
Pillar man in Demon Slayer

A JoJo fan dies... meets a Rob.. Rest is history.

Beta_Force · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Do you want to become a Vampire?

"I have a battle in two weeks to determine the leader of the tribe"

I was standing there blankly as I couldn't properly understand what she was implying.

"Can you explain about this mom?" I asked in confusion.

She explained what happened in detail. Apparently, the tribe didn't allow the chief to be a female. So, they pressured my mom to step down from the position and give the chief position to someone.

The strongest candidate was my father's uncle who is considered the strongest after my father. He didn't become the previous leader due to heritage issues.

But my mother was not in favour of this decision. It seems she has some bad blood with my father's uncle Acalan. So, she does not want to give up the leadership.

She challenged Acalan into a duel to determine the leader of the tribe. The winner gets to be the tribe leader and the loser has to comply with the wishes of the winner.

"Mom why is there so much hatred when you speak about Acalan?" I ask curiously.

"That bastard has been eyeing my body ever since I was a child. He even asked me for my hand in marriage when I was 10 years old and he was nearly in his 20s. Even after my marriage, he was still leering at my body. Your father spared his life in consideration for the tribe. He just wants me. The tribe won't be good in his hands" she answered with hatred. I was honestly dumbfounded at this information.

After talking for some time with my mother I was thinking of how to break it down for her. The reason I was in a hurry to create the mask after my father's death is that I want to give my mother a chance to become a vampire.

'I am not too interested in the tribe nor in becoming its leader. It's her mess so she should clean it up. All I can do is give her an opportunity ' I sighed thinking how exactly I am going to do it.

It was soon nightfall. I didn't make up my mind so I went to sleep to handle these matters tomorrow.

'I haven't had a good sleep in a week. Even if my body has a sleepless week my mind can't handle it'

It was in the afternoon that I woke up after an intense sleep last night. After doing some work and training a bit I just decided to be honest with my mother.

I went to her room and noticed it still had traces of my father's stuff. She was training intensely with her sword.

'Even if she is a skilled warrior, her chances are slim for a victory against Acalan who is said to be the strongest second only to my father'

I went inside the room and waited for her to finish her training. It was pretty awkward as my eyes involuntarily went towards her well-toned hands and thighs. I forced myself to focus elsewhere.

Eventually, she noticed me and stopped her training. "What happened Zee? Why are you so tense these past few days? Do you have something to tell me?" she asked in concern.

"Yes mom, I do have something to tell you" I answered further steeling my resolve.

"What is it? Say it. You know I won't judge or scold you" she answered in a gentle and comforting tone.

"Mom I am not an ordinary human" I looked at her in anticipation awaiting her expression. But she appeared as nonchalant as ever.

"Of course, you are not ordinary because you are a gift from God" she answered as matter of fact.

'Oh mother don't attack me with your kindness now and make me even more guilty'

"It's not that mom. I have supernatural powers. I am fundamentally different from ordinary humans" I made my fingers detach themselves from my hands and made them circle in the air like a thread to show her proof.

Quetzal pov

My son was saying weird stuff like he is different from humans, he has powers and such. I thought he was sick when I suddenly saw his fingers dangling in the hair like some strings.

My eyes widened as I couldn't comprehend this phenomenon. How can someone make their fingers like this? Maybe only gods could do it.

"Zee, what happened to your fingers? Are they alright?" I asked in concern.

"As I said mom, I have supernatural powers. This is just a small trick and just a fraction of my power" I couldn't believe it. I honestly need some time to calm down.

After a few minutes, I voiced my doubts "From when have you been like this?"

"Probably from my birth" again I was shocked. Something had happened in my womb that caused my son to become like this.

"Is you not going into the sun also because of this?" I have always been sceptical because he always avoids the sun like a plague.

"Yes, Sun could be considered one of my weaknesses. If I stayed in the sun for a prolonged time I would probably burn" he answered nonchalantly.

'Is my son not being able to enjoy the sun also because of me. He has become blessed and cursed at the same time' I felt a little guilty and scared thinking what would happen if he were to burn away.

Perhaps noticing my emotions he answered "Don't worry mom it is not your fault. It's just how I was born. There is nothing wrong with you" he reassured as a smile unconsciously formed on my face.

"Also I am nearly immortal and only a few things in this world would kill me" again I was shocked would be an understatement. But I am happy that he will be able to live a long time.

"Why tell me now? Why not before" I asked a little curious. But I was glad that he finally decided to tell me.

"Honestly, I didn't want to drag you in this mess. But after dad died I was met with a harsh reality that you could also die anytime. So, I decided to be honest with you" I became a little sad at the mention of Tupoc. But I am happy he is so mature at this age.

"There is also another reason I have come to talk to you about" he said with a firm determination in his eyes.

"What?" I asked subconsciously being dragged into his deep blue eyes.

"Mom do you want eternal life and strength to do as you wish?" I heard that devilish whisper that changed my life forever.