
Phase Shift : Mirage Sessions

The State of Arcadia is commanded by the Empress, who has ruled with an iron hand for decades. Several institutions exist in this state. Among them, the Institute that trains students in the mastery of the "Astra", a new energy to achieve superhuman feats. Kira Leonhart joins this school along with a strange girl who fearlessly says she wants to become the next empress. Their paths are fated to cross.

Aleister_Leonhart · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 - Alma Tempest

-" Green hair...Medium height...Jaded look...That's him. The Nova, Zeta. "

Kira Leonhart was not willing to talk with this strange girl with glasses. But at the mention of the name "Zeta", he quickly changed his mind. The girl quickly caught his attention after mentioning the name. Kira gave up the idea of moving on and concentrated on the mysterious girl. Seisa was a few meters away, observing the scene. She wondered what that brown girl could have said.

-" I unfortunately couldn't let you go until I know what you know about Zeta. "Kira said, in a threatening tone.

-" So I was right..."

-" Hurry up. How do you know about this? "

-" ... "

Seisa Alucard thought it best to get closer to Kira and this girl. One was not sure of anything, after all. Although she trusted Kira's strength, one should never rely on the appearance of others. Even behind a small child could hide the cruelest of serial killers.

Adjusting her glasses, she continued:

-" Don't worry. I'm not after you. "

-" ... "

-" I'm looking for someone else. A certain ''Sekiro''. Do you know him, by any chance? "

-" You really think I'm going to let you off that easy? Tell me what you know about Zeta. "

-" Since you insist... I know about the Nova, more or less. Because my target is one of them. So I did some research on the other Novas. I know three of them at the moment, including you. "

-" ... "

-" If you'll excuse me...I have to go. "

The mysterious girl took a few steps forward to be interrupted by Kira:

-" You didn't answer my question. "

-" Ho?"

-" Therefore, I can't let you go. "

The young brunette began to feel a tremendous pressure. It was as if an entire universe had been placed on her head. But she was resisting this pressure well. Too well, even. Seisa was also under pressure from Kira. But in her case, it was as if she felt nothing at all.

-" You are intimidating...I like boys like you..." She said.

-" ... "

-" Hey. I have some questions to ask you. " Kira asked, completely relaxed.

-" I don't have to answer you. "

-" ... "

-" I wonder why you care about all this. Surely you have a life here. Are you willing to throw it away to fight a common Bounty Hunter? "

-" ... "

-" Are you quiet? Are you afraid? "

-" No."

-" You are strange... "

-" ... "

Kira addressed Seisa:

-" Seisa. Leave us alone. "

-" Don't give me orders. " replied the redhead.

-" Yeah, yeah..."

Despite her answer, Seisa went further away, leaving Kira and the brunette girl alone. The latter didn't really understand what Kira was trying to do.

-" If it's a date you want, I'm telling you right now, it's a no! "

-" It's not that. "

There was a bench not far away, near some trees, not far from a street lamp. Obviously, there was a park nearby. Kira walked towards this bench and beckoned the girl to follow him. She did so without fear, though suspicious. She sat down right next to Kira who had his arms crossed.

-" You said something that interested me earlier. Who is this Sekiro, exactly? "

- "I think I already told you that I don't have to..."

-" I'll do what you want. But for now, tell me what I would like to know. "

-" Peh, I don't even know your name. "

-" You know Zeta well, don't you? It's weird that you don't know my real name. "

-" Coming back to Sekiro, he's a member of Novae, like you. But basically, he belongs to the Six-Over. "

-" The Six-Over? "

-" It's a group of six very influential people in this world, knowing that they don't belong to any state or international organization like the Aeon Genesis. They are really feared and have bounty on thieir head. So much so that even the Aeon Genesis and the Union of Magi prefer to keep an eye on them. The ones I know of are Sekiro and Aleph Sprengel. "

- "They look dangerous. And you go after these kinds of threats? "

-" I have a score to settle with Sekiro. I intend to eliminate him, even if it costs me my life. "The girl with glasses affirmed.

-"...You speak of life very lightly. "

-" What do you mean? "

Kira who had been looking at the ground until then raised her gaze to the black sky.

-" Personally, I think life is great. "

-" What do you mean? "

-" Mh. I'm just saying that for a living person, there's nothing more important than life. "

Kira's eyes were really empty when he said that. He was as if lifeless.

-" It would be weird to see a dead person talk about life like that. "

-" A dead person, eh? Are you suggesting that I'm talking to a ghost? Haha! "

-" Not really. But sort of, yes."

-" The way you talk, you'd swear you did! I wonder what your greatest wish could be, with a personality like that. "

-" Can you guess? "

-" Mmh.... "

-" Well?"

-" Women and wealth...maybe? "

-" Is that all a man could want? "

-" I suppose... Come on, tell me. "

Kira rose from the bench, and a strong, cool breeze blew through the place.

-" What would make me happy would be...My funeral. "

The unfamiliar brunette had looked at her with a surprised look. She had been surprised by Kira's expression when he had said that. He seemed perfectly serene. One could feel that it was really his will. And for the first time since she had met him and they had spoken, Kira had smiled. And it was a genuine smile. There was no stress in her eyes. It was really the first time she had ever seen someone make a wish like that.

