
Plagiarizers On Webnovel

-... .-. ..- .... Just warning people about plagiarizing losers on Webnovel. Tell me if you see any plagiarization, and I'll add it to the list. Hopefully, people stop giving these scums any more money.

_Bruh · Celebrities
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43 Chs

Susssy List

Just a list of some "authors" I know are definitely stealing and using A.I. to rephrase words.

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Current Alias: Kitty_Loves_Milk

User ID (add at the end of webnovel.com/profile/): 4325219874

This person created their account one month ago and is using the same images and format for shilling their p@treon as the thief known as Midnight_Wonder (User ID: 4324270043) while also supposedly being a girl so they're 99% the same person. Due to the use of rephrasing tools, I can't find out which fics they are though I know I've definitely read them before some years ago. Just don't waste your money on their p@treon.

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Imma add more if I see more. Feel free to tell me if you have any suspicions.