
Phoenix Rebirth

Coming soon! Don't wanna right now.

EldurJaalind · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Fated Mistake

I am, well... Normal I guess... Not much to me other than my intelligence... I guess I am a bit of a recluse, but that's fine, I only really need the people close to me... I thought to myself as I crossed the street.

"Mathew! Make sure to watch for cars!" My mother said. She can be a bit overprotective. After all, I'm a teen, if I don't know to watch for cars by now there must be something wrong. Whatever...

As I stepped off of the sidewalk I heard a loud screech of tires, and suddenly I was hit by something. The force of the impact caused my body to stop responding, but I could still feel everything as my thoughts raced.

The pain... It was as if my side was on fire, it was the place where the object had hit me after all. I could tell I was bleeding. Externally and internally, the agony was killing me... Well, maybe it wasn't the agony, but I could tell I was dying.

My vision began to darken as the searing pain began to recede. Well, at least I will be able to be at peace, and my pain will fade, right? My vision began to clear as I opened my eyes again. I thought I wouldn't be able to see, given that I should be dead...

I looked in front of me and saw an old man with a long beard that covered the majority of his lower face area. He reminds me of the classical depictions of God...

"Welcome, Mr. Lockwin." He said as he scratched his beard. "As you have likely already deduced, I am God." He said as he lowered his hand.

God? Talking to me? I guess one of the religions was correct then. Not that I didn't particularly believe in one, I was agnostic. Basically, I wasn't sure if there was or was not a God, I remained neutral and learned bits and pieces about various religions. Some made sense while others... Let's just say they made less sense...

"I am real and I am here. You are one of the few I have chosen as a candidate for reincarnation." He said.

Reincarnation? Wait, no. He just read my mind. Well, then again, he is God, so...

"That is correct. If you choose to reincarnate, you may choose an ability to reincarnate with as well as a few..." He stopped for a moment.

This is God, shouldn't he already know how to word his statements? My pondering was cut short by the continued speech of the omnipotent being in front of me.

"Conditions you may add. The ability you choose will be limited, however, if you take some negative conditions, I will allow you to increase the power of your ability. Also, if you choose positive conditions it will not decrease the original amount of power you could have in your ability, however, anything added to the original amount will be subtracted based on the positive." He explained.

I see. Quite interesting if you ask me. What do I want? Not like I ever wanted much. Plus, I could always just go to the afterlife...

"Take your time, we have an infinite amount of it." God said. He is correct, obviously.

I mean, I could get a system, but the system I have in mind would be a bit over the top for what is available, given the fact that the ability can't be too overpowered...

"Remember, you can take negatives." God said.

"Right, and what negatives would it take for what I have in mind? A dynamic system that creates abilities as I come up with them, of course, it also has base abilities, that I can buy using points that I accumulate?" He asked.

"Quite the ability you have in mind. It would require quite a bit, for how overpowered it is. I'll let you come up with a solution." He said.

Well, I would've preferred a prebuilt negative, but whatever. There are various paths I could take with this. Small negative, large negative, using the negative to my advantage in some way... Wait, I can do that technically... Though the mental strain may be a bit much...

"Have you decided?" He asked. I shook my head, unsure of my resolve.

I would effectively be immortal, but that's not the mentally straining part. I would reincarnate every time I die, retaining all my memories and a portion of my strength. Every time I die, my soul would be split in half, of course, my soul would regenerate and be identical to how it was before while the other half would go and live another life and be 50% new soul. I retain their memories and experiences, of course, this means that I could potentially gain unwanted trauma.

Let's say the other half of my soul is reincarnated as the child of an abusive parent. I would gain that trauma. That would suck. Is it worth it? I mean, my life was cut short and I'm being offered another chance with an overpowered ability so long as I take some negatives...

Then again this could be too much...

"If you are worried about the ability not being worth the negative, the do not worry, it will scale with the negative." God informed me.

I guess that leaves how to gather points... I could use the number of reincarnations I've had as the way to get points. Based on the number I am on I gain a certain amount, but how many would I garner based on the number of reincarnations?

Is this a good choice? No, I'm overthinking it, if I continue I'll get trapped in analysis paralysis, but what if I don't think enough and it backfires? Also, what will decide where my other 'incarnations' reincarnate?

"If you go with that negative, the reincarnation's time period and location will be randomized. furthermore, the value of points per reincarnation will go up by ten per reincarnation that you stayed in past the age of ten. You will not gain points unless you have gone past the age of ten." God said. Quite informative.

"Alright... Then... I think I'll go with that whole mess of information." I said.

"Right. As a management procedure, I will assign an archangel to you." He said as he snapped his fingers.

A portal opened after he snapped and out walked a girl with white hair and white wings. Her wings have a few orange feathers and she is wearing a white dress.

"Yes, my Lord?" She asked God in a monotone voice.

"I will be placing you as the manager of this boy and all of his 'incarnations', there is no uniform as opposed to your current job. You will also gain your own sub-realm that you may decorate however you wish." God said.

"I will take the job happily." She said instantly in the same tone as before.

"Mathew, this is Koyuki, when you die, you will speak to her. She will also manage all of your iterations." God explained. "She is still rather new as an angel, so give her some time to get used to it." God said. Koyuki walked over to me, then inspected me.

"He died in pajama pants, his hair is messy, and he was walking across the street. Is he incompetent as a member of society?" She asked.

Harsh was the only word that came to mind. Will I be able to handle having her as my manager? Then again, it may just be a part of the negative...

"No need to worry, it is not part of the negative. And Koyuki, remember to be vigilant and pay close attention to everything. It may take a while, but you will be very busy." God informed both of us.

Not a negative, eh? Well, whatever, I got a shiny new ability and some cool things, time to live again. I think. Why haven't I left yet?

"Alright, now that we have all of that out of the way. Enjoy your next life, Mathew Lockwin." God said as my vision began to fade once more. Before I knew what was happening, I was being born.