
Phone App: Portable Armory

CIA. FSB. How can I be involved in all of this? How can anything happen so sudden? Is everything has a secret meaning nowadays? Does the government always hiding something from us? Everything went from dealing with street thugs to dealing with a conflict between the CIA and FSB. The clock is ticking. Got to find that nuke fast. --------------------- This book contains a lot of technical terms.

MaxwellKHA · Urban
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240 Chs

Time To Move Out: Part 3

Wednesday, 22th of April 2021. 1400 Hours. Forward Operational Base Temporary Command Center.

"You set up this place really neatly for someone who only gets an hour for decorating," Nathan complimented Aline for taking care of the FOB.

The command center was a basic white room with a meeting table, a projector, a whiteboard, and some other monitors for the sake of giving commands effectively. In there, a laptop was on standby.

All of the contractors still wore their school uniforms and sat down on the chairs that were available in that room.

Lynn was fiddling with her right eye socket that was still hollow since an eye was unavailable for her at the moment. She always used a medical eye patch when she was at school and a black eye patch when she operated.

"Hmm, what's that for?" Clara asked Nathan who was carrying a black tube on his back.