

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

Someone will always be unfaithful



An eerie sound rang out over Malinfodo as if something had fallen down.

"Hey, hey, what is that?"

"I don't know, it's like ..."

"That's a cannonball!"

Many sea soldiers panicked and began to run around and scatter.


The first class of shells landed and then exploded, and a navy was directly blown away.

Then, dense shells fell from the sky, the square of Malinfodo, exploded.

Gundam Air and Warlord all stared in disbelief, Gundam Air shouted: "Pull the alarm, let everyone back to the building."

But the voice on the other end of the phone bug came from Plank: "Pups, keep your pants up, don't be nervous, this shell will only last ten seconds."

"Bastard, are you challenging the majesty of the Navy?" Gundam Air said.

"No, I just made it very clear, so you should know how to do what I just said! I hope that in two days I can see the new bounty order, otherwise, the bombing will not be the Navy Plaza, I will continue to bomb the Navy building for ten minutes!"

Saying that, Roy hung up the phone directly.

After Roy finished, the shelling outside had stopped, and the square became very messy all of a sudden, a one-kilometer circle covered with shell craters and smoke.

"Go check the casualties and damage!" Air immediately instructed a panicked naval soldier who ran in.

Not long after, the statistics came out: "Report marshal, a total of 186 dead, 2393 wounded, and a large warship in the harbor was badly damaged, estimated to be scrapped!"


"Damn it!" Gundam was furious, "Tirio d. Roy, don't let me find out where you're going!"

Warlord asked, "So Marshal, the bounty thing."

"Change, give me to raise their bounty, these two people, the threat to us, no less than ... Roger's gang!" Just bone empty has gone crazy, the first time encountered this kind of thing, standing in the water spring did not move, fucking was put a big move, this fucking who can stand it.

"Then marshal, you resign the thing ..." Warlord does not relent!

"No bullshit, Warlord, your task now is to find out, where that Roy was bombed, you know? This is important, I don't want me to get news of Marijoa being bombed in a couple of days!"


Bombing Malinfodo, Roy was very happy, he didn't expect to receive a completed achievement.

[Bombing Malinfodo]: reward 5% wow paladin power.

Note: The host may not bomb Malinfodo again within a year.

Can no longer bombing ah, that would be a great pity, but it does not matter, this task is always to complete is not it!

"Roy, what's the next plan?" Gianna asked while holding a magic book and looking at it.

"Take you to a fun place - Fishman Island!" Roy said!

"Fish people?" Gianna frowned and looked a little annoyed: "Roy, I don't like fish people, they come in packs and only owl."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I'm not talking about that kind of fish people." Roy wanted to explain that it was definitely not the fish people in wow.

"Then what is it? Is it the evil naga?" Gianna asked.

"Mermaid, it's a mermaid." Roy was speechless, but then again, mermaids and nagas do not seem to have any essential difference.

"Oh, chief! Are you sure it's a mermaid? That must be worth a lot of money!" Plank suddenly hemmed and hawed.

The time on the ship will always be boring, but since there is Gianna, Roy feel that the days are not so difficult, nothing to tease Gianna.

How to say it, now Gianna is still a little girl, did not experience a series of things in wow, personality words, with two words to sum up, that is: stupid and cute.

This era, or too boring.

If someone asked Roy he remembered the name of the current pirates, Roy will answer: Roger, white beard, golden lion, Kaido, super like to give men cuckold big beautiful Charlotte Ling Ling ...

But finally, there is a "Raider"!

This is what I read in the newspaper today, "the lone tall Raider" and "Golden Lion Skye" in the New World battle, as the lone Raider defeated the Golden Lion escaped, but still hit the Golden Lion and most of the Golden Lion's troops!

"There is such a person?"

Roy put down the newspaper, when he looked up again, see a huge red tree in the distance, surrounded by bubbles, the island appeared in front of his eyes.

That was the Shampoo Islands, the starting point of the first half of the Great Voyage.

"Finally arrived ah, Shampoo Island!"

Roy got up and controlled the ship to stop by the dock, and landed on the 21st island as the illegal zone.

Now the ship they are sitting on is not a pirate ship found anywhere and thrown everywhere, this is their own ship, or to be well protected.

Thinking of this, Roy let Planck stay on board.

To be honest, this kind of ship in addition to their own people, no one will engage, so there is nothing to worry about, but the Shambles Island this place, or too chaotic, in case someone smashes the ship?

The first priority is still to find the coating, through the red earth continent, to reach the new world, to find and Bergapunk agreed to that island.

The 23rd island, one of the gathering points of the shipwrights, came here to the pirates are basically prepared for the New World.

Coating can be said to be a very hot industry.

"Coating cost ... that, two, it is said that you still have a steel ship!"

23 area of a ship factory in front of two coated ship workers, after hearing Roy's words also some incredulous question to.

Iron ship? Carried?

"Say the cost!" Roy said flatly, not intending to say anything more.


Since there was money to be made, the two shipwrights didn't talk nonsense and put up two fingers: "Twenty million berries!"

Seeing that Roy and Gianna are two fifteen or sixteen year olds, it seems that they do not know the business, twenty million to knock him a deal.

Plus this is the closest island to the naval headquarters, which pirates dare to make trouble?

Roy has not given his answer, suddenly behind a footsteps, with two coated workers angle, only to see that there are about twenty people, many people exposed arms and tattoos, enough to see their identity.

"Hey! Old man, we blaze pirate group, to coating, quickly give a price, Shampoo Island big girls are still waiting for us!" The leader of a man with a huge skull tattoo on his arm was extremely arrogant and said.

"Captain, just walk all the way, those beautiful boys look at the old mother itching, let's hurry up!" An older woman impatiently said.

"Do not rush, sister Lofa, here is too close to the naval headquarters, trouble, as little as possible, but I heard that there are such places here, later take you!"

Fire Pirates captain Jeronmiah Balde, standing at the front of the team he saw in front of blocking their own Roy and Gianna, arrogant a drink: "Two brats, nothing to get aside!"

Roy glanced at Gianna: "They're scum!"

Gianna will understand, do not know from where to pull out a staff, hands cold ice surge.

A two-meter-long ice flying blade instantly flew out, only a distance of less than three meters between the two, so just an instant, Balder's head was cut off by the ice flying blade.