

reemallawati · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"I'm so done with you!" Phoenix spat out, her blue hair escaping from her loose ponytail and trailing down the sides of her face. She grabbed her backpack and headed towards the door.

"Oh no you don't. You don't get to just walk out of here!" Another woman yelled as Phoenix opened the door.

"Listen and listen well. You are not my mother, nor are you anyone who has any authority over me, or that I would listen well. You are in no fucking position to tell me what to do or lecture me! So I'm going to say this once, do not try to control me or tell me what to do, because it will not end very well for you. I will do what I want, whenever I want, and you should be grateful I haven't told my father about this. Because you know that he will believe me over you." With those final words, she left the house and slammed the door shut behind her.

She sighed and tightened her leather jacket around her. And headed to the forest. As she walked along a path in the forest, she heard a rustle in one of the bushes and ignored it. Probably just a snake.

Soon enough she reached a cave. Phoenix didn't even stop, she just continued walking straight into the darkness. Once she was far enough in that the outside light didn't get to her, she held her hand out and concentrated with her eyes closed.

When she opened them, there was a blue fireball sitting in her palm and she used it to guide her way further down the path that Sandra had made to guide her to the other realm.

Suddenly someone tackled her to the ground. Phoenix immediately reacted and flipped the person over, holding their hand in her fiery hand. They yelped, and she let go, shining the light onto their face.

It was a boy. One her age, from her school. She recognized him as Felix Lazarus. Phoenix got up and dusted herself off with her free hand before looking down at him.

"What the hell?!" She hissed. He stood and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, rolling his eyes.

"Don't you 'what the hell' me!"

"What the hell are you doing here you dipshit!"

"I saw the quiet girl from school head to forest and I just had to follow you! But then your hand caught on fire and I had to save you!" Felix spoke, moving his arms around his head animatedly.

"My hand didn't catch on fire idiot. I can control it. See!" She held her hand out and moved the fireball in it, before clenching her fist and making it flicker. She unclenched it and let the flame roar back to life. "Let me see your hand."

He held out his burned hand and she waved her free hand over it, causing the burn to disappear. Felix gaped at her. "Wha- how?!"

Phoenix winked. "Magic."

"You're a witch!" He gasped.

"Good luck convincing people. No one is going to believe you. Now, good-fucking-bye." She waved and pushed past him and walked straight through the wall. Felix blinked in shock and decided to follow her.

When he emerged on the other side, he was met by something that left his mouth gaping open in awe. "Woah."