

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

Roger is the guy who steals the small monster dps


Roger's sword qi swept through, cutting all the hundreds of people in front of him in one breath into two halves, including, among others, Roy.

The sword qi came too fast and too fierce, resulting in no one had time to react before being cut in half.

As for Roy, he did not know what the attribute "dodge" means.

Before and after less than two seconds, the street in the tavern, a large pile of decapitated bodies, bloody to the extreme, originally some live in the street, through the window cracks to look in the public, directly scared to roll to the toilet to throw up.

Roger first felt the destruction of the large vortex spider pirate group, said to himself: "bad, bad, a time did not control the force ..."

Originally only wanted to attack, did not expect a direct jump out of a "99999999999999"!

This is damn, very uncomfortable!

Shanks and others rushed to the tavern door, just found and the big vortex spider pirate group of people, was Roger cut in half of Roy, in a holy light recovery as before.

Shanks they have long been accustomed to such a killing picture, just froze for a moment, there is nothing to say.

Bucky is attracted by Roy's ability, in fact, as the ability to split fruit, even if Roger chopped him a hundred million knife, he will not have things, only to see Roy recovery, he was more shocked, this is the real immortality ah!

"Roger, you seem to have all but destroyed the Great Eddy Spider Pirates ..." tavern door, Reilly stood beside Roger said!

"ah ... within a, I just a moment did not control the force ..." Roger embarrassed scratching his head.

"No, it's not all gone!"

Rejoined back to the body of Roy suddenly opened his mouth to say, carrying a sword to the direction of a house pointed to, only to see the large vortex spider pirate group bearer just got up from the ruins.

Just now, after he was kicked by Roy, very lucky to dodge Roger's chopping, and I do not know whether to count Roy saved his life.

"Ah ... ah ..."

When seeing the corpse of his companion broken into two halves by Roy's feet, Shkuyado was in pain and could not even speak, issuing a hoarse voice from his throat, his heart was already on the verge of collapse, and both creeks fell to his knees at once, snot and tears flowing directly down.

Roy looked at Shkuyado's appearance, shook his head, the ash messenger into the system space, walked to Shkuyado's side, helplessly shook his head, very provocative said: "These can be Roger did, you can not accuse me oh!"

"Hey! Roy!"

Riley frowned helplessly, but did not stop Roy's voice, Roy was angry, although killing these minions is not much reward points, but mosquito legs are mosquito legs, ah, the results are Roger to rob, so angry!

Roy decided to be disgusted with Roger.

"Roger, you are too cruel, the big vortex spider pirate group was so destroyed by you, I just killed a few people just, and you are good, directly to a one-time, you see the little pink hair of people sad! Holy light are blaming you!"

If you use a classic phrase to summarize Roger's mood at this time, it must be: "You make so much sense, I actually have no words to say ..."

Roger himself is a person who is not good at the mouth, more than ninety percent of the large vortex spider is he just single-handedly cut off, said he was all destroyed, there is no problem.

But why, it sounds a little wrong?

"Ooooohhhhhhhh!" Skua how big roar, in Roy's very provocative words, has completely lost his mind, draw his own machete, and rushed like Roger.


Shanks and Bucky two first blocked in front of Roger, but Roger pulled them away as soon as he could, admitting that Shikuyado slashed at him.

Then, Shkuyado's knife was vibrated away!

Colorless and odorless transparent gas armed color, strong batch.

Because of the force of the recoil, Shikuyado fell to the ground, Roger embarrassed to touch the curved beard: "If I say I did not mean to, you will forgive me?"


Shkuyado re-picked up the machete on the ground, when the head slash, directly by Roger with his fingers blocked, helplessly said: "I really did not mean to, and, your partner, also too dish it ..."

Too dish?

Killed my people, but also mocked me, Shikuado more angry, and constantly waved the machete at Roger, while Roger is using his own hands, blocked the attack all.

As Roger blocked the twentieth slash, Roy helplessly put his hand to the back of his head and headed for the tavern: "Roger, I think you'd better finish him off, he's more painful alive than dead! I'll go back in and have a couple of drinks ..."

"Hey! You!"

Bucky some angry looking at Roy, just now exactly what happened, although he Bucky strength is poor, but not the yellow ape like blind plus retarded, just now is that Roy's sword qi caused!

"Who asked you to watch the show, watching the show is to pay the price!" Back inside the tavern to move out a chair, while drinking and watching how Roger intends to deal with this matter.

It's good to have a show to watch.

Two days in a row, the big vortex spider sea captain swallowed a total of thirty-seven times to assassinate and challenge Roger, all ended in failure, the Roger pirates can not bear to kill Shikuado, the thirty-seven times the end of the battle, all let Shikuado.

This afternoon, the twenty-eighth battle. Not only Roger, even the original in the ship to guard the ship's Planck heard about this matter also ran over to watch, guard the ship so great task naturally to Gianna.

"This guy's behavior is really annoying!" Inuyasha looked at drinking and eating meat to watch the show Roy said.

"Hey ~ ~ can't help it, this matter is indeed our responsibility too!" Cat Viper twitched his ears!

"Want to seek revenge on me can come anytime, but until then ..."

Resist Shkuyado a knife Roger with his fingers to press the blade, a fierce force, Shkuyado's machete directly into two: "to their ability to enhance a good."

Shkuyado looked at his broken blade and fell to his knees, with a dull expression on his face, a kind of lifelessness!

"Good, the thirty-eighth battle, declared the end!" Shanks jumped up in excitement.

"This boring battle do not continue, that spider really, obviously the captain does not want to kill him, just leave quickly!" Bucky looked at the distant crawl can not get up Shikuado, disdainfully said!

"I would welcome him to take my head at any time!" Roger laughed: "Only his strength is too poor!"

Seeing this, Roy knew that the matter was coming to an end.

And Planck after a few drinks, Planck was driven back by Roy, because Roy had a hunch that Whitebeard's people should soon arrive, let Planck drive the ship first to leave here, so that if you can not beat after Hearthstone back, this person, sometimes the goose, or to goose a little!