

reemallawati · Fantasy
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5 Chs



"Whatever just follow me." She led him out of the forest and onto a small hill. Felix looked around in awe at the beauty of this place. Lush, green trees surrounded and towered over him. He could hear trickling water and assumed a river was nearby. The sky was a beautiful azure blue with the occasional fluffy cloud. A glass castle stood on a hill a short walk away.

Phoenix closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh air. She let the familiar feeling of the realm wash over her and calm her down. Then, she opened her eyes and began heading down the hill and towards the gate guarded by two men dressed in armor with long, deadly sharp spears gripped in their hands.

Felix grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Where do you think you're going? They will KILL YOU!"

Phoenix pushed him off and continued her way towards the gate. Felix face-palmed, she was going to get herself killed.

But, as Phoenix approached the gate, she smiled. "Good morning gentlemen."

"Good morning Lady Bolt." Came the reply, and the two men bowed their heads to her respectfully. Felix's mouth dropped open in shock when the guards opened the gates and Phoenix walked through.

She turned around and impatiently gestures for Felix to follow her. Once he caught up with her, she turned to him. "I told you." She flicked her hair behind her and walked up a glass-like path to the castle, with Felix following her.

When the got to the large doors of the castle, Phoenix easily pushed them open and then stepped inside. Once Felix was beside her, she grabbed his arm, closed her eyes and they disappeared in a puff of blue and purple smoke, reappearing in another room.

This room was large and white. There was a huge throne covered in red cushions and silk with golden drapes and tassels. A woman sat atop the throne, dressed in a white dress with purple embroidery. Her golden crown sat atop her head.

As soon as Phoenix and Felix appeared in the hall, her plump pink lips turned upwards into a large smile and she held her arms out wide. Felix watched as Phoenix laughed happily and ran towards the women, enveloping her in a hug.

When they let go, Phoenix sat on the arm of the throne. The other woman looked over at Felix and her eyebrows furrowed. "Nix darling, who is this?"

"This is Felix. He followed me here." Phoenix gestured for Felix to come closer. "Felix, this is Queen Sandra. She rules this realm."

"Welcome to Fines Pacis." She held out her hand, expecting him to kiss it, but he shook it instead. "Sweetheart take him with you to training, you cannot leave him here."

"Of course my Queen. Anything you want my Queen." Phoenix replied mockingly. Sandra narrowed her eyes and swatted the girl, who dodged it, laughing. She grabbed Felix's arm and saluted before flashing away in another puff of smoke.

"Woah." Felix looked around as they landed outside again, but this time it was in the woods behind the castle.

Phoenix clicked her fingers and her outfit changed to some black trousers, paired with a thin black tank. Over that she had a long blue cloak that stopped at her knees, and leather boots replaced her trainers.

Her jacket glimmered in the sunlight and Felix was intrigued by it. "What is that made out of?"

"Dragon Skin. Occasionally, we find a dead dragon, so we use its skin and sometimes the blood to make things."

"Dragons exist?!" Felix's voice became higher pitched. "They're here?"

"No silly, they're in Speluncam Draconis."


"That means Dragon Den or cave in Latin. It's in another realm, no need to worry." She waved her hand nonchalantly.

"You know Latin?"

"It's a requirement here. Now, duck." She said seriously. Felix immediately ducked, and he felt something whoosh over his head, ruffling his hair slightly.

When he looked up, he saw Phoenix gripping a spear that was only slightly shorter than her and had a deadly sharp tip. She grinned and flipped it in her hand.

"Holy crap!" Felix screeched, backing away. "YOU HAVE A FUCKING SPEAR?!" He was getting hysterical now.

"This old thing? Yeah, it used to be my mother, but now it's mine and it's my pride and joy. My baby."

"Does it have a name?"

"Does it have a name? What the fuck do you mean does it have a name? Are you being serious right now? This isn't Westeros." Suddenly, she tensed up and gripped her spear tightly.

"Yo, chill." He smiled lazily. And as soon as those words were uttered, someone knocked him to the floor and he let out a shrill, girlish scream causing Phoenix and whoever attacked him to burst out laughing.

He got up and expected to see Phoenix fighting the person who knocked him over, but instead she was high-fiving him with a smile on her face.

His attacker was a man around their age. He had tanned skin and dark brown hair. Somehow he managed to make it look good. He looked good. No that he liked him or anything, Felix wasn't gay, not that there was anything wrong with being gay, there wasn't! He just wasn't gay, at all. He wasn't attracted to the man.. at all.

The man was dressed in black trousers and a black vest. He had a sword tucked into a holster that was slung over his back. The man looked at Felix. "I felt all that sister."

Felix snapped his fingers. "Whatcha say sister?" Phoenix was by now crying tears of laugher and Felix was trying hard not to laugh.

"STOP!" Phoenix cried out. The man looked over at her.

"Sorry Nix. How have you been?"

"Alright thanks. You?"

"Peachy." He winked.

"Hey! Yeah, I'm fine too, thanks for asking." Felix huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Shush Felix." Phoenix flicked her wrist in his direction and sealed his mouth. He tried to talk but nothing would come out. Felix's eyes widened, and he ran around like a headless chicken.

Phoenix smirked, admiring her handiwork and the man gave her a high-five. She flicked her wrist again and Felix's mouth unsealed. He glared at the blue haired girl who was smirking at him.

"Fuck you Phoenix."

"No thanks."

Felix's cheeks grew red and he stumbled over his words, stuttering. This caused Phoenix's smirk to grow and she snorted.

"AAAANNNNYYYYWWWWAAAAYYYYSSSSS, Felix, this is my best friend and trainer, Carter. Carter dear, this is Felix. An imbecile from school who followed me here."

"Hey!" Felix yelled, but he quickly shut his mouth once Phoenix gave him a look that said, 'I can do what I want, and if you try and stop me, I will make your life hell'.

"Anyways, Nix, you want to show this kid what we can do?" Carter smirked at his friend.

A malicious smile graced her lips. "It would be my genuine pleasure."