

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

Roger and Roy's encounter

On the other hand, the Navy Headquarters scientific research room.

Although the lack of samples of the curse of blood, resulting in Bergapunk had to divert to other research, but the genius scientist is still very persistent, so he can not forget Roy.

One is the "holy light" particle experiment, one is the Pretender experiment.

Previously in the long ring island and Roger pirates battle results surprisingly excellent, unfortunately, only one step short of the Roger pirates can make the whole army destroyed.

However, even though the result of the battle failed, the experiment turned out to be very successful.

Will not feel the pain of the crazy combat mode, as well as the ability to regenerate by eating fresh flesh and blood, so that Bergapunk is very much looking forward to when you can capture Roy, ask these things properly, in the end where to come from.

However, Bergapunk does not yet have much power, just a genius scientist only, the only thing he can do is to wait, waiting for the government to give him results.

"Dr. Bergapunk, in the new world a strange sea ore was found in a certain sea, the ability to touch, it will seem to touch the sea as off!"

Just at this time, the words of an assistant caught the attention of Bergapunk, quickly walked over, only to see a picture on the experimental apparatus, a seemingly ordinary, but something special stone.

The key is that it is very black, too black, looks very hard, as if "armed color".

Generally speaking, the stone is mixed with a variety of colors, very few very few of this single color of the stone.

And when Bergapunk looked at the pictures of these stones, the other side of the assistant continued to explain: "Because the same as the sea, the ability to disable the role of the ability, so the current discovery group temporarily called him sea stone!

"Oh? There is such a role ah?" Bergapunk's expression stared, instantly turning his attention to this so-called "sea stone" above, "order someone to mine this thing and send me a copy at the first opportunity!"


The water capital, known as the first half of the great sea route one of the large trading city, but also, also gathered the top shipbuilders.

But because the tree is big, resulting in a lot of trade city hostility, so disputes occur from time to time.

"Good, good rotten ..."

The workers responsible for dismantling the ship looked distantly, only to see a warship slowly traveling from afar, and when they saw which ship, they could not help but let out an exclamation.

Roy grabbed the warship, once again because Planck this guy lost the permanent pointer again deviated from the magnetic path once.

But Planck has promised that next time will not lose the permanent pointer, and he has slowly figured out the route of each magnetic path of the great channel, next time even without the permanent pointer, will not deviate from the course.

Indeed, this time they just deviated from the magnetic path, but quickly adjusted, but the quality of this division of the navy ship, really very poor.

Those workers on the shore, engaged in the work of dismantling the ship, dismantling the rotten ship into firewood for recycling, but were also stunned by the appearance of such a ship.

From a distance, the hull did not have two intact planks, the sails were also tattered as rags, such a ship next second to sink into the sea, they would not feel strange.

Many shipwrights put down the business at hand and went in the direction of that rotten ship, with their vision, this kind of ship is definitely to disintegrate right, although I don't know what kind of miracle made them sail here, but the possibility to reach the next island, for 0.

Under the curious gaze of several shipwrights, Roy and Plank slowly walked down from the ship, see seemingly after a young man of less than twenty years old and a middle-aged man, the shipwrights were stunned, although the ship is very broken, but still can see that this is a warship, how to walk down two people who do not look like the Navy.

The shipwrights predicted that these two people, ten ** is a pirate robbed warships, this situation is not unheard of, but two people robbed a warship, they are the first time to see.

"Everyone, please ask, who is the best shipbuilder on this island?" Before the shipwrights could say anything, Roy took the lead and asked politely.

"Er ... on the west side of the island, there is a Tom shipbuilding workshop that is, is the best shipbuilding skill in the whole island." A shipwright replied very nervously, he has marked the two Roy as poor and vicious sea pirates.

Generally this situation, they will choose to recommend to their own or acquaintance's store, and will not tell the truth, but the other party is even the warship dare to rob the pirates, if found to lie, the consequences ...

"West? Got it, may the holy light bless you!" Roy said led Planck to the direction of the shipwright said, a long time later, several people responded, finally a sigh of relief, this kind of guy, they do not want to deal with more.

"Hey, just that guy, did not fix the anchor of the boat ah!" A shipwright looked at the warship Roy was driving and was surprised.

After the ship docked, the anchor should be thrown down and then the dock fixed with a rope, otherwise there was a risk that it would be stolen and floated alive into the distant sea.

"That guy, he doesn't want the boat at all!" The boatman who was talking to Roy explained.

"Hey, another boat is coming! It's even worse than the boat just now!" Suddenly, a boatman looked into the distance and continued to speak.

The crowd turned their heads to look, only to see that there is indeed a ship coming this way, gaze, with a skull logo, is a pirate ship, if just Roy's ship is rotten, this ship can float out of the water even if it is a miracle, the hull in the middle of that big hole, is simply fatal.

"This kind of ship, in the end how to navigate here!" The shipwright swore that this was the first time in his life that he had seen a "sunken ship" that could still sail.

Ordinary civilians have a deep fear of pirates, see the pirate ship, will choose to flee, afraid of being robbed, but, if you pay close attention to the pirate news people can immediately see, recently in the Great Voyage reigning sea pirates, Roger the Pirates logo.

Ten minutes later, the Roger Pirates ship docked and pulled together, the ship's ladder opened, Shanks ran down excitedly, said: "Hey hey hey, finally came here, soon you can go to the New World, right?"

"Do not be too excited, Shanks." Reilly came down from the ship and laughed lightly, "This is very close to the navy headquarters, we must keep a low profile."

Another Roger Pirates Jabba also walked down from the ship, laughing: "Our ship is no longer usable, this time to the Water Capital, just take the opportunity to replace the ship, although very reluctant, but for the sake of navigation, can only do so!"

"How is Roger's situation?" Reilly asked.

"has recovered from the death of his companions, only for the Navy to use that bizarre monster feel very angry, the next battle, the captain is ready to horsepower full!" Jabba laughed to: "In short, let's go to the shipbuilder, Roger Pirates ship, must die the best shipwright to build!"