
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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792 Chs

Chapter 98 Interview

Chapter 98 Interview

When Park Ji-yeon was thinking wildly, the program group had already arrived, and the pd greeted Digan as soon as he came up. You must know that this is unimaginable in Korea. In Korea, the hierarchy is strict. At the age of pd, even in the face of no matter how famous There is no reason for a big star to say hello first, but who made Digan a foreigner!

He briefly introduced the interview process. When he was waiting for Park Ji-yeon's call just now, he had already arranged it. Now he just asked Digan about any questions that need to be avoided.

Everyone is on their positions, the interview begins, and the other five girls from -r act as reporters, and Park Ji-yeon is naturally Digan's translator. With pd saying "Ike God", the show officially begins.

This is Deegan's first time participating in a TV show. To be honest, he is really nervous.

The five girls made the opening remarks: "Aniasa has! We are -r! Now we are in Johannesburg, South Africa, and we are reporting for you the World Cup in South Africa, which is in full swing. Today! Our shooting location is not the men's football team of the Republic of Korea In the training ground, the object I will introduce to you is not the players from the Republic of Korea, but I have invited one for you, super! Super! Super! Super! A big star!"

"So-yeon! Where did Ji-yeon go, shouldn't we-r be six in one?"

The girl named Park So-yeon snapped her fingers, she was very handsome: "That's right! I believe everyone has already guessed it. Today we invited you super! Super! Super! Super! Super! The big star is Digan!"

When the camera lens was aimed at him, Digan was really a little lost. He understood what Park So-yeon said just now through Park Ji-yeon's translation.

"Deegan! Deegan! Deegan! Deegan!"

The five girls waved their arms like groupies and cheered around Degan. Although Degan was smiling, his smile was stiff.

Pu Zhiyan whispered from the side: "pp! Say hello!"

Digan reacted and waved his hands: "Hi everyone! I'm Rodrigo Izersen Santos Wright!"

The girls cheered again.

"Digan! You played very well in the just-concluded competition! I wonder how you feel after arriving in South Africa?" The person in charge of the interview was the baby-faced Pu Suyan.


Degan thought for a while: "It doesn't feel special. The whole team's attention is on the game. Tonight is our first free activity since we arrived in South Africa!"

Pu Suyan was taken aback for a moment, and she also found out that although Deegan can call the wind and rain on the football field, he really has no talent for participating in the show: "Are you here today to meet our youngest?"


The girls screamed again, making Digan and Pu Zhiyan feel a little embarrassed, what the hell is going on!

The director on the side is also anxious. If Digan keeps asking and answering like this without interaction, what is there to watch? Although Digan himself is the guarantee to increase the ratings, since there is such a good opportunity, pd's Ambition is also rampant.

Thinking about it, quickly ask someone to give -r a reminder. Seeing that there is a reminder, Pu Suyan will have a bottom line in her heart.

"Degan! Is Belgium aiming for the final championship this time?"

Digan nodded: "Of course! The whole team is fully prepared this time. We have many outstanding players. When we come to the World Cup, of course there is only one goal, which is the final championship!"

Han Enjing on the side interjected in a timely manner: "What does South Korea think about the next opponent? Do you understand?"

Digan thought for a while, and in terms of Park Ji-yeon's face, it didn't hurt: "I don't know much about it. I haven't played against the Korean team before, by the way! In the Club World Cup in Japan, I played against South Korea. One of the clubs played!"

Degan was talking about the Club World Cup at the beginning of the year. At that time, Fiorentina faced Pohang Steelers, the champion of the AFC Champions League. However, it only took 45 minutes for Fiorentina to settle the game, and Degan did not appear in that game.

"My only impression of the South Korean team is that the players are physically fit!"

In Degan's view, the sticks should be happy to get such an evaluation from him.

"Didn't you have the experience of playing against Park Ji-sung in the Champions League final before?"

Have it?

Degan thought about it carefully. It seems that in the UEFA Champions League last season, Park Ji-sung made his appearance in the final against Manchester United at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. However, Park Ji-sung's appearance became Ferguson's crime after the game!

"It seems to be! I don't know him very well!"

All right!

Although I don't know if Degan is deliberately ignoring Korean football, but the thing is clear, at least for the next game, Degan doesn't pay much attention to it.

"The goal of the Republic of Korea football team in this World Cup is to appear in a group, Digan! How sure do you think it is?"

