lips?" "Y-yeah but that's different… it's like a goodnight kiss!" "No, she kissed you on the lips! Remember what she said before she left? 'That's the problem! I don't want to be treated like you little sister!'" Natasha pointed this fact out, which caused complex feelings to surge in my heart. On one hand, she was my "little sister" and on the other hand, I didn't like her that way. "Aw man, what am I gonna dooooo….?" "Just act normally, after all, you're so dense, she'll think you won't get what she's saying." "Yeah, but I can't act normally around her now that you've told me that…" "Well, then you're just gonna have to deal with it, as punishment." "Punishment for what?" "Adding a competitor." "..." My response was silence, and she laughed at me, before leaving. After she left, along with Elena, I sighed to myself. "Man, dealing with three women who like you sure is tough…" I walked in the direction of the three women, when I stepped into a magic circle. Dark tentacles wrapped around me, and a figure walked out of the shadows. "Sigh. It's been hard pursuing you guys. You and your friends all have amazing perception, so it was difficult for me to avoid detection." "Who are you?" I glared at the figure, and he pulled off his hood. "Ash'ktor?" "Sigh. has it been so long that you can't remember my nickname? Or have you forgotten after you betrayed me?" A fire burned the tentacles into ash, and I was freed. I sent several fireballs towards him, then burst out at him, fist aimed at his head. "You betrayed our village first!" He deflected my blow, and punched back. I spun around and slammed my fist into his face, but he blocked it with his forearm, and sent me back. I launched a few more fireballs, and when he moved to dodge, a fire pillar consumed him. He walked out slightly harmed, but not by much. "Is that so wrong? We could've been ultimate warlords! And yet you tried to protect that girl!" "You mean Risha? Why are you saying that girl's full name, when you know her name? Did you forget?" We exchanged more blows, before he pulled back, sending a storm of black shards at me. I erected a barrier and he laughed. "Oh don't get me wrong. I know her nickname, it's just that I don't want to use it, after all, the only thing I want from her is her bloodline." "Why?" "For power. You lost your chance after you tried to protect her." "You mean…!" "Yes. She is currently being held in a prison, waiting to be used." Anger burning in my stomach, I chanted, and a shadowy aura surrounded me, before three shadow clones separated from my body. His eyes widened, but he channeled another spell. Before he could complete it, the shadows merged into me, and I appeared in front of him, slamming my fist into his face. His head exploded, but he laughed before he died. "Don't tell me that yo- '' I was sent flying by a blow from behind, and the body in front of me melted into shadow. "Sigh. I thought the elders taught you to always keep your guard up, but you're slipping, Kyle. I turned around to see Ash'ktor smirking. I cast infernal teleportation, and appeared behind him, the wave of fire sending him into my fist. He coughed out blood, and several fire spears impaled him. His body burnt to ashes, but he teleported behind me, and laughed, before regenerating, and sending me flying. While in the air, I sent several void blades at him. He dodged them all, but one of them sliced his arm off. My mana reserves were running low, so I activated my wings, and flew down, slamming into Ash'ktor. He coughed out blood, and I stabbed him with multiple void blades. I cast another spell, seeing the grey form of his true body materialize. I sent several void blades at him, but he dodged, landing right into my trap. Chains wrapped around him, and bound him tightly. He struggled, but couldn't break free. I summoned a void sword, and cut him apart, sending his body parts flying. I heard his sinister laughter, and snarled as I watched as his body parts dissolved into pools of inky darkness. I deactivated my void vision, and walked back to the village. When I got there, I saw Elena arguing with Natasha. He's been gone so long, and he's still not here! We need to go find him!" "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure he's fine." They both turned around,and saw me covered in wounds. The pain in my chest was too much, and I coughed out blood. They ran over to me, supporting me. "Kyle!" "What happened?" I stumbled a bit, and replied "I encountered an 'old friend' and he ambushed me right after you guys left…" They put me on a bed, and rolled me over on my back. "H-h-h-hey! What are you guys gonna do to me?" "After a battle, don't you need a massage?" "No! I need a-" Kyyylllleee?" Elena said. I sensed a dangerous tone in her voice, and immediately gave up resisting, and let them massage my back. "Now then, you need a bath, and I know the perfect person to wash your back!" "Who is it?" I sensed that things weren't going my way, but asked anyway. "Liliana!" I coughed a few times, then tried to run, but they dragged me into the bath. I could hear Elena call Liliana, and they dragged her into the bath as well. She entered, blushing, and my face turned red as well. "H-h-heyyyy little sister! How's it going?" She smacked me on the head, then started rubbing my back. "I told you I don't want to be your little sister! I want to be your girlfriend!" My face turned red, and I was immediately silenced. After we came out, she leaned over and gave me a kiss, then walked away. I blushed, and Natasha smirked. "I told youuuu!" I sighed, then dashed towards my old clan's direction. "Come with me." "Wait, why?" "I need to find information on one of my childhood friends." "And this "Childhood friend" of yours, might she be female?" I sensed the dangerous tone in Natasha's voice, and immediately started sweating. "Y-yeah, but she's just a friend right?" Natasha pouted, and looked away. "Okay. We need to make it to the city of Kharkgator first, then we can use the teleport hub to get to my clan's territory. From there, we'll search for clues regarding my friend's whereabouts, got it?" "Yeah…" We reached the city, but before we could enter, we were intercepted by a figure. "P-p-princess!" the guards exclaimed. There was only one girl who they would call that, and I knew who it was. "Hmph. Trying to ditch me eh? Well I'm still coming along. "Sigh. Fine…" The scene reminded me of the tournament, when she did the exact same thing, when we had to flee.... (Flashback)

