

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

Straw fruit strong invincible

The North Sea as the strongest sea of the Four Seas, not only because the overall strength of the pirates here, but also because it is very easy to come out strong.

And the great seaway in later years by the three major powers, the Seven Musketeers, the Navy, the four emperors, the North Sea today also has three forces: the Navy, pirates and various kingdoms.

There are four major kingdoms, constant strife and war, somewhat like the three countries in Roy's previous life, mutual checks and balances, but can not avoid war.

Now of the four countries, two countries and two countries facing each other, two of them are the Kingdom of Minnas and the Kingdom of Arancha war.

The Kingdom of Minas, in its current form, has the upper hand, and they have taken a fancy to a plant called "blue gold vine" in the Kingdom of Arancha, which has a brilliant blue color, but is as crystal clear as a vine plant.

Of course just beautiful certainly can not start a war, the important thing is that this plant called "blue gold vine" is a very precious weapon and equipment manufacturing materials, its juice can be attached to weapons and equipment, making them more solid or more lethal.

Originally, the Minas Kingdom had seen the light of victory in the half-year-long invasion war, but the rival Arancha Kingdom had a guy called "Kyra Garrot", who was an animal - cat fruit --He wore a "blue and gold vine armor" and held two blue crystal-like two-meter-long swords in his hands, and went in and out of the battlefield unhindered, overcoming many soldiers of the Minas Kingdom.

The king of Minas Kingdom, Minas Wulf, had intended to buy this sword hero with fruit power for his own use with money, but did not expect that this guy is as hard and smelly as a stone in a winter cesspit, did not surrender even though, but also killed his diplomat and sent his head back.

No, Minnus Wulf is in his room fuming about it: "Damned ability man, when I beat Arancha, I will put you in the sea to soak for a year!"

"Your Majesty, there is a matter to report to you!" This morning, just as Worf was constantly venting with the vase in his room, a minister walked in.

"What is it, speak quickly!" Worf had a headache because of Garrot's matter. Now, if Garrot is solved, he can win the war, but the problem lies in the fact that no one can defeat him.

Devil Fruit ability is too strong relative to ordinary people, not to mention the other party is a sword hero.

So some time ago King Wolf also from the Don Quixote family's underground exchange to spend 500 million Bailey to buy back a superhuman system called "water water fruit" Devil Fruit to their own powerful ministers practical.

It is said that this fruit allows people to obtain the ability to freely control water flow, is a powerful to breathtaking ability, known as the nemesis of the Devil Fruit ability.

But that minister told Waugh after eating the devil fruit this devil fruit ability is: can use any part of the body to drink water!

Where is this water water fruit, this is clearly a straw fruit, eat it, you can use the penis to drink water, really powerful.

This did not Waugh died of anger, and now what to take against that Carrot.

"Pirate hunters [ruler: Tirio d. Roy] and [Oceanic disaster: Plank] two people logged in our southwest coast, please do something now? Or let this dare not."

"Tirio ..."

Waugh's first reaction when he heard Roy's national was not to have any reaction to "Roy", but to feel that this surname made some impression on him.

In a burst of memory, Roy remembered, three years ago by the North Sea hegemony level family, Vince Mock family destroyed, at the time in the North Sea is also very famous big noble family.

Tirio, d one of the clan.

Seeing the grumpy king suddenly quiet for a long time did not speak, this minister thought it was the king did not know the names of these two people, so he explained: "the recent months in the North Sea fame super pirate hunter combination, kill nearly ten reward of more than 30 million pirates, currently be people become [super brutal pirate hunter duo]"

Pirate hunters, in the hearts of many people, they do anything for money existence.

They may kill pirates for money, they can also kill the Navy for money, and then they are rewarded, and then they become pirates.

Although the world government will not do anything special to the pirates hunters, but once a little and the navy or government phenomenon, soon the government will turn them into pirates.

So this world pirate hunters are scarce not without reason.

"Call all the ministers to the conference room, I need a round table, at the same time, bring that Roy and that is what the ocean disaster to me, I have a lucrative business to introduce to them!" After a moment of reflection, the old king instructed this minister.

"Wait! It's go and invite them over, remember to invite!" The old king emphasized.

"King, are you trying to get them to come against Carrot?" The minister asked a follow-up question.

"Most of the pirate hunters do what they are paid to do, not to mention that his surname is Tirio, so I'm sure he's not someone too barbaric."


Minas kingdom for most of the time in a state of war, even if the mainland was not affected by the war, but the residents of this place live the same because of militarism led to very poor, any man who is not too old, were taken away to fight in the war.

Roy led Planck into a tavern, where a lot of fierce pirates and mountain bandits sitting, like this war-torn country, but very suitable for them to stop to replenish supplies.

The Navy will not intervene in the fight between countries, so here is not how to manage things, raise these pirates and pirates do not dare how to make trouble, after all, the reward is only a few hundred thousand, up to two or three million of waste.

Roy wanted a large glass of beer and a few snacks sitting on the bar eating.

Planck two-legged knock, direct mouth a come: "all the dishes on the menu once, and give me on ten bottles of the best rum."

The bartender who was polishing his glass looked at Planck and asked, "Sir special times, you have to pay first!"

Plank slapped his palm hard on the table, "Don't you see those moving gold coins behind me? Those are the money for my drink!"

Roy looked at Plank in surprise: "Are they pirates?" Roy did not know the realm of Minas Kingdom, so he had always thought that the young and strong here were all civilians.

Planck said: "I've seen their bounty list, although the portions are not much, but at least they are all gold, and the old man Te-mai just likes gold."

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

Planck uttered some words, behind those who were still sitting drinking pirates and mountain bandits at once rose up to angrily look at him and Roy's figure.

"I didn't seem to hear you clearly just now!" A big man who was more than two and a half meters tall and carried a huge sword walked over, and when he was still two meters away from Planck, the huge sword behind him suddenly drew out and then slashed towards Planck.


A gunshot sounded, the giant sword in his hand landed on the ground, to be precise his upper body exploded, his head rolled to the ground and his legs inertia took two steps forward also fell down.

"You're moving too slow, big nigger!" Plank said disdainfully.

"Good! So strong ..." Several pirates who rushed behind immediately shivered in place in fear, and some were so frightened that their tongues and eyes spat out far away.

"Take it easy, scum, there's something for everyone!" Said Planck's body quickly accelerated, gunpowder and sword light filled out.

The bullets smashed their bodies to pieces, blossoming into flowers of blood mist, largely retaining their heads, while the sword light produced a head that was thrown high into the air.

When the gunfire ended a long time later, the bartender was brave enough to look at the bearded man and the youth in white who was always sitting with his head drilled out from the background.

"Well, these losers still have a bounty, right? Wine money and repair costs should be enough, what was just said, get on it!" Plank very comfortable to do down.

Roy took a sip of his beer: "Plank, I think we should talk!"

"What's up, chief?" Proulx took a bottle of rum in confusion and opened it and took a hard swig, the liquor running down his beard.

"You're stealing all my thunder, you know that?" Roy's expression was serious: "These things, in the future, you tell me in advance, so I can do it, okay? Readers want to see me pretend, not you? Hmm? ok?"

"Chief, what does pretend mean, is it a verb?"