
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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792 Chs

Chapter 99: The Question of Position

Chapter 99: The Question of Position

"Brother-in-law Digan! Thank you for entertaining us today!"

At the entrance of the hotel, the five girls from -r thanked Digan very formally. Digan just smiled and waved his hands, indicating that it doesn't matter.

Originally, Digan thought that as a star, Park Ji-yeon and others must have very good financial conditions. After all, the example of Avril Lavigne he had dated before was there. When Digan and Avril Lavigne dated, he was a poor man.

But soon Degan discovered the gap between the rich and the poor in this world, it was so big, a piece of jewelry worth several hundred euros, the girls tried their best to mark the price, and after listening to Pu Zhiyan's explanation, Degan knew that even though he was a star , but because they have just debuted, the income of a few girls is not even comparable to that of ordinary people, and sometimes they need help from their families.

At this time, Digan naturally wanted to come forward. Although the girls repeatedly refused, Digan still bought everything they liked, even if it was a gift for his sisters-in-law.

After shopping, Degan took them to a very famous restaurant in Johannesburg for supper before sending them back.

"Brother-in-law Digan! Don't you really think about it? If South Korea loses in the next game, Zhiyan will be sad!" Park So-yeon said, and winked at Digan very wildly.

"Of course not, this is a matter of position!"

When the girls heard the words, they immediately lamented: "Ah! You are so ruthless! It seems that Zhiyan is going to go back crying!"

Seeing that her sisters were going to make fun of her and Digan again, Pu Zhiyan quickly pushed them away, "Ah! Don't say it! I have warned you, don't say anything strange!"

"Okay! Okay! That Digan brother-in-law! It doesn't matter if Zhiyan doesn't come back tonight!"

Now even Digan is embarrassed, is he such a ghost?

Park Ji Yeon is only seventeen years old!

Finally, the sisters-in-law were all sent away. Digan and Park Zhiyan rarely had time to be alone, but looking at the time, he should go back. The team still has training tomorrow. As the captain, he can't destroy the ball. Team rules.

The two of them got into the car, and Degan knew that there must be many cameras pointed at his car at the moment. In a World Cup, football players from all walks of life gather, and the same media masters will definitely not be idle. It means that not only those sports reporters, but also entertainment and gossip reporters will gather here.

Although Digan didn't want his private life to be exposed, he couldn't let those paparazzi go, so he just let it go, and there was nothing shameful about it anyway.

Being alone with Digan, Park Ji-yeon felt a little expectant and a little nervous. Since they confirmed their relationship, this was the first time they were together without anyone else at all.

"When to go back?"

Pu Zhiyan was taken aback, and whispered: "Then we have to wait until the recording of the show is finished!"

Digan laughed and said, "Is it because the Korean team was eliminated, and your show is over!?"

"pp!" Pu Zhiyan said dissatisfiedly, "The game hasn't even been played yet, how do you know that our country will definitely lose!"

Needless to say!

However, in order to take care of his little girlfriend's emotions, Degan couldn't continue. After all, no one wants to hear others say that their country is not good, especially South Korea, which has such a strong self-esteem that it is jaw-dropping.

"That's good, you guys will stay here after recording the show. After the World Cup is over, I will go to Korea with you!"

go together?

Park Zhiyan turned to look at Digan: "pp! Are you serious? Are you really going to Korea to meet my family!?"

"Of course! I've tricked everyone's precious daughter into my hands. If I don't go to see her, I won't be able to justify it!"

"What a lie! It's so ugly, am I a child?" Although Pu Zhiyan was not happy with her mouth, she was already happy in her heart.

"pp! No way! We're filming a show here, and the program team is responsible for all expenses, but~~~~~"

It turned out that Park Ji Yeon was worried about this!

"Don't worry, can I still let you sleep on the street?" Digan said, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap Pu Zhiyan in his arms.

Pu Zhiyan's body froze, but she was soon surrounded by great happiness. Is this the intimacy that lovers should have?

Although Pu Zhiyan is a bit precocious compared to her friends of the same age, she is also ignorant about love matters, and she doesn't know what love should look like at all.

Pu Zhiyan didn't understand that although Degan had dated three girlfriends before, he still knew little about love affairs, but he was an experienced person after all, so he could only take the initiative.

"pp! We~~~~~~"

When Pu Zhiyan was talking, she couldn't help feeling flustered. What would she do if Digan really asked her not to go back to the hotel tonight?


Will Digan be angry!

But if you agree, isn't it too early! ?

Just thinking about it, Pu Zhiyan felt her chin lifted by Digan, her eyes widened, and she watched Digan bent over and kissed her.

This is my first kiss!

Pu Zhiyan had thought many times before about what a first kiss would be like, but when the lips of two people really touched each other, Pu Zhiyan only felt that her brain was blank and her scalp was numb, that feeling was like an electric shock It's the same, and the whole body is numb and crisp.

Is this kissing?

Digan wanted to knock Pu Zhiyan's teeth open, but found that the little girl was tense and stiff all over. This first kiss was not perfect, but for Pu Zhiyan, it was a big step forward.

Long time, parted lips!

Pu Zhiyan's pretty face was almost bleeding, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Digan: "pp! Good~~~~ It's too much! How can it be like this without my consent!"

Digan couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Okay! I was wrong this time, and I will try to get your permission next time. Go up now! If you go up late, your older sisters will laugh at you again!"

Pu Zhiyan was startled, looked up through the car window, and saw that the curtains of the room she lived in moved, she blushed again in shame.

"pp! I~~~~~ I'm leaving first, if you have time, you must call me!"

After Pu Zhiyan finished speaking, she opened the car door and fled into the hotel.

in the room!

"Yeah! Such a good opportunity, how could nothing happen!"

"That's right! Could it be that Zhiyan resisted, I think she just ran in!"

"If there is anything to resist, if it were me, I would be so happy!"


"Ah! You are too much!"

When the girls turned their heads, they saw Pu Zhiyan glaring at them angrily.