
Pirates vs Knights: The Hidden Heir

In a world divided between the noble Knights and the daring Pirates, a hidden heir to the throne emerges from the shadows. Gideon, raised as a pirate's son, discovers his untapped elemental powers. With the fate of his kingdom in his hands, he must navigate treacherous seas, epic battles, and a destiny he never expected. Will he reclaim his royal heritage or forge a new path as the Pirate King? Join Gideon on a thrilling adventure filled with power, loyalty, and the clash of empires in this gripping tale of "Pirates vs Knights."

BensonMusonda19 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Revelations of Treachery: The Parchment's Grim Secrets

Inside the concealed chambers of Xeida's palace, the council of advisors and nobles had been relentlessly pursuing leads, relying on informants to uncover the festivity's true orchestrators. The anticipation in the room was palpable as Lord Thalric, now with a sense of urgency, examined the latest message that had arrived.

"The time has come," Lord Thalric announced with a solemn voice, his eyes focused on the parchment in his hand. "We have the name of the one responsible for the treacherous attack."

Lady Elysia leaned forward, her expression a mix of curiosity and anxiety. "Tell us, Lord Thalric. Who is behind this conspiracy?"

Lord Thalric's gaze shifted to the assembled council members. "It is Lady Isolde of Avaloria," he declared, his voice heavy with revelation. "She is the one who orchestrated the attack on our royal family. And it is with grave news that I reveal that all seven royal kingdoms were involved."

The news sent shockwaves throughout the council chamber. A stunned silence fell over the room as the gravity of the revelation sunk in. The alliances formed among the seven kingdoms, their cooperation in this treacherous act, was a revelation that shook the very core of Xeida.

Council Member Octavia, who had lost loved ones in the treacherous festivity, was the first to speak, her voice filled with righteous anger. "All seven kingdoms... the audacity of such a betrayal. Lady Isolde and her collaborators must be brought to justice."

Lord Thalric nodded, his expression unwavering. "Indeed, Octavia. Justice is imperative. However, the path to justice is fraught with challenges, considering the vast scale of this betrayal. We must tread carefully and consider our next steps wisely."The council's discussion delved into the complexities of dealing with not just one rogue kingdom, but all seven. Their web of intrigue and alliances had grown more intricate, and the revelations about the festivity's treachery had far-reaching implications.

With a dramatic pause, Lord Thalric began, "It is the pirates who have gathered the crucial intelligence. One of their own had infiltrated the Regel Festivity, disguised as a butler. He fled just before the final showdown, but not without a parchment filled with vital information regarding the orchestration."He retrieved the parchment and began to read aloud, the detailed account unraveling before the council:

"The pirate, who had lingered at the Regel Festivity disguised as a butler, knew that things were about to take a dark turn. Sensing the impending chaos and danger, he fled the event. Before leaving, he gathered detailed information on the plan that would bring down the Xeidan royal family. The parchment he carried held the sinister blueprint of the impending massacre, written in detail:


'Once the festivities are in full swing, Lady Isolde will utilize her powerful Telepathy to subdue the Xeidan royal family. Their abilities will be rendered useless. Our alliance, consisting of the seven kingdoms, will play our parts.

'The massacre will be a coordinated effort. The assassins will strike swiftly and with precision. Our aim is to eliminate the Xeidan royals without leaving any survivors. Lady Isolde has emphasized that even the children should not be spared. It is imperative that none of them live to tell the tale of this treacherous night.

'Once the deed is done, Lady Isolde will give a speech, a calculated act designed to divert attention away from our true motives. We shall all act as if we had no part in this atrocity. Unity will be maintained, and our alliance will remain unshaken.


'This chilling document revealed the depth of the conspiracy that had unfolded at the Regel Festivity, showcasing the deliberate plan to wipe out the Xeidan royal family, even the innocent children. The pirate, in his escape, had provided a critical piece of evidence that would unravel the truth behind the treacherous event."

As Lord Thalric revealed the sinister blueprint of the impending massacre, the council members were left in somber contemplation. The details of the plan, the coordination of assassins, and the horrifying directive that not even the Xeidan children should be spared painted a chilling picture.

The depth of the conspiracy was now undeniable, and the truth behind the Regel Festivity's betrayal had begun to emerge. It was a moment that would shape the kingdom's destiny, as the council resolved to confront the perpetrators and seek justice for the fallen royal family.

In the chapters to come, the hidden prince, Gideon, would find himself at the heart of this unfolding story, unaware of his role in Xeida's fate. The council's determination, fueled by the pirate's revelations, would lead them into a confrontation that would reshape the kingdom's future.

The shadows that had concealed the festivity's darkest secrets were slowly lifting, revealing a path fraught with danger and uncertainty. The next chapter would bring the council one step closer to the ultimate showdown, and the tantalizing secrets hidden in the shadows were poised to emerge, unveiling the full truth of that treacherous night.