
Plagiarizers On Webnovel

-... .-. ..- .... Just warning people about plagiarizing losers on Webnovel. Tell me if you see any plagiarization, and I'll add it to the list. Hopefully, people stop giving these scums any more money.

_Bruh · Celebrities
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Current Alias: UchihaFamily

User ID (add at the end of webnovel.com/profile/): 4324806932

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "MHA: Izuku The Gamer"

Author They Plagiarized From: Goodking

- Original can be found on archiveofourown.org

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "The New Game Plus We Play"

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "Naruto Yondaime Hokage"

Author They Plagiarized From: Psycho G

- Original can be found on fanfiction.net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Neo Yondaime Hokage"

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "DxD: Gamer Marker"

Author They Plagiarized From: flameclawsxx

- Original can be found on fanfiction.net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Dungeons and Devils"

-... .-. ..- ....

Plagiarized Fanfic: "Harry Potter Online Magic"

Author They Plagiarized From: Mrs.InsaneOne

- Original can be found on fanfiction.net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Magic Online"

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Plagiarizer's P@treon: Vlade_plataform

Plagiarizer's P@treon: William777

Plagiarizer's P@treon: BlackGoku222

- Make sure you do not support this account and report it if you can