Not at all!

South Korea's opponent in the next game is Belgium led by Digan, and South Korea lost 1:4 to Argentina in the first game. If they want to appear in the group, unless they win or draw with Belgium, how likely is this?

But his girlfriend is Korean, and Digan can't be too straightforward, he can only say in a roundabout way: "Asian football has developed rapidly in recent years. Now South Korea, Japan, and those who have just joined the Asian Australia in the Football Federation is a very distinctive team, but whether the South Korean team can qualify or not is not up to me, it needs their own efforts!"

Deegan finally said something that satisfied the Koreans, and the girls were wise not to delve into this issue. After all, defeating Belgium is a very difficult task, and the success rate is very small.

"Jiyeon's mood will be complicated this time, Jiyeon! Who will you support in the next match? Is it South Korea, or your boyfriend!?"

Because of Digan's relationship, Park Ji-yeon's status in the Korean entertainment industry has also risen. At her age, dating is absolutely not allowed, but who made her boyfriend Digan, not only did she not have a love ban? , and it is still publicly allowed, and her relationship with Digan is also a major selling point of the show.

It's just that Park So-yeon's question really made Park Ji-yeon in a difficult situation. She has her motherland on one side and her boyfriend on the other. Now she really hates the person who put South Korea and Belgium in the same group. Otherwise, she wouldn't have to. It's so difficult.

Seeing that Park Ji-yeon didn't know how to answer, Digan took the initiative to make a relief after figuring out the meaning: "Let Ji-yeon support the Korean team!"

"Why? Doesn't Degan not mind?"

Digan laughed and said, "Of course I would mind, but there is nothing I can do about it. Just like I will do my best in the competition, Zhiyan should also cheer for her motherland!"

"Perhaps if Digan avoids during the competition, Jiyan won't have to worry about it!" Park So-yeon made Digan a team.

But how is that possible!

Seeing that the ten-minute interview time was coming up, Park So-yeon took the time to ask the last question: "Degan! During the offseason in the future, do you want to go to Korea?"

Digan laughed and said, "It depends on whether Zhiyan welcomes her!"

Regarding the relationship between herself and Park Ji-yeon, Deegan also felt a little unsafe in her heart, because of Park Ji-yeon's work, of course she couldn't be by Deegan's side all the time, so the truce period of each season was just the two of them. Deegan had thought about the time together before, since he chose this relationship, he would naturally have to pay more as a man, he had already decided, if Park Ji-yeon didn't have time to accompany him on vacation, he would also I can only go to Korea to meet my girlfriend.

Pu Zhiyan heard the words, and whispered: "Why don't I welcome you!"

Pu Suyan immediately shouted: "Digan! Our Zhiyan has sent you an invitation!"

Digan smiled and rubbed Park Zhiyan's hair: "Since this is the case, after the World Cup is over, I will decide to visit South Korea!"


The eyes of the girls all lit up, while Pu Zhiyan was blushing with embarrassment. Who else could Degan visit, of course, it was Pu Zhiyan's family.

The relationship between the two of them, Pu Zhiyan's family has known about it for a long time, and they are quite satisfied with Digan, the foreign son-in-law.

Pu Zhiyan was extremely happy at the moment. Digan was going to see her family. Didn't it mean that the future of the two of them was more secure, at least Digan's feelings for her were true.

Seeing that the time is up and the interview is over, pd is naturally very grateful. With this scene, the ratings of this episode of the show must be guaranteed.

After sending off the program group, it's time for free activities. Although the six girls from -r are here to record the program, as artists, their private time is very limited, and they are constantly busy every day Tracking and reporting everything related to the South Korean team, it is now thanks to Digan and Park Ji-yeon that they can have a good time in South Africa.

Although Digan has dated three girlfriends before, he has never had the experience of shopping with women. Firstly, he is a celebrity, and secondly, his attitude towards relationships is not serious.

But this time it was different, Digan realized that he really liked Pu Zhiyan, a Korean girl, so naturally he would not refuse some requests from Pu Zhiyan.

But soon, Digan realized that this was a hard job. Although he borrowed a car from the hotel, Digan soon became exhausted.

Women seem to have a natural love for shopping, especially when they see those exquisite trinkets, each of them seems to be possessed, even Park Zhiyan is inspired to hide attributes, leaving Digan aside, Went to flask with the sisters.