I stepped onto the stage, facing a thin, lanky man. He was pretty tall, with red horns, but he had black skin. "You know the rules gentlemen. THERE ARE NONE!!! Begin!" he immediately disappeared after the referee said begin, and I tensed up into a loose fighting stance. I activated void vision, but I couldn't see a trace. Several daggers arced towards me, and I dodged, while sending several void blades in that direction. I knew he would dodge, so I set up a bunch of traps around that area. The traps activated, sending void chains everywhere, but they all shattered. I caught a glimpse of his figure, before he disappeared. I slammed my fist into the ground, making a crater in the ground, sending shockwaves through the air. I utilized the split second while the figure was revealed, to set up several traps around him. The chains bound him, and dragged him into a fire trap. He was held there until he was knocked unconscious, and I advanced to the second round. My next opponent was a burl man holding a giant sword. He charged at me, and went straight through all of the traps I set, taking miniscule damage. He swung his sword at me, and I caught it between my hands. He tried to pull it out, but I flipped the sword, causing him to slam into the ground. He grunted, and I swung the sword around, cutting him in half. The spectators cheered, and I was led out of the arena for a break. Liliana ran up to me, her eyes sparkling. "Wow! You're amazing Kyle!" "Eh, not really, those were weak opponents…" "Oh… well it was still pretty cool!" "..." I couldn't say anything under the force of her enthusiasm, and gave up arguing. "Sooo… what are we gonna do now?" "We'll go to a cafe!" "Sigh… sure." "Oh, cheer up! It's like a date!" "..." My face turned red, and she realized what she just said as well. Her face turned red, and she waved her arms frantically. "N-n-no no no no no! That's not what I meant! I mean…" she ran away, flustered, before I could say anything. "Liliana? W-w-Wait!" I ran after her, and the guards looked at each other before sighing. "Aaaaahhhh… young love…" I chased after her for a while, before finally catching up to her. Before I could say anything, I heard explosions, and started running away. "Come on Liliana, let's go!" "Trying to ditch me eh? Fine." (Flashback end) I entered the arena, and registered my name and rank. The woman looked up at me, and said "Hey! You're the boy from a few years ago!" "Huh? You recognize me?" "Yeah, of course" she grinned slyly, and looked at Liliana. "Hey princess, come over here!" I was pushed away, and I watched them whisper for a while, getting the odd glance or two from Liliana, whose face was red. I stood there for a couple of minutes, before Liliana came back, the woman fist pumping in the air.

Liliana POV

Dammit. Kyle was denser than a brick, and didn't get the fact that I liked him. I recognized the woman at the bench, talking to Kyle. After the rebellion of my uncle, she was one of my loyal, elite spies, and she had rescued me countless times. "Hey princess, come over here!" She waved at me, and I arrived in front of her. "What is it, Shadow?" "That boy over there, you like

him, don't you? She tilted her head, and her tone stated that it was a fact, not an opinion. I blushed, and replied "Y-yeah…" "Then, why not make your move?" I looked over to see Kyle watching us, and my face turned bright red, before looking back. "It's because he's so dense, besides, there are two other women…" "Then be bold! That's what you have to do to get his attention!" "B-b-but-" "Come on! I know you can do it princess! Go for it!" I walked back timidly, and Kyle started walking. I caught up with him, and walked with him to the tournament. Right before he managed to enter the arena, I kissed him, then ran back to the stands, blushing. "Good luck Kyle!" He smiled at me before walking onto the stage. "Our first contestant! The boy from a few years ago." I stood on the arena, awaiting my opponent.

So, this is my first time writing a story, so please don't be too harsh, also if you have some idea about my story comment it and let me know.

Aimi_Fuyutsukicreators' thoughts