It was so strong though. She understood that with the pressure he put on her. Plus, he was a Novae.

-" You look really strong...I don't understand how someone so strong could want to die so badly. "

-" If strength alone was enough to make someone happy, I think the world would be a bland place. My redheaded friend probably thinks differently, though. "

-" The other redhead? "

-" Yeah. Don't tell her about what we said. That's a subject she doesn't like very much. "

Seisa for her part was on a building, lying down. She was just looking at the sky. She liked the cold night air. She displayed a serious look, as if something was worrying her.

Kira judged that he had nothing more to say to this girl. But he asked her one last thing:

-" Your name?"

-" My name is Alma. Alma Tempest. "

-" I see. It was nice to meet you. If I had a daughter, I would have wanted to give her the same name. "Kira said as he began to walk away.

Alma watched Kira slowly walk away, inexpressive. It was then that something occurred to her.

-" He looks like my brother, before. "She thought.

My brother...This sword is not for Sekiro. It's for you. I found it especially to fight you. Even if I have to cut you to pieces, I will bring you home. You fool. But first, I have to go to Victoria City. The Merchant will surely have some information about Sekiro.

--Saturday, July 12, 1998

--The morning, about seven o'clock.

It was only six o'clock, but the sun was already very bright. Its golden light passed through the branches and leaves of the trees and produced a lovely effect on the ground. Any nature lover would love to stand next to the trees forever, and watch the bright rays illuminating the area. Kira wasn't really one, but he enjoyed this kind of show. For example, he loved it when the morning sun rays came through the windows. He also really liked the greyness.

There was someone next to him. Seisa Alucard, his companion.

She was leaning against the tree and seemed to be sleeping. There was no stress or anxiety on her face. She was sleeping like a newborn baby. This was one of her weakest moments. A time when she didn't display her superior air of self-proclaimed Empress. Kira was sitting right next to her. He must have been awake for quite some time. His jacket was not on him. He had used it instead to cover Seisa as best he could.

Then at some point, Kira looked at Seisa for a moment, then got up and left.

A few minutes later, Seisa woke up.

She opened her eyes slowly, without hurrying. And she became aware of the place where she was. There were many trees and greenery. Some houses could be seen a little further away. It had to be a neighborhood. It took her a little while to be fully awake.

- "Kira...? "

She had instinctively said Kira's name. But he was already gone. So she realized that there was something covering her. She quickly understood why her first thought was directed at Kira. The first scent she had smelled was hers.

- "Mmh..."

Kira took off Kira's black jacket and looked at it with disgust.

-" Who does he think he is, this ignoramus? "The redhead asked herself.

Seisa threw Kira's jacket on the floor with a "Hm. "and started to move away from the area. But gradually, she slowed down, until she stopped walking. She turned around and saw the suit that she had ruthlessly thrown on the ground when it had probably covered her all night. Seisa felt a little guilty.

-" Hmm..."

She retraced her steps and picked up the robe. Even though there was no one to look at her, she looked very embarrassed. She even thanked the heavens inwardly that Kira had not witnessed this scene.

-" It's all dirty and smelly. Gah..."

Seisa shook her head, as if to signify that she had finally come to her senses.

-" I'm a little dirty too...I haven't washed since yesterday. It's time for a good bath. "

But there was one thing she hadn't noticed.

-" What have you been doing since earlier? "

Seisa was as if petrified. The voice she had just heard was not just anyone's. It belonged to Kira Leonhart. It belonged to Kira Leonhart. He was sitting on one of the branches of the tree, high up. Silent, he had watched the scene from the moment Seisa woke up. He had surely come back from where he had left, very quickly.

-" You...! " Seisa shouted before running off with the jacket.

She had surely forgotten to give it back to Kira. The latter was satisfied with a sigh.

[St. Mark's Orphanage]

There were a lot of people gathered in front of the orphanage. It was about forty men. They were all armed, and they were standing in front of the orphanage, seemingly waiting for something. And in front of them was an unfriendly looking man, Raiga. But despite all the noise they were making, no one was coming out. From all the houses around the Orphanage, no one had come out. Everyone was probably too scared to come out.

And Raiga was getting impatient.

But finally, someone came out of the house.

However, it was not what everyone expected.

The person who came out of the house was a little girl who was about eight years old. Her hair was black. It was the same girl that Kira had seen when he went to that orphanage. Her name was Izaya.

-" What do you want? " She questioned, with all her courage.

-" ... "

-" ... "

-" ... "

The men behind Raiga were about to start talking, but their boss instantly signaled them not to say anything, with his hand.

-" Tell me, kid. Where is the sister who takes care of this orphanage? "

- "Sister Sarah...Has gone to get herbs to cure our little brother..."

-" Hehe...I see. You see...We have some things to tell Sister Sarah. I hope you don't mind if we settle down. " Said Riga gently, to put the child in confidence.

-" No. We don't know you..."

-" ... "

Izaya was a little scared on her side. But she was the bravest of the children. So it was up to her to face these children.

-" I've played enough. Guys...tear this place apart. That old witch will come out of hiding all right. "