

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

I'm a fast flyer

In the Marshal's office at Naval Headquarters, Marshal Hollow received two separate messages in the morning.

The morning's news came from Crane's investigation, who had successfully found Alia, the former commander of the King Ekotse** army, in the New World, asked for information about Roy and decided to take her into the army under the name Sally Whitmayne, codenamed "The Precept"!

There was nothing of particular importance in the information that Crane reported about Whitmayne, so Empty also said that he would leave this woman to Crane and did not pay any further attention to it.

Instead, the afternoon street intelligence was that of the main character, Roy, now entering the waters of Lubrum, one of the territories of the Whitebeard Pirates.

According to reliable information, the Whitebeard Pirates are now spending a lot of money to find Roy.

After all, the one who died was the captain of the second team, a veteran crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was not worth being surprised to have such an action.

"That is, Whitebeard and Roy will collide?" Air pondered darkly, unable to predict the outcome of this matter yet, and could only send more men to the Lubrum Strait to deploy as a precaution.

Another piece of news had just arrived that made Empty happy.

Colonel Warring Maru, stationed in the Shambles, had led three air combat machines developed some time ago by Luke of the Scientific Weapons Research Institute of the Navy Headquarters, which had directly killed twelve sea pirates with bounties of over 100 million dollars.

"Luke is really much more reliable than that Bergapunk, such a talent is what the Navy needs!" Empty could not help but sigh up.


New World, Lubrum Sea.

The border of the sea area belonging to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Navy did get hold of Roy's entry into Whitebeard's sphere of influence, and the reason why they could observe so far was thanks to a super long range telescope invented by Luke, which brought great convenience to the Navy's scouting work.

The ultra-long range scouting allowed the Navy to maximise their scouting efficiency, while reducing the Navy's casualty rate to almost zero, so that a normal pirate group, would not be able to detect them at all.

Of course, Roy was actually aware of their existence, but, just didn't want to ask too much.

"Eh? That one is ..."

A one-eyed crippled pirate with binoculars, standing on a patrol platform under another pirate flag with a pointy-skull symbol, in the waters of Lubrum, spotted a large iron ship slowly moving closer this way, and when the other side came a little closer after half a minute, he confirmed that it was the target Pop was looking for - Hammer and Sword crossed, an armoured avatar of the Holy Light Pirates, who had recently made a name for themselves on the ocean.

"Call the police, call the police quickly!"

The one-eyed pirate standing on the patrol platform began to yell to his companions below, and informed the crew below loudly of what he knew.

One of Whitebeard's pirate groups, the Black Duck Pirates, Captain Kazusa heard from his men that Roy was approaching his direction and after a few seconds of shock, made a snap decision and said, "Take cover for now, give me the phone bug and I'll go and inform Pops."

The man who fought to a draw with the hundred beasts Kaido, even the captain of the front rank of the Whitebeard Pirates, could not handle it alone, let alone these half-witted guys whose bounty had just broken 100 million, and it was said that the other two members of this Holy Light Pirates: the Frost Witch and the Ocean Calamity were both with the strength of a lieutenant general, just one of these two men could destroy them.

Soon, nearly a hundred kilometres away from here, on the special ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick, Whitebeard soon received a call from Kazza from the phone bug, and when Whitebeard knew about this, many other members of the Whitebeard Pirates were all present around him.

When they heard of Roy's arrival, they were all filled with righteous indignation and clamoured for the ship to be sailed immediately to take the dog's head off the guy who killed Druzy.

"Slowly, slowly, this fellow must have come here for some reason."

Marco, the captain of the first team, who like Druzy was a veteran of the Whitebeard Pirates, calmed down the emotional crew and analysed, "Whether he really entered our territory with a purpose or just by mistake, this must be properly confirmed."

"Marco, are we to say that if he was a mistake, we should spare him?"

The one who spoke was a very beautiful looking kimono lady big shot who would feel ashamed of herself even if a girl saw her, Ezo, and he and Druzy were a very wanted pair ... so it could be said that she was the one who hated Roy the most on this ship.

"That's not what I meant, Druzy is a dear friend of mine plus he taught me to learn bullying and I want to avenge him so badly!"

Marco crossed his arms and turned his head to Whitebeard who was sitting in the main seat, "Pops can you let me look into it? With my abilities I'll be back and forth in no time!"

Animal, Phantom Beast species, Immortal Bird Fruit ability, Marco, had the ability to fly, and was also extremely good at aerial combat, with this ability, he didn't know how many warships and pirate ships he had taken out.

"Marco, the other side is the one who fought Kaido to a draw, are you alone okay with that?" Bista the Flower Sword asked, rather worried.

Marco half-smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up and said, "Don't worry, even if the other side is Kaido, I can easily escape, besides, this is just a reconnaissance, it will be fine!"

Marco's confidence was well founded, he had never been arrogant enough to think he could beat Kaido, but he was definitely confident that if he wanted to leave, Kaido would never be able to stop him, although Kaido could fly, he flew very slowly ...

What's more, this is the sea, the sky is his home turf.

"Is it okay? Pops?"

Marco had asked to Whitebeard.


Whitebeard laughed out loud, then his eyes glazed over, "My son Marco, then I'm counting on you!"


Marco leapt forward, his upper body burning with greenish-blue flames, and half a second later, he was transformed into a blue firebird flying ahead.

"Little ones, change the direction of the Moby-Dick and respond to Malko and Kazsa and the others!" Whitebeard bellowed after Marco disappeared from view.

"Aye, Pops!"

Where the ship would have taken hours to reach, Marco took no more than half an hour to get there, and he wasn't even flying at full speed to avoid fighting Roy.

As he said, the sky was his home turf, and it was a credit to this ability that he was able to become one of the highest fighting forces in the Whitebeard Pirates now.

Soon, Marco rejoined Kazsa, and on the Black Duck pirate ship, Kazsa first shook Marco's hand in a friendly manner and apologized, "Sorry we avoided him ..."

"No, you guys were right!"

Marco said after releasing his hand, "It won't take much time for Pops and the others to get here, we'll scout before then, if there's a fight I'll stall and wait for Pops and the others to arrive, if I can't carry on I'll fly away on my own, I don't think I can take care of you guys, so take care of yourselves."