

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

The Silent City Project (1)

After Luke successfully mixed with the Navy, began to be like Bergapunk, not trusted by the Navy and world conquest, but soon, Luke came to fruition: a humanoid low-altitude flying robot built of steel throughout.

"Air combat mechanical ex!"

This is the name of the Navy, but also the name of the game in the dnf, a combat robot, how to say, like the future of the "pacifist" the first stage of strength, that is, two years ago in the anime pacifism about the same strength!

Can fire high-speed machine gun fire and micro missile fire, to deal with just over a billion pirates more than enough!

This thing is Luke's random stuff, the production cost is high, production is very laborious, to put it bluntly is Luke used to perfume the Navy and the government.

Of course, for Luke, this robot is fucking garbage, but the government has been amazed by Luke's talent.

So soon, Luke gained the trust of the government and began to strongly support Luke's research.

And Luke came up with his own future development plan - the Silent City construction plan: to build Silent City on a dedicated target island for researching more advanced combat machines!

The government did agree to Luke's request, though exactly when the plan would begin to be implemented is unknown.

And when this plan was implemented, it was also the time when Roy began to develop his own forces in this world.

In the six months after getting Luke, Roy also got a more convenient system feature - chat function, no matter where he is, Roy as well as his entourage can contact each other at any time.

After determining to reach the waters of Bayin Bruce Island, Roy contacted Luke again.

"Old man, has the situation on the Bergapunk side been investigated clearly? How long will it take for the sea floor stone bullet to complete its research!"

Luke helplessly said: "Young master, and you have said many times, I and that Bergapunk is not a department, he is the Navy Scientific Research Department, I am the Navy Weapons Scientific Research Department!"

"What's the difference?" Roy a little confused, more weapons two words is different?

"This young master you do not care, anyway, I want to get in touch with him is not too easy, now he has not come up with a decent research, so not yet get the full trust of the government ..." Luke explained.

Roy helplessly closed the chat page, so that's it, find time to mix into the Navy headquarters once again!

This time, the "Eternal Angel" in the new world's reputation more and more loud, become the nightmare of countless people, whether it is a pirate, or the Navy, do not dare to easily provoke.


At this time, the sea suddenly flooded one after another huge whirlpool, the size of these whirlpools, a Roy's steel ship is a few points larger, Roy three people have been used to, if the Great Voyage, approaching the island, the weather will return to normal, but the new world is completely different, the weather here, the weird way completely unpredictable.

Even if you stand on the island may be struck by lightning at any time.

However, Roy felt that the commotion, as if not caused by the weather.

"It's hard to get here, you should not get in my way!"

Roy roared, colleagues ordered Planck to control the boat, even in the midst of the maelstrom, forced forward, if someone saw this scene, will be absolutely shocked speechless, there are actually boats can ignore such a whirlpool, forcible shuttle?


Suddenly a night wave broke the whirlpool, blocked in front of Roy, is actually a skyscraper-like height of the water lizard form of the sea king class.

If placed in the first half of the great voyage, must feel that this is the sea dominant level of the sea king class, but to the new world, the species of sea king class uneven, many are a race of group living type, now Roy in front of this body almost to the clouds type, maybe there is a large number of the sea floor.

Looking at the water lizard that pair of ice blue eyes obviously radiated anger glaring at Roy's steel ship, Gianna first spoke: "Sorry, Mr. Lizard, the island in front of us, we must go!"


Feeling the cold air radiating from Gianna's body, the water lizard roared and its incredibly large body began to attack.

However, when the water lizard's huge claws are about to touch the hull of the ship, Gianna hands chest rubbing skills, ice crystals instantly and continuously condensed into, and then "brush" a sound, a half-human high ice blade flying out extremely fast.

The water lizard did not even scream, its head directly flew out.

"Good, Gianna, your ability has improved again!" Roy clapped his hands and came up from behind.

System alert: Gianna's experience value is 95%!

In other words, in the upgrade 5% of the experience value, you can directly promote "Dassaro's battle said the day Gianna", think about it so excited.

As for Planck, his strength calculation and Roy completely different, may be from a different world, so his strength level has become: 10, full level 18!

As for Planck's current strength, if you have to say very precise to the word, that is and the latter-day Dressrosa period of Ming close, has not reached the level of the general, but a little anal general absolutely no problem, he has thick skin, because there are also eat orange magic, you have the ability to kill him.

After solving the ungodly Neptune class, the three quickly boarded the island.

"This is Bainbridge, huh? This kind of place ... is surprisingly the secret experimental base of the past Bergapunk?"

Roy boarded the island of Byinbrus, looks completely covered by a primitive forest, Roy originally thought it was a town, it seems to be their own expectations wrong.


Parked the boat on the shore, Planck and Gianna guard the boat, Roy alone to the island, officially entered the island, heard a hissing sound from the forest in front, immediately, a pair of blood-red eyes from the forest scurry out.

It was, saber-toothed tiger, and more massive than the ordinary saber-toothed tiger.

Just now is the water lizard, and now is the saber-tooth tiger, did they go to the zoo?

This idea flashed in Roy's mind, directly coalescing the spear of holy light grasped in his hand.


The new world and "paradise" compared, even with the world government organization, the speed of information transmission is not as fast as "paradise"!

Generally speaking, the capture of pirates, completely rely on the fleet sent immediately to carry out the annihilation war, because most of the new world pirates have their own territory, so it is not a problem to find.

However, among the pirates who have their own territories in the New World, there are some rare misfits in existence.

They are strong, strong enough to stand to the top of the world, but they are not interested in the matter of territory, like to wander around.

One of them, that is, before and the golden lion after the battle, a close defeat of the lonely high Raider, the other is no interest in ruling, bent on finding the land of legends Roger.

Of course, compared to the above two, there is a more bizarre, that is, there is their own territory, still around blind waves, thinking about how to kill themselves every day, the Iron Bean.

Now the hundred beasts sea captain Kaido, although not to the height of the first two, but has been strong into the view of the crowd.

Bounty: 1200,000,000 Bailey, the hundred beasts Kaido.