
Phone App: Portable Armory

CIA. FSB. How can I be involved in all of this? How can anything happen so sudden? Is everything has a secret meaning nowadays? Does the government always hiding something from us? Everything went from dealing with street thugs to dealing with a conflict between the CIA and FSB. The clock is ticking. Got to find that nuke fast. --------------------- This book contains a lot of technical terms.

MaxwellKHA · Urban
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240 Chs

Time To Move Out: Part 2

"Alpha, Charlie, Foxtrot, Victor, and Golf, you head downstairs, copy that?" Nathan gave his order as all of the contractors continued running downstairs.

"Copy that boss man. Follow my lead," Laura ran downstairs with her team. They would shock and awe the enemy so hard that they would never think of attacking the school again.

It didn't take a minute until flashbang grenade rounds were exploding on the spot. Laura/Charlie was holding a GM-94 after all so it wasn't surprising that she started blasting the attackers with that.

"X-ray, Tango, Kilo, Serval, and Sierra," I want you to go to the administration room and search for any survivor!" Echo said and five of them immediately jumped from the second floor to save some time instead of going back to the stairs. Clara was no exception with the Carl Gustav on